Project Title

Enhancing Climate change adaptability and resilience of energy infrastructure toward carbon neutrality using renewable energy scheme 

Project Year


Project Number


Project Session

Session 2   

Project Type


Project Status

Project in Implementation   
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Project No.


Project Title

Enhancing Climate change adaptability and resilience of energy infrastructure toward carbon neutrality using renewable energy scheme 

Project Status

Project in Implementation 

Publication (if any)


Fund Account

APEC Support Fund 


ASF: Energy Efficiency, Low Carbon and Energy Resiliency Measures (EELCER) 

Project Year


Project Session

Session 2 

APEC Funding


Co-funding Amount

Total Project Value


Sponsoring Forum

Energy Working Group (EWG) 


Energy; Emergency Preparedness; Environment 


SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE) 

Other Fora Involved


Other Non-APEC Stakeholders Involved


Proposing Economy(ies)


Co-Sponsoring Economies

Chile; China; Hong Kong, China; Japan; Philippines; Viet Nam 

Expected Start Date


Expected Completion Date


Project Proponent Name 1

Yaowateera Achawangkul 

Job Title 1

Engineer, Senior ProfessionalLevel 

Organization 1

Department of Alternative Energy Development andEfficiency (DEDE) 

Postal Address 1

Not Applicable 

Telephone 1

+6622230021; +66890102412 

Fax 1

Not Applicable 

Email 1 

Project Proponent Name 2

Not Applicable 

Job Title 2

Not Applicable 

Organization 2

Not Applicable 

Postal Address 2

Not Applicable 

Telephone 2

Not Applicable 

Fax 2

Not Applicable 

Email 2

Not Applicable 


Yaowateera Achawangkul 

Project Summary

The self-sustainability of energy infrastructure is one of the key components to reducing the risk of disaster in vulnerable livelihoods and enhancing its coping capacity to build resilient communities that are capable of managing the climate crisis. Risk/vulnerable mapping analysis will be used in this project to evaluate the energy infrastructure. To create more stable energy during disaster occurrence that fits into the community's preparedness and mitigation strategy, the resilience of the energy infrastructure is one of the primary elements in conjunction with the increasing aspects of extreme climate change. The initiative aims to develop resilient energy infrastructure know-how through participatory workshops.

Hence, the key activities are a preliminary risk study and a 2-days workshop. The capacity buildings workshop aims to share experiences of all APEC economies that will be discussed and used to provide a foundation for building a better (energy) sustainable/resilient future.


Climate crisis concern with emergency response during disaster occurred is urgent issues especially in hazard-proned economies. Some economy has low ability to adapt themselves to climate related hazard caused the vulnerable livelihood. For example, an eleven-month-long blackout in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria in 2017, the largest earthquake in central Chile which caused a tsunami that spread across the Pacific Ocean with 6,000 casualties. Massive damage caused by disasters not only preventing people their capacity to recovery. The climate adaptability and resilience of energy infrastructure is necessary for those economies where available investment is limited. The Enhancement of climate adaptability and resilience of energy infrastructure will reduce the disaster risk through sharing, learning, with appropriated technologies and countermeasures.

Eligibility and Fund Priorities

Since 2019, energy resilience assessment has been developed and exercised in Thailand. Thailand’s proposal of energy resilience as 2021 COSTI Annual Priorities was adopted by COSTI (The Committee on Science, Technology and Innovation) - the official meeting on high level meeting of Ministry of Science and Innovation of each Southeast Asian Economies in June 2021, and now, energy resilience assessment guideline is being developed to be submitted for COSTI approval in October 2022.

This project aims to extend these collective efforts by practicing the assessment in other economies. It is needed now as it is evident that energy infrastructures are being increasingly threatened by climate change.

The team designed the research framework to cover climate adaptability enhancement of energy infrastructure from upstream to downstream. Risk maps are developed based on the team’s original approach during the past UNDP project on transport infrastructure resilience enhancement. This project will stimulate the understanding of climate risks through these maps to actualize risk reduction via above mentioned energy resilience assessment and cost-benefit analysis of resilience countermeasures with UNDP methodology.

Capacity Building

The project comprises several phases and requires transdisciplinary knowledge and knowhow. In this sense, the project allows team members and stakeholders in targeted economies to leverage their expertise and experience, as well as to extend their wisdom by learning from others. In the lens of community, the project provides opportunity to ensure their involvement and realize results benefits. Representatives from local community can provide inputs to map development and participate in energy resilience assessment including the renewable energy equipment. Other locals can participate in monitoring and evaluation of resilience countermeasures to ensure social benefits so that vulnerable groups are not left out.

This would strengthen the capability of the community to ensure that the energy infrastructure can withstand and adapt to climate change.


This project is to promote a preparedness/mitigation plan and participate in actions(response) to enhance climate adaptability and resilience of energy infrastructure through the 2-day workshop. The share information, experience, will be summarized as part of the recommendation and disseminate among APEC economies.


