Project Title

Benchmark of Facilitated Actions to Fulfill the Energy Efficiency Benefit of AMI in the APEC Region 

Project Year


Project Number


Project Session

Session 1   

Project Type


Project Status

Project in Implementation   
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Project No.


Project Title

Benchmark of Facilitated Actions to Fulfill the Energy Efficiency Benefit of AMI in the APEC Region 

Project Status

Project in Implementation 

Publication (if any)


Fund Account

APEC Support Fund 


ASF: Energy Efficiency, Low Carbon and Energy Resiliency Measures (EELCER) 

Project Year


Project Session

Session 1 

APEC Funding


Co-funding Amount


Total Project Value


Sponsoring Forum

Energy Working Group (EWG) 




SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE) 

Other Fora Involved


Other Non-APEC Stakeholders Involved


Proposing Economy(ies)

Chinese Taipei 

Co-Sponsoring Economies

Chile; Philippines; United States; Viet Nam 

Expected Start Date


Expected Completion Date


Project Proponent Name 1

Chih-Wei Wu 

Job Title 1

Deputy Director General 

Organization 1

Energy Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs 

Postal Address 1

Not Applicable 

Telephone 1

+886 2 27757750 

Fax 1

Not Applicable 

Email 1;; 

Project Proponent Name 2

Not Applicable 

Job Title 2

Not Applicable 

Organization 2

Not Applicable 

Postal Address 2

Not Applicable 

Telephone 2

Not Applicable 

Fax 2

Not Applicable 

Email 2

Not Applicable 


Chih-Wei Wu 

Project Summary

This project aims to build the capacity of utilize the effectiveness of Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) across APEC economies.

AMI is seen as the pioneer of a low-carbon society or smart grid. It records interval energy consumption/output data and transmits timely, thus enabling time-of-use tariffs and low-carbon technologies such as renewable energy and electric vehicles. It also could fast locate power failure areas to improve energy resilience. 

However, research indicates its full potential often remains unrealized without proper supporting measures such as user education and engagement strategies. 

Through benchmark research findings and a workshop, this project will: Explore and analyze successful facilitation actions from early adopter economies.

Compile best practices in user engagement and behavior change.

Develop actionable recommendations for follower economies to maximize AMI benefits.



This project tackles the underutilization of smart meters by focusing on facilitated actions such as educating users and providing helpful information and user-friendly interfaces. This approach addresses the main issues mentioned in the literature: the utility might only focus on the hardware replacement but ignore the engagement to users’ behavior change. 

By engaging users, we can achieve multiple benefits across APEC economies: 

*Energy Conservation and Efficiency: Informed users can analyze their consumption data to identify areas for improvement, leading to overall power savings and reduced peak-time consumption. This translates to a more reliable and efficient power grid for everyone. 

* Low-Carbon Technologies Adoption: User education can promote informed decisions about upgrading to energy-efficient appliances; adopting the interval recording and time-of-use also enables and encourages the adoption of renewable energy solutions (when economically viable). This accelerates the transition towards a low-carbon future. 

Furthermore, studying the experiences of early AMI implementations within APEC (like those with advanced experience) – particularly regarding user education – follower economies (like Thailand or Vietnam) can significantly reduce their learning curve and cost. This collaborative approach paves the way for faster energy savings, widespread adoption of efficient technologies, and integration of renewable energy sources across all APEC economies.

Eligibility and Fund Priorities

This project fulfills the eligibility requirements for the ASF-EELCER fund. It helps the developing economies of APEC, such as Thailand and Vietnam, gather experience from early mover economies to prevent underutilizing the AMI investment. 

By learning the facilitated actions with the AMI, the developing economies can improve energy efficiency and reduce energy intensity, and by enabling the interval billing and time-of-use price by AMI, renewable energy and EVs were also available to the users. 

By utilize the AMI, multiple benefits across APEC economies can be reached:

- Enhance energy conservation (to reduce energy intensity) and energy efficiency: Informed users can analyze their consumption data to identify areas for improvement, leading to overall power savings and reduced peak-time consumption. This translates to a more reliable and efficient power grid for everyone. 

- Renewable energy and low-carbon technologies adoption: User education can promote informed decisions about upgrading to energy-efficient appliances, adopting the interval recording and time-of-use also enables and encourages the adoption of renewable energy solutions (when economically viable). This accelerates the transition towards a low-carbon future. 

This collaborative research leads to maximizing energy savings potential, widespread adoption of efficient technologies, and integrating renewable energy sources across all APEC economies.

Capacity Building

Some APEC economies are still in the early stages of AMI implications, such as Indonesia, Vietnam, and Thailand; on the other hand, Japan and US were earