APEC Project Proposal |
Project No. | EWG 02 2015A | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Project Title | APEC Nearly (Net) Zero Energy Building Best Practices and Energy Reduction Results Comparative Study | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Project Status | Completed Project | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Publication (if any) | http://publications.apec.org/publication-detail.php?pub_id=1846 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fund Account | APEC Support Fund | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sub-fund | ASF: Energy Efficiency | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Project Year | 2015 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Project Session | Session 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
APEC Funding | 148,000 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Co-funding Amount | 60,800 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total Project Value | 208,800 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sponsoring Forum | Energy Working Group (EWG) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Topics | Energy | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Committee | SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other Fora Involved | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other Non-APEC Stakeholders Involved | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Proposing Economy(ies) | China | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Co-Sponsoring Economies | Brunei Darussalam;Canada;Chile;Hong Kong, China;Indonesia;Japan;Korea;Malaysia;Mexico;New Zealand;Peru;Philippines;Russia;Chinese Taipei;Thailand;United States | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Expected Start Date | 01/05/2015 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Expected Completion Date | 31/12/2016 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Project Proponent Name 1 | Zhang Shicong | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Job Title 1 | Deputy Director | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Organization 1 | Institute of Building Environment and Energy, China Academy of Building Research | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Postal Address 1 | No 30, Beisanhuandonglu, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China. 100013 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Telephone 1 | 86-10 84270181 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fax 1 | Not Applicable | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Email 1 | zhangshicong01@126.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Project Proponent Name 2 | Not Applicable | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Job Title 2 | Not Applicable | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Organization 2 | Not Applicable | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Postal Address 2 | Not Applicable | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Telephone 2 | Not Applicable | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fax 2 | Not Applicable | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Email 2 | Not Applicable | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Declaration | Zhang Shicong | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Project Summary | Responding to the Energy Working Group Strategic Plan 2014-2018, the promotion of Nearly (Net) Zero Energy Building (NZEB) has been proved to be the most effective measure of reducing energy consumption in building sector, and also work as an important pillar of LCMT and ESCI. This project will carry out professional in-depth comparative research with the detail information collected of best practices on NZEB pilot buildings, which wasn’t covered in the previous project, to showcase how tremendous energy savings could be achieved by integrated design, advanced technology utilization and NZE oriented management & commissioning in buildings. Two NZEB pilot projects workshops are prepared in 2015 and 2016, focus on sharing the information of existing commercial pilot projects and the different technology roadmaps of both the non-residential and residential NZEB in various climate regions. The final report could be used as a guidebook of NZEB design to support the technology research and development and marketization in APEC regions. Finally, as an important supplement to trading regime, this project could contribute to enhancing economic cooperation in areas of building materials and building energy systems, equipment and appliances, thus to promote regional economic integration. |
