Completed Projects

Proposing Economy(ies)
APEC Business Activator Pilot for Women-Led SMEs to Access Global MarketsCTI 05 2023S2023Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI)Australia
Implementing the Principles for the Interoperability of Electronic Invoicing Systems in the APEC RegionCTI_06_2024S2024Committee on Trade and Investment (CTI)Australia
APEC Learning Community for Shared Prosperity (ALCom) 2024HRDWG_08_2024S2024Human Resource Development Working Group (HRDWG)Korea
Practical Experience and Prospect of Energy Access in APEC RegionEWG 05 2022S2022Energy Working Group (EWG)China
Measuring the Economic Relationship between Digitalisation and Digital TradeDESG_01_2024S2024Digital Economy Steering Group (DESG)Australia
APEC Workshop on Marine Ecological Environment HealthOFWG_05_2024S2024Oceans and Fisheries Working Group (OFWG)China
Services Domestic Regulation: Applying Effective Principles for Technical Standards DevelopmentGOS_101_2024T2024Group on Services (GOS)United States
APEC Workshop on Enhancing SMEs' Participation in GVCs in the Manufacturing Sector through Digital TechnologySMEWG_201_2023A2023Small and Medium Enterprises Working Group (SMEWG)Viet Nam
Implementation of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) in APEC Economies including through the APEC ODR Collaborative FrameworkEC 01 2023A2023Economic Committee (EC)Japan
Building a Fintech Ecosystem for the Recovery of the MSMEs SectorSME 08 2022A2022Small and Medium Enterprises Working Group (SMEWG)Peru
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