* Atleast Project Title is Required.
Project No. |
Project Title |
Emerging Technologies for Digitization/Digitalization and International Regulatory Cooperation
Project Status |
Project in Implementation
Publication (if any) |
Fund Account |
APEC Support Fund
Sub-fund |
ASF: Digital Innovation
Project Year |
Project Session |
Session 1
APEC Funding |
Co-funding Amount |
Total Project Value |
Sponsoring Forum |
Sub-Committee on Standards and Conformance (SCSC)
Topics |
Conformance; Standards; Digital Economy
Committee |
Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI)
Other Fora Involved |
Digital Economy Steering Group (DESG)
Other Non-APEC Stakeholders Involved |
Proposing Economy(ies) |
United States
Co-Sponsoring Economies |
Australia; Canada; Japan; Peru; Chinese Taipei; Viet Nam
Expected Start Date |
Expected Completion Date |
Project Proponent Name 1 |
Diana Hajali / Ann Katsiak
Job Title 1 |
International Trade Specialist / Chief of Party, US-SEGA Project
Organization 1 |
U.S. Department of Commerce / Cadmus Group
Postal Address 1 |
Not Applicable
Telephone 1 |
+1 202-893-6495 / +1 703-516-7743
Fax 1 |
Not Applicable
Email 1 |
Diana.Hajali@trade.gov / Ann.Katsiak@cadmusgroup.com
Project Proponent Name 2 |
Not Applicable
Job Title 2 |
Not Applicable
Organization 2 |
Not Applicable
Postal Address 2 |
Not Applicable
Telephone 2 |
Not Applicable
Fax 2 |
Not Applicable
Email 2 |
Not Applicable
Declaration |
Diana Hajali
Project Summary |
Past APEC Leaders’ Declarations have emphasized the importance of the transition from an informal to a formal economy and its role in improving access to economic opportunities, global markets, and services. Given this growing focus on technology and innovation, it’s opportune for APEC economies to leverage available emerging technologies to facilitate the transition to a digital economy. This project will focus on building capacity through a workshop on the use of emerging technologies, specifically artificial intelligence, blockchain, and cloud computing, for digitization and digitalization processes and the applicability to Good Regulatory Practices (GRP), specifically international regulatory cooperation. The workshop will connect regulators and government officials, as well as private sector stakeholders, to highlight how government regulators can use technologies to convert paper documents, such as technical regulations, standards, or testing and conformity assessment-related documents, into a digital format and streamline processes for information access and sharing through document inventories.
Relevance |
Benefits to Region | This project seeks to address roadblocks that prevent APEC economies from fully leveraging existing emerging technologies to reduce trade disruptions and strengthen regulatory alignment. As the global economy becomes more digital, trade processes should keep up with the transition to prevent lags, delays, or misalignment and to improve access to information. This project aims to expand APEC economies’ digital toolkit by providing new and illuminating methods to convert documents such as technical regulations, standards, or testing and conformity assessment-related documents from paper to digital and improve government-to-government system connectivity within economies. This workstream will build on existing APEC priorities of promoting the digital economy through innovation and digitalization. | Eligibility and Fund Priorities | This project is within the scope of the Digital Innovation Sub-fund, specifically the Internet and Digital Economy Roadmap, as it contributes to the following priority area of “supporting inclusive, integrated and sustainable growth [through] ongoing support for APEC economies to improve the growth of the digital economy in the Asia-Pacific region.” In further alignment with the Digital Innovation Sub-fund, this project focuses on promoting innovation and the adoption of enabling technologies and services to facilitate the free flow of information and data in addition to the development of new digital processes that increase interoperability, connectivity, and international regulatory cooperation. | Capacity Building | This project is in line with APEC’s goals for capacity building across economies and innovation-focused perspective by recognizing the varying levels of development, access to technology, and regulatory advancement among APEC economies. This project supports capacity-building needs for APEC economies by exchanging knowledge on several kinds of emerging technologies that would be useful for digitization/digitalization and the transition to a digital economy. By highlighting several technologies, this project acknowledges potential differences in technological advancement among the economies and aims to enhance dialogue and cooperation both between government regulators and the public and private sectors (including SMEs) to ensure the highest level of inclusivity. The project also provides opportunities for economies to share their knowledge, experiences, and existing or planned work on the digital economy and the use of the identified emerging technologies for related processes and international regulatory cooperation. The project is expected to be relevant to both digitally advanced economies, but also developing ones that are interested in increasing their knowledge in the space and actively implementing lessons and use cases learned. |
Objectives |
This project recognizes the varying levels of development, access to technology, and regulatory advancement among APEC economies and aims to leverage digital tools to support international regulatory cooperation. The workshop will facilitate cooperation among APEC economy regulators by providing them with tools to streamline digital document creation and online document inventories and allow for information sharing across government-to-government systems within economies, which in turn benefits the trend towards a global digital economy. The long-term impact is to help align digital developments across the APEC region through the sharing of best practices which ultimately strengthen international regulatory cooperation.