Relevance | The APEC Nearly (Net) Zero Energy Building Best Practices and Energy Reduction Comparative Study project responds to the 25th APEC Ministers Meeting and 21st APEC Economic Leaders’ Declaration, to reduce APEC’s aggregate energy intensity by 45 percent by 2035, using 2005 as a base year, and promote clean, renewable and sustainable use of energy within APEC region. Building energy consumption takes 30% to 40% of total primary energy in APEC economies and has a fast increasing trend in the developing economies due to the urbanization rate increase and living standard improvement. With the successful demonstration of the pilot projects, NZEB has been accepted by some APEC member economies as an important solution to achieve clean, sustainable, low carbon emission goals in the building sector. Successful demonstration projects are the most powerful way to promote NZEB in building sector. With the successful demonstration projects that could achieve 75%-90% energy reduction compared with the ordinary building, all stakeholders could be influenced and benefitted, the government officers and building energy codes management organization could find the way to raise up the minimum requirement of building energy consumption step by step, the architects and engineers could see and learn the latest building energy efficiency technology progress, also could call for public awareness. Nowadays, APEC economics as USA, Canada, Korea, Japan, Singapore and China had accomplished many remarkable NZEB demonstrations and the experience that how these economies push energy saving process forward should be shared among all APEC economies. As the continuation of the project “EWG-03-2013A: Nearly (Net) Zero Energy Building”, the distinction from the previous projects is this new project will carry out professional in depth comparative research to the latest NZEB best practices on [1] What is current status of the demonstration NZEB buildings, such as the number of NZEBs that are already built or under construction with the objective to achieve NZE in the APEC region. What is the distribution in building type and climate zone? [2] What technologies are used in the demonstration building and what is the real energy reduction result of different technologies compared to the conventional building energy systems? And apart from technologies, what is the influence of non-technical practices such as user behaviour in reducing the energy consumption in NZEB? [3] How to further promote NZEB in APEC region according to the best practices that had already existed. This study will provide all APEC member economies a useful reference timely. According to the Funding Criteria for All APEC-Funded Projects in 2014, this project is related to the Investment, Services, Standards, conformity assessment, technical regulations and regulatory cooperation of Rank 1, and Promotion of Renewable Energy, Energy efficiency and Low Carbon technology of Rank 2, through collect latest NZEB experiences and share among APEC region. |
Objectives | The overall objective is to facilitate building energy efficient technology innovation and generalization for NZEB and free trade in the APEC region. This could be achieved by sharing and promoting best practices from existing NZEB demonstration projects together with their technical application. With the utilization of different building energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies, the requirement of products, appliances and systems will raise which will lead to free trade in building sector. Also, on the basis of previous study in project”EWG-03-2013A”, the analysis of different technology applications within representative areas could be a good guidance on exploring the best way of NZEB development. The specific objectives are: 1) To prepare a comprehensive and systematic information collecting template on existing NZEB demonstration projects that could cover complete and necessary information of the target project. The template could also be used for future APEC related studies. |
Alignment | To reduce APEC’s aggregate energy intensity and promote clean, renewable and sustainable use of energy within APEC region is the common goal of different APEC member economies and addressed by 21st APEC Economic Leaders’ Declaration and 2014 APEC Energy Ministers Meeting on 2 September 2014, in Beijing, China. The outcome of the project will support the Energy Working Group Strategic Plan 2014-2018: Promote Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Communities, APEC Member Economies are more reliant on sustainable energy sources and energy efficient technologies and practices that reduce their overall energy consumption. Advancing the application of demonstrated energy efficiency practices and technologies contribute to international efforts to reduce the adverse impacts of energy production and consumption, and improve the analytical, technical, operational and policy capacity for energy efficiency and conservation within APEC Member Economies. |
TILF/ASF Justification | Considering the 21 APEC member economies, building energy demand for different area varied intensely. A key element of this project is based on information sharing, cooperation and capacity building in the area of improving building energy efficiency and renewable energy application among member economies. Meanwhile, this would also be a promotion of the capacity building in APEC developing economies. The project will address this by: · A detailed and reliable information collection on practical application of different technologies of NZEB best practices can help APEC developing economies to make their building energy efficiency roadmap more clearly · A full investigation on different technologies that have been adopted in existing demonstration projects and a rational reclassification on the basis of climate characters will be an useful guidance on NZEB design and construction in APEC developing economies The proposed project will assist APEC developing economies in keeping track with international developments in terms of 1) technology advancements demonstration in NZEB design and construction, and 2) technical support further cooperation by communicating with experts and researchers during the project sharing. This project will therefore significantly contribute to the elevation of capacity of APEC developing economies up to international levels. |
Beneficiaries and Outputs | 1. Outputs This project is designed to be an influential program with fruitful outcomes, which will benefit both developed and developing economies: Output 1: The APEC NZEB Network. Establishment of APEC NZEB technical working group based on each national research team with the objective of fully investigation of current energy efficient technologies in existing NZEB demonstration projects throughout APEC regions. NSERC Smart Net-zero Energy Buildings Strategic Research Network of Canada, Architecture 2030 and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory of the United States, The Society of Heating, Air-Conditioning and Sanitary Engineers of Japan, Nearly Zero Energy Building Alliance of China and Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology all showed their interest to support the APEC Program. Also, during the previous workshops and EGEEC meetings, delegates from Ministry of Energy of Thailand, Department of Energy of Philippines, Brunei National Energy Research Institute, Ministry of Energy of Malaysia, ASHRAE Indonesia Chapter, Service for Housing and Urban Development of Chile, National Comission for Energy Conservation of Mexico, Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation of Peru all showed their interest in joining the APEC information exchange network on NZEB topic to share and learn the latest policy, technology from other APEC economies. More related stakeholders will join this network during the implementation of this project to make the network more extensive and influential. Output 2: NZEB best practices information collection template. Through analysis of the existing best practice information collection form of each economy, The APEC NZEB best practices collecting template will be prepared for this program, the template could also be used for future APEC or other national/international related studies. Output 3: APEC NZEB best practices database. Information of more than 30 NZEB best practice projects throughout the APEC region will be collected with the template, which will cover as much as building type in all climate zones. Output 4: Two workshops. The1st Workshop focus on Smart Net Zero Energy Resilient Buildings and Communities: Best Practices and R&D Needs. The workshop will be held in August 2015, 9 experts and 10 economy delegates are expected to attend this workshop. The 2nd APEC NZEB Best Practice workshop is designed to be held in May or September 2016 in Asia together with the 47th or 48th EWG-EGEE&C meeting. 4 experts and all EGEE&C delegates are expected to attend the workshop. Feedback from representatives of the workshop, as well as the suggestion and comments from member economies and EGEEC members will be collected and put into the project summary report. Altogether, 100 participants are expected. Output 5: Final report. <APEC Nearly (Net) Zero Energy Building Best Practices> could be used as a reference book and toolkit, which will benefit both developed and developing economies. The outputs are specified with details in Section C, Part 9. 2. Outcomes The establishment of APEC NZEB technical working group will develop the tie-up connection on building energy saving throughout the 21 APEC economies. The working group will put effort in promoting technology and experience sharing. As an important progress of the further work, the APEC NZEB information collection template will be a start of the regional systematic research on NZEB development. Thus the integration of the building energy consumption information would be a strong support for policy and standard makers to make appropriate objectives on the reference of the technology roadmap. The two workshops will give both developed and developing economies who want to put effort in reducing primary energy consumption a precious opportunity to exchange the latest information and most advanced technologies, thus to help them make more clearly technical paths. For those NZEB-owned APEC economies to revise their policies and help those non-NZEB APEC economies. the APEC NZEB Best Practice Report will act as guidance and a more technical and professional support for related industrial stakeholders. Thus the industrial upgrading and marketization on NZEB will be a specific and final target on both developed and developing economies. The outcome of the project will show APEC economies how to promote NZEB, what is the technology roadmap of different type of building in various climate zones across the APEC region, the outcome report will contribute to the APEC energy reduction goal. 3. Beneficiaries The direct project participants and beneficiaries include: a) The government officials and regulators–they are the direct beneficiaries of this project since the responsibility of policy and regulation in building construction and energy efficiency. They will receive a more detailed account of NZEB developing condition throughout the APEC region and thus be in a better position to efficiently contribute to the future harmonization of their respective national policies towards NZEB. b) Codes and Standards making bodies – Since the stands making process is carried out by authoritative institutions in some economies, this project will provide these beneficiaries with the opportunities