Align to vision statement – this project will achieve APEC’s Vision Statement by actual implementation the energy infrastructure in vulnerable areas and monitoring with safety both of operator and equipment using renewable energy. Hence the achievement of this project can distribute to APEC member to use in their economies.

The project aligns with the Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) activities which will contribute to enhancing energy resiliency. It also aligns with the statement in the APEC energy resilience principle which states that “Energy resilience is the ability to secure stable energy supply by effectively dealing with disasters. APEC member economies have shared and discussed the experiences and knowledge of each economy in its Energy Working Group (EWG) and Energy Resiliency Task Force” therefore knowledge sharing and action experience which is the foundation of this action project based on those principles.

TILF/ASF Justification

Not Applicable.

Beneficiaries and Outputs


1) Research on Energy Resilience and Climate Change

The preliminary research will be conducted to understand the existing situation of disaster risks and demand of Climate Change and energy infrastructure across all 21 APEC member economies. Firstly, to disseminate information includes the list of international standards, national plans and policies on renewal energy infrastructure in response to DRR measures (i.e.,Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Response, and Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery) by literature review.

A survey with a questionnaire will next be carried out with the goal of verifying the data from the initial stage. The data gathered includes the types and levels of disasters that occurred in each economy, existing plans and implementation challenges, additional needs (e.g., capacity building, shelter/renewal energy installation locations, etc.), and levels for specific functioning such as the water system, healthcare facilities, and schools.

There are three sections in the questionnaire survey. 

Section 1 provides an overview of current clean energy policies in APEC economies, including the target/goal of zero emissions and the energy transition strategy.

Section 2 will concentrate on the resilience of the current energy infrastructure, including the use of renewable energy that is related to mitigating the effects of disasters and climate change, implementation challenges, and best practices for using renewable energy resilience. Section 3 will focus on recommendations and more information needed on renewable energy resilience, which will follow on from Section 2. It will address the issue with international standards and the EWG guideline, which could result in a suggestion for the self-sustained energy infrastructure in the economies of the APEC. 

The result will be analyzed and produce as a report with the length of a minimum of 15 pages excluding annexes. It will be structured in accordance with the structure of the survey and analysis results. Overall results will be further discussed between participated economies in a workshop. A summary of this report will be included in the Summary Report.

2) 2-Day with Field Trip Workshop

Through data collection from the Research on Energy Resilience and Climate Change will be discussed in a 2-day workshop which will be conducted to sharing knowledges and best practices in APEC region. The aim is to provide capacity building among economies and initiate recommendation on energy resiliency measures to be applied in DRR plan. The policymakers and members of the private sector especially within developing APEC member economies will be the targeted participants.

Experts from APEC member economies, private sector, and international organizations will be invited to present and share their knowledge and opinions focusing on Renewable Energy application in Climate Change Resilience. The workshop consists of activities as follow. 

1st day venue: Meeting room, and field trip to Rajabhat solar farm in Maerim approx. 30 km from venue.

Morning session:

This first half day session intends to develop a draft recommendation to enhance the resilience of energy systems providing for affected people during disasters. The summary results from Research on Energy Resilience and Climate Change will be presented to address potential energy needs and response plans in all phases of DRR.

Afternoon session:

The afternoon will focus on identifying the potentials of energy system installation. The devices are from the renewable energy-based devices, so called “Mobile and Portable PV Genset” (PhotoVoltaic generator sets) suing solar panel unit can provide immediate assistance as well as long-term relief in times of crisis, or power construction equipment, lighting, and temporary shelters. The example devices will be presented to better understanding in the practical situation. All participants will take a fieldtrip to the solar energy farm in Mae Rim district to explore about renewable energy infrastructures. The local speakers will present a description of energy storage systems with detailed classifications, features, advantages, environmental impacts, implementation/application possibilities, and performances of various energy storage technologies. 

2nd day venue: meeting room

Panel discussion sessions will be held for a full day meeting to understand the related international standards and possibility in adaptation by APEC economies. 

Morning session:

In the morning session, experts from APEC member economies will present best practices and share their opinions focusing on Renewable Energy application in Climate Change Resilience.

After that discussion will focus on knowledge-sharing across economies and providing feedback on the draft recommendation presented. 

Afternoon session:

In the afternoon session would carry out the capacity building regarding possible implementation. This session will also include a discussion of how to promote governance and public participation, especially risk-prone communities.

In a final session to recap the key takeaway points from the knowledge- sharing discussions and any conclusions to finalize the draft of the recommendation. The Summary Report will include a summary of discussion, the post-workshop evaluation summary, and the recommendation to provide the general framework and best practices to enhance energy resiliency measures that can be applied in DRR plan. 

A Post-workshop Survey will be disseminated in the event by attaching with the event’s agenda to measure the understanding of information to workshop participants as well as to evaluate their satisfaction. The results will be submitted to the Secretariate as the Completion Report.