Alignment |
APEC | This work is in line with both the 2021 and 2022 APEC Leaders’ Declarations, which emphasize the role of digital technology and innovation in ensuring access to global | | markets and services to better the livelihoods of people and encourage the transition from an informal to a formal economy. Further, the draft 2024 APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting Key Elements Table (KET) of the proposed roadmap on the transition to the formal and global economy identifies possible APEC workstreams under the Aotearoa Plan of Action (APA) Collective Actions specifically around the areas of “digitalizing border processes facilitated by application of internationally recognized standards, strengthening customs cooperation…and promot[ing] cost-effective mechanisms that support cross-border business-to-business engagement, including through electronic transactions…” This project also aligns with broader APEC objectives to support innovation and interconnectedness through the APEC Putrajaya Vision 2040 and the APEC Connectivity Blueprint. The Digital Infrastructure and Transformation objective of the Aotearoa Plan of Action under the Innovation and Digitalization driver of the Putrajaya Vision 2040 is a natural fit for this project due to its focus on accelerating the digital transformation and facilitating the flow of data. Lastly, this project continues relevant topics discussed at the 26th Conference on GRP hosted by the U.S. under the SCSC in 2023. | Forum | An aspect of the SCSC’s mission is to reduce technical barriers to trade and promote GRPs in the preparation, adoption, and application of standards, technical regulations, and conformity assessment procedures. The SCSC has historically introduced topics of importance surrounding GRP and this project specifically continues previous iterations of workshops focused on emerging technology, including a workshop on greenhouse gas emissions measurement in 2023. Also in 2023, the SCSC adopted the Blueprint for Advancing Good Regulatory Practices in the APEC Region. Items in the Blueprint that are directly relevant to this project include minimizing trade disruptions, ensuring that regulations are published and/or made easily accessible online, acknowledging external conditions such as technological advances, and promoting technical information and knowledge exchange between regulators and interested persons. |
TILF/ASF Justification |
Beneficiaries and Outputs |
Capacity Building Workshop | The one-day, APEC-wide capacity building workshop, scheduled on the margins of the Third APEC Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM3) , provides a platform for members to exchange knowledge on emerging technologies useful to the transition to a digital economy. The workshop will take place in Lima, Peru. Workshop session topics will include leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to convert paper documents, such as technical regulations, standards, or testing and conformity assessment-related documents, into a digital format; Securing digital documents and accompanying data in testing and conformity assessment processes and Cloud computing and its applicability for strengthening international regulatory cooperation. The full day agenda will wrap with a closing session to discuss next steps and key elements from the day’s discussions for APEC economies to take forward. By addressing differences in technological advancement, the workshop aims to build capacity and enhance cooperation between government regulators and the public and private sectors (including SMEs). It will provide regulators with tools to streamline digital document creation and manage online document inventories, facilitating information sharing across government systems within economies and supporting the move towards a global digital economy. The workshop will foster international regulatory cooperation and the implementation of best practices across both advanced and developing economies. The project overseers will ensure that participants and attendees are connected following the workshop, in addition to conducting a follow up survey to measure participants’ application of lessons learned. The workshop survey will be conducted immediately following the workshop to capture feedback from participants. Participants will be encouraged to share experiences, seek assistance, and collaborate with peers to sustain momentum and reinforce workshop learnings, fostering a supportive environment conducive to continuous improvement and long- term success. | Workshop Summary Report | The 3-5 page workshop summary report submitted to the Secretariat would provide a comprehensive overview of the discussions, presentations, and findings of the one-day, APEC-wide capacity building workshop. It would begin with an executive summary highlighting the key points discussed and the main conclusions drawn during the workshop. The report would then provide a detailed account of the topics covered and may include appendices with supplementary materials such as presentation slides, workshop agendas, and participant lists. Overall, the workshop summary report would serve as a valuable resource for participants, policymakers, and stakeholders interested in advancing digital initiatives within the APEC region and beyond. This report will not be an APEC publication. | Outcomes1) Knowledge Sharing - By bringing together APEC members to engage in peer-to-peer learning, the workshop facilitates the transfer of knowledge. Participants can share expertise, experiences, and best practices regarding emerging technologies and their applications in digitalization, enriching the collective understanding of digital transformation within the APEC community. 2) Enhanced Capacity - The workshop equips participants with practical skills and knowledge that enable them to effectively implement emerging technologies for digitalization within their respective sectors or organizations, thereby enhancing their capacity to drive digital innovation and economic growth. 3) Inclusivity and Awareness - The workshop promotes inclusivity by addressing differences in technological advancement among economies and raising awareness of the importance of digital inclusion in promoting equitable economic development across the APEC region. 4) Innovation and Adaptation - Participants learn about innovative approaches and solutions in digitization and are encouraged to adapt these ideas to their own contexts, driving innovation and digital transformation within their economies. 5) Policy Development and Harmonization - Insights shared during the workshop inform the development of policies, regulations, and standards related to the digital economy, fostering an enabling environment for innovation, investment, and cross-border trade within the APEC region. Such discussions can also lead to efforts to harmonize policies and regulations across APEC economies, which promotes consistency, transparency, and efficiency in cross-border information sharing and trade, thereby facilitating economic integration and growth within the region. BeneficiariesThe primary beneficiaries are APEC economy regulators, representatives from trade ministries, and industry representatives. The project aims to be inclusive to all economies regardless of current technological advancement levels. Additional beneficiaries include stakeholders in multilateral fora and academic and research institutes. The beneficiaries will be engaged in the workshop either as speakers or through sharing best practices and use/implementation case studies. Consumers across the APEC region could also benefit.
Dissemination |
The target audience of the workshop outputs includes regulators, government officials, and private sector stakeholders focused on digitalization, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and cloud computing. The workshop summary report will be circulated to relevant APEC forum for information. The Workshop Summary Report summarizing key finds and recommendations can reach the target audience via APEC’s social media channels, the APEC Project Database, and direct email distribution to member economies.
Gender |
Please see Project Proposal in Supporting Documents folder.
Work Plan |
Please see Project Proposal in Supporting Documents folder.
Risks |
Please see Project Proposal in Supporting Documents folder.
Monitoring and Evaluation |
Please see Project Proposal in Supporting Documents folder.
Linkages |
This workshop will continue the theme of previous SCSC workshops on the topic of emerging technologies and build on APEC objectives to support innovation and interconnectedness through the APEC Putrajaya Vision 2040 and the APEC Connectivity Blueprint. The workshop also builds on relevant topics discussed at the 16th Conference on GRP hosted by the U.S. under the SCSC in 2023 and is within the scope of other work under the SCSC, including within the Digital Economy Steering Group.
Sustainability |
The progress and outcome will be measured by how effectively APEC economies utilize and leverage the key messages, shared experiences, and findings from the capacity building workshop. Indicators of success include expanding regulatory practices to consider digitization/digitalization, integrating emerging technologies to enhance service delivery, protecting public interests, ensuring access to quality digital services, reducing barriers for service providers, and facilitating trade. Additionally, requests for follow-on capacity building assistance will be tracked. The principal mechanism for evaluating the outputs and outcomes will be feedback forms distributed at the workshop's closing. Participants will be asked to rate the relevance of workshop topics and approaches to their job responsibilities and their potential to apply new concepts or ideas to their daily work. This feedback will be compiled and summarized by the Project Overseers and presented to members for review to ensure continuous improvement and to plan future initiatives.
Project Overseers |
Diana Hajali is an International Trade Specialist at the US Department of Commerce, with a specialization in MENA, EU and APEC Standards.
Cost Efficiency |
Drawdown Timetable |
Direct Labour |
Waivers |
Are there any supporting document attached? |