to share information and learn from others’ experiences and will enable them to apply this knowledge to their own dialogue and progress future cooperation and capacity building activities. c) Researchers and experts–they will get great opportunities to communicate with outstanding researchers who are at the frontier of research in building technology academic fields. They are the most direct beneficiaries and changing propellers. d) The NZEB project developers and investors–will get latest technology, financing and commercial information from The APEC NZEB Best Practice Report, to help them improve project quality, safety, reliability and efficiency. They are the most beneficiaries of this project. Since the lack of experience in NZEB design and operating management, those best practices and latest development can help the developer and investor to prevent the risks in advance. e) Manufacturers of construction industry–they will understand and grasp the developing direction of the building construction industry trends. Some developing economies within the APEC community are relatively new to NZEB technologies and bring some different perspectives to the target and routes that the regulators has set, then they will be also the beneficiaries of this project to have a further participation and comprehension. |
Dissemination | The outputs of this Project are designed for wide dissemination: the produced reports and materials will be disseminated in APEC economies in the format of seminars organized, and be freely downloadable from the APEC website at last. More specifically, the Project will produce the following outputs for dissemination: a) 2 workshops, and the 1st workshop will be held in cooperation with NSERC, who has been devoted to the NZEB development for years and more than 60 persons all over the APEC regions will be expected to attend it. The 2nd workshop will be held together with the 47th EGEE&C meeting and more than 40 experts and researchers, together with governmental organizations in APEC economies will participate in. Both of the workshops are designed to cover a wide scope of the target audience, from governmental officials, standards makers, to energy efficiency experts, real estate business and other industrial stakeholders. b) The APEC NZEB information collecting template, the template will be distributed during the 1st workshop and the whole information collecting process, a limited number (60~80) of the copies will be disseminated around the APEC regions and more than 30 typical demonstration projects will be recorded in the final report with fully description and deep analysis. c) Internet dissemination. All the materials, including workshop invitations, meeting notes, news publication and the collecting templates, will be available on the APEC and EGEEC’s website. The final report will be also disseminated online so that all the visitors who are interested in NZEB can download the materials. All the information will be synchronous updated on CABR official website. d) Final report “The APEC NZEB Best Practice Report” will target best practices that have been applied in the existing NZEB demonstration projects with various climate building types. The final report can be regarded as a NZEB manual guidebook which will include recommendations for the implementation of best practices with different climate conditions. A limited (~200) of hard copies will be printed and disseminated to whoever interested in NZEB construction. e) Leaflet printing. A 2-page summary of the APEC NZEB Best Practices and Energy Reduction Results Project introduction will be printed and disseminated during and after the project to call more people’s attention on NZEB development. f) Close contact with EGEE&C members. This project will keep close contact with EWG official members and deliver the latest progress to EGEE&C members in time. The APEC NZEB working group believes that this project will be a strong suggestion on how to improve building energy efficiency throughout the APEC region. g) Other international workshops and forums. The project overseer will also introduce the outcome of this program in other international fora like IEA, IRENA and so on. |
Gender | Project overseers will implement this project in a manner that takes gender considerations into account to ensure that it benefits both women and men and does not disadvantage women. For the researcher under this project and the invited speakers and government officers of the workshops, female are encouraged to lead and participate in priority. To further ensure that no gender is disadvantaged, the project team will encourage equitable participation by men and women at all steps of the project. Sex-disaggregated data will be applied for project assessment where feasible, i.e. workshop attendance,that seek to achieve gender balance in the selection of workshop speakers and participants. The selection of consultants, workshop presenters will be organised in an unbiased environment irrespective of gender. Besides, Project Overseer will take care to ensure that the workshop and all related administrative arrangements are executed in a gender-neutral manner, and in particular in a manner that does not disadvantage women. Women from APEC economies will be targeted as workshop participants and presenters. Care will be given to ensure that the Seminar and all related administrative details are performed in a gender-neutral manner and in particular, in a manner that does not disadvantage women. |
Work Plan |
Risks | 1] The high-tech NZEB industry develops very fast in APEC region during the recent years. It will be very challenging to figure out what is the best practice considering the technology, financing and commercial models are developing very fast, and quite different among different member economies. The project overseer will not only organize the on sight and internet investigation, but also will collect wide professional information through international conference, workshop, standard organization meeting, etc, to keep up with the latest development. 2] The different APEC member economies might have quite different climate conditions, residential life styles, energy structure, natural energy resources and electricity price, thus the best practice for NZEB design and construction to a specific economy doesn’t necessarily fit to another. The project overseer will carefully develop the template and make sure the research could cover as much as possible main application solutions, technology, size and pilot projects. 3]There is generally a risk that workshops do not attract the optimal range and number of participants. However, the project overseer already has long-term history of cooperation with the key organizations to be involved. That will help using all partners networks to convince the participants to join. This risk can further be managed by using a range of communication channels to promote the workshop; holding it alongside another relevant event, providing adequate notice of the confirmed date and venue, and assisting with travel expenses for travel-eligible economies. 4] Delays in applying or obtaining visas. Since the 1st workshop are prepared in Canada, the VISA for APEC travel-eligible economies might needs more time than expected. The program overseer will coordinate closely with participants and speakers and local organizers to ensure timely visa applications. 5] Possible delay in finalising report and uploading documents. The project overseer will ensure sufficient time to prepare Seminar report and adhere to strict internal deadlines. |
Monitoring and Evaluation | 1) A standard NZEB information collection template will be set up. The information collection template will include how the information obtained will be used to progress efforts in NZEB in their respective economies. 2) 2 Workshops will be held during the project. Quality and usefulness of the workshop will be assessed by an evaluation form to be filled by the workshop participants. 3) More than 30 NZEB pilot demonstrations will be drawn into the project, and deep analysis will be conducted. The information collection will be contracted to the institutes that have the capacity and previous work experiences. 4) The project overseer will encourage female experts and professionals to attend the research process. 5) Number of publications downloads or site visits (if feasible). |
Linkages | Engagement: During the project development phase, the Project Overseers will engage with and seek participation from other APEC fora with an interest of NZEB. Lots of APEC member economies and international organizations are working very hard to push forward Nearly (Net) Zero Energy Building worldwide, including New Building Institute (NBI), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), IEA-Solar Heating & Cooling Programme, Heat Pump Programme, etc. The project overseer will keep close contact with those institutions and fora. With regard to fora outside of APEC, the Project Overseers will reach out to European experts and IEA related implementation Agreements to raise awareness of the Seminar and to promote coordination and synergies between the respective work programmes. The Project Overseers will also engage with the private sector in the APEC region. Opinions, assistance and participation from APEC and non-APEC fora and the private sector will be sought during the project planning and implementation stages. APEC Member Economies are expected to encourage their business stakeholders to attend the Seminar as participants and speakers. Previous Work: In Nearly (Net) Zero Energy Building Program (EWG 03/2013A), two workshops of NZEB were held in 2013 and 2014, 22 speakers and 110 participants from 17 APEC economies and 7 NGOs made great contribution to the workshops (Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, China, Hong Kong China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, The Philippines, Russia, Chinese Taipei, Thailand and USA; APERC, ICA, IFC, UNDP, World Bank and WWF). Experts and participants shared the latest information on this topic and discussed challenges and opportunities for the promotion of NZEB in the future. The EWG03/2013A made a comprehensive research on policy and objective, definition, building codes and standards, funding for R&D of NZEB in each economy, during the workshop and report preparation, we found best practice projects needs more attention to show the direct energy reduction result and verify the latest research achievements, which is the most effective way to call the interest of officers and experts to expand the project influence. APEC’s Comparative Advantage: Building energy consumption takes 30% to 40% of total primary energy in APEC economies and has a fast increasing trend in the developing economies due to the urbanization rate increase and living standard improvement. Undertaking this project in APEC provides a unique opportunity to bring together researchers from economies with NZEB best practices to share information and experiences. This work supports APEC’s overarching goal in energy reduction. The project supports a number of on-going EWG initiatives, which including LCMT and ESCI. Also, the project support the Green building codes project in SCSC. |
