1) A Benchmark Research
A draft of the benchmark research findings in slide format a minimum number of 6 pages, excluding annexes, will be prepared by a contracted, experienced researcher specialising in Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) before the workshop. The scope will include a literature study and the latest developments that reflect the strategy or actions to strengthen the benefits of AMI.
Research Methods: Systematic literature review; Structured interviews with utility operators
Surveys of APEC member economies
Visits and interviews with the benchmark cases (US, Japan ,etc)
Target benchmark cases are early adopter economies such as the US and Japan for their large number of AMI installations and can observe the result that reflects the result of AMI installation.
Usage: The findings will be included in the Project Summary Report as a key component. This will synthesize the research findings with workshop discussions and actionable recommendations for APEC economies.
It will also be presented at the Workshop to guide discussions and provide participants with a thorough understanding of benchmarked actions and best practices from early AMI adopters.
The findings will be shared directly with workshop participants. Following the workshop, the findings will be incorporated into the APEC Project Summary Report, which will be disseminated to APEC economies through participants of the workshop.
The final project summary report, drafted by the PO, containing the key benchmark findings, will be submitted to the APEC Secretariat and published as an APEC publication for broader access by stakeholders across APEC economies.
2) A 2-Day Workshop for Knowledge Sharing and Engage Policy Enhancement
A two-day workshop will be held in the Taipei metropolitan area around the second quarter of 2025.
Purpose of the workshop: to build capacity of APEC economies in:
-AMI policy development
-Implementation strategies
-User engagement approaches
-Maximizing data utilization benefits
Planned agenda of the workshop:
Day one
1. Setting the context for AMI development
2. Introducing benchmark research findings
3. Cases of the AMI applications/facilitation actions presentation I
4. Cases of the AMI applications/facilitation actions presentation II
5. Q&A
6. Interactive panel discussion and wrapping up Day two
1. Recap
2. Group discussion: current status sharing, policy enhancement opportunities, and gender-inclusive engagement strategies.
3. Strategic planning: Success metrics establishment, Action plan development
4. Site visit (the afternoon)
a. Practical AMI implementation site visit (social house in Taipei city) to observe real-world installation and its functions introduction b.Advanced applications: 2024 APEC ESCI awarded E-bus energy management site: Witness AMI integration in the transportation sector
c. Meter data analytics: Smart meter data information dashboard in the Taiwan Power Company
d. Ex-post-survey
Expected participation and target audience:
30 attendees from APEC economies and six expert speakers. Targeting a balanced mix of policymakers and practitioners (division chief above), such as government officials from energy/utility regulatory agencies, utility company representatives responsible for AMI implementation, energy market diversification, business developers in smart grid and energy management, and electricity consumers interested in saving electricity or participating in the electricity market. Female participants recruiting (including project conductors and workshop participants) will be promoted when sharing workshop information, invitations to TEE economies, and local promotion websites or emails.
Presenting topics include early movers' benchmark studies/best cases, extended applications on AMI, and the result of the ex-ante survey. The main focus is on facilitating AMI actions in benchmark cases to maximize the benefits of AMI other than billing, such as electricity conservation and energy efficiency. Actions such as educating smart meter functions, the meaning of meter information, energy-saving suggestions, etc.
All participants will be encouraged to share the status of their economy's AMI policy and discuss the suggested facilitating actions. These discussions will contribute to the facilitating actions that suggest to the project summary report for the APEC economies to prevent the mis-expect that energy efficiency and energy saving will be achieved by installing AMI alone.
An ex-ante survey targets the workshop participants (including TEE economies) to understand the overall status and considerations due to APEC economies' diverse AMI installation environment. It will be distributed two weeks before the workshop. An ex-post survey will be disseminated to all participants on the last day of the workshop to assess knowledge acquisition and awareness.
3) A Project Summary Report
A project summary report of a minimum of 15 pages, excluding annexes, synthesizing key findings of benchmark research, including best practices and facilitating actions to improve the benefits of AMI; a summary of the workshop, including the presentation and discussions; and recommendations proposed by the experts and participants for APEC economies.
The target audience includes government policymakers in the energy sector, utility operators, energy regulators, energy program managers, and the power consumers who pay the power bills.
This project summary report aims to provide actionable recommendations for APEC economies while addressing two critical concerns: first, to dispel the misconception that AMI installation alone will automatically generate benefits such as electricity savings, and second, to guide economies in implementing AMI with timely and suitable facilitation measures, preventing both benefit delays and subsequent remedial costs. The project summary report will also be disseminated to APEC economies as an APEC publication.
1) Deepened awareness of the importance of AMI and the actions that need to be considered and taken to realize its benefits, such as energy conservation or energy efficiency benefits to both the energy supplier and the users. These outcomes will be derived from lesson-learnt, best-case early mover experience, and expert participants' interactive discussion in the workshop.
2) Increase the awareness that only investing in the AMI system might not bring benefits such as energy conservation that were expected.
The acquisition of knowledge on how to realise the benefits of AMI and its importance can enhance the progress of AMI for late-mover economies, which helps the digital transformation of the energy sector.
The first beneficiaries (workshop participants):
1. Government officials and policy-makers (division chief above) directly involved in AMI, smart grid, and energy market development. They could be from the energy/economic ministry , energy regulatory commission, energy efficiency agency, or smart grid/grid modernization department. Required expertise: At least two years experience in energy policy development or smart grid programs.
2. Utility company (Management position) who is responsible for AMI implementation and operation, Grid modernization managers, customer service directors and data analytics managers
Required expertise: Minimum of three years of experience planning and managing smart grid projects.
3. Manager (above) and technical experts from the private sector specialized in AMI system design and implementation, smart grid technologies, energy management systems (DERs and HEMS), data analytics and customer engagement.
Required level: Senior technical or management position for planning AMI solution or projects.
Secondary beneficiaries:
1. Extended Government Networks:
-Local government energy offices
-Municipal utilities
Access: implementation guidelines and best practices 2.Broader Utility staff not attending the workshop:
-Operations teams
-Customer service representatives
-IT department staff
Access: Knowledge transfer from workshop participants 3.Energy consumers in APEC economies:
-Residential users
-Commercial businesses
Access: knowledge of AMI and facilitated action, improved AMI services, and energy efficiency programs resulting from project outcomes
4. Energy service providers:
-Smart meter installers
-Customer support staff
Access: Enhanced AMI implementation guidelines and operational standards"