3) Summary Report on Climate Change Resilience and Renewable Energy Recommendation (herein referred to as "the Summary Report")

The Summary Report will summarize all the information discussed in the workshop, which include the recommendation for self-sustainable of energy infrastructure, key discussion issue, best practice. The project will recommend related to resilience of energy infrastructure. 

The Summary Report will be at least 15 pages excluding annexes. The tentative structure will depend on the result of the project. However, it will include an executive summary, the overview of project, Research on Energy Resilience and Climate Change, workshop discussion, conclusion and recommendation. Additional content will be appended as annexes such as workshop agenda, detail of Research on Energy Resilience and Climate Change, etc. The Summary Report will be submitted for publication on APEC publication webpage.

1) Increasing of policy recommendation on Climate adaptability/resilience using renewable energy source.

2) Strengthen the disaster preparation and mitigation processes with the shared knowledge among the participating institutions on severity, vulnerable and climate change resilience solution on energy infrastructure.

The primary beneficiaries are target participants experts, public, and private decision- makers which will be trained and have role to synergize and recommend the policy/action in renewable energy application in Climate change resilience. While the evaluation risk and monitoring scheme with renewable energy equipment will be demonstrated with blueprint circulation for further replication which would be benefit to member economies. The renewable energy industry in private sector and policy maker in public sector which have at strategic and managerial level will be emphasized. The expert as the medium to synergies between mitigation and adaptation through knowledge/experience sharing. The expert will invite from COSTI network which could strengthen and sharing knowledge in coping capacity in current adaptation practice and develop resilient energy infrastructure. The secondary beneficiaries are the livelihood, community, private, and public agencies related to renewable energy that retrieve the impact from the project. As the project aims to enhance climate adaptability of low-carbon energy infrastructure.


1. The document reports will consist of 2 electronic publications.

1.1  Research on Energy Resilience and Climate Change

1.2  The Summary Report which focusing on Climate change resilience using renewable energy recommendation and suggestion from the workshop. 

2. The output documents of “the Summary Report” and “Research on energy resilience and climate change” as APEC publication. The preparing process will consider the APEC publication Guideline, APEC publication toolkit, and relevant documents as the standard. 

All results from workshop will report to the EWG and will distribute widely via APEC website to maintain the content to participate and non-participate stakeholders.


Please see Project Proposal in Supporting Documents folder.

Work Plan

Please see Project Proposal in Supporting Documents folder.


Please see Project Proposal in Supporting Documents folder.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Please see Project Proposal in Supporting Documents folder.


The enhancing climate adaptability and resilience of energy infrastructure toward carbon neutrality project is the key for sustainable development goals. Moreover, the action and implementation of vulnerable livelihood disaster risk adaptive plan will focus on the sharing knowledge and experience to create the best scenario in their benefit. One of the key factors of this project is networking of community-based energy volunteers. The network can enable them to learn from each other.

Exchanging information, teaching techniques, and answering unforeseen question which strengthen us to be more resilience in the near future. 

Engagement: APEC level, the cross-for a collaboration can be occur with related group such as the Policy Partnership on Science, Technology and Innovation as well as Sub- Committee on Standards and Conformance that leading with standard for energy resilience. This project align with the United Nation Office for Disaster Risk Reduction on Sendai Framework aims to substantial reduction of disaster risk and losses in aspects especially in disseminate the knowledge of disaster mitigation/adaptation.

Previous related work: The project will follow the previous work under Energy Working Group. The project on “Energy Resiliency Guideline” a detailed guideline to support the formulation of energy resiliency enhancement plans in APEC published in 2020.


The project will disseminate its outputs and media through a dedicated website database. The institution and its partners will collaborate to ensure that these materials are regularly updated and accessible on their respective websites.

To foster stakeholder engagement and facilitate broader adoption of project recommendations, we will establish a social media platform. This platform will serve as a hub for discussions, updates, and feedback.

Project Overseers

Not Applicable.

Cost Efficiency

Not Applicable.

Drawdown Timetable

Not Applicable.

Direct Labour

Please see Project Proposal in Supporting Documents folder.


Not Applicable.

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Version: 2.0 
Created at 23/01/2025 00:02  by Lucy Phua 
Last modified at 23/01/2025 00:04  by Lucy Phua 
Version HistoryVersion History

Project No.

Project Title

Project Status

Publication (if any)

Fund Account


Project Year

Project Session

APEC Funding

Co-funding Amount

Total Project Value

Sponsoring Forum



Other Fora Involved

Other Non-APEC Stakeholders Involved

Proposing Economy(ies)

Co-Sponsoring Economies

Expected Start Date

Expected Completion Date

Project Proponent Name 1

Job Title 1

Organization 1

Postal Address 1

Telephone 1

Fax 1

Email 1

Project Proponent Name 2

Job Title 2

Organization 2

Postal Address 2

Telephone 2

Fax 2

Email 2


Project Summary




TILF/ASF Justification

Beneficiaries and Outputs



Work Plan


Monitoring and Evaluation



Project Overseers

Cost Efficiency

Drawdown Timetable

Direct Labour


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Content Type: Standard Proposal
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