Sustainability | a) The project is designed to maximize the potential for sustainability. After the workshop is held, the work plan provides for a reasonable period of about four months for validation of the main findings and finalisation of the report. Within this period, project will continue to engage beneficiaries and stakeholders through the contact point network established by this project. The PO will introduce the project outcome in international seminars, workshops and conferences. b) The results of the project will be shared with the IEA, EU related or similar working groups by PO; c) The project final report may be expected to serve as a reference material to developing economies’ policymakers, investors, regional planners interested in NZEB. The content of the report is expected to be relevant in a medium term, for several years. The Project Overseer will ensure that the report is downloadable from the Internet. d) The contact point network created may be utilised for interaction with stakeholders in future EWG projects. It will be available as a part of the workshop proceedings. The project team, will work out other proposals to make it sustainable after the completion of the project. This network may be useful to establish important connections to support the planning and implementation of pilot NZEB projects in developing economies. e) The project overseer will keep touch with all the national team for NZEB best practices with the template created by this project and keep on renew the database with self-funding. |
Project Overseers | ZHANG Shicong, China Academy of Building Research. Associate Research Fellow and the alternate Delegate of China in International Energy Agency-Energy Conservation through Energy Storage Implementing Agreement(IEA-ECES)and the Alternate Delegate of China in Asian-Heat Pump and Thermal Storage Technologies Network (AHPNW). He also worked as the Building Group Coordinator of China in Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate- Buildings and Appliances Task Force(APP-BATF, 2006 to 2011). He has significant international experience in bilateral and international programs: [1] APP Building Codes and Standards Research in Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate- Buildings and Appliances Task Force, supported by USDOS and USDOE, [2] Development of Energy Performance Benchmarking tool in China supported by Energy Foundation, [3] the Adaptability Research and demonstration of building HVAC System and Equipment support by Ministry of Science and Technology, [4] US-China Sustainable Buildings Partnership support by USAID, [5]Guidance for the Development of Green Building Action Plan (GBAP) at Municipal Level support by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation-Low Carbon City Program China.[6] US-China Clean Energy Research Center- Nearly zero energy building program. With the successful implementation of previous APEC Program EWG03-2013A-Nearly (Net) Zero Energy Building, the project overseer had set up an extensive international relation with each economy’s research team on NZEB; this will be very helpful for this program. |
Cost Efficiency | Not Applicable. |
Drawdown Timetable | Not Applicable. |
Direct Labour | This proposal has three direct labour covered by APEC funding: (1) Short-term clerical fees. With the objective of 2 successful workshops, a short-term clerical is needed, who will be engaged to help organize and identify speakers and participants for the workshop, help run the workshop and coordinate with local organizers. APEC funding for this task is estimated at $4,800. (2) Contractor (including Researcher) fees A. The contractor will develop an information collection template according to the existing ones in China, Japan, Korea and ASEAN economies. he will help the project overseer collect as much as information for NZEB best practices in these economies. APEC funding for this task is estimated at $20,000. (3) Contractor (including Researcher) fees B. The contractor will develop an information collection template according to the existing ones in North America and South American and help the project overseer collect as much as information for NZEB best practices in these economies. APEC funding for this task is estimated at $10,000. |
Waivers | Waiver 1: It is anticipated that active participants may request advance payment of travel expenses. Travel eligible participants will represent beneficiaries who include government officials from developing economies. Hence, waiver is requested to fund travel of government officials if they are nominated as active participants. This will assist with good planning by allowing the travel eligible regulators to budget ahead and consequently allowing the organisers to confirm attendance and plan ahead. Waiver 2: In order to let the workshop participants have a general idea of nearly (net) zero energy building progress in European, the program verseer would like to invite 1 EU expert to introduce the NZEB policies and best practices in EU. |
Are there any supporting document attached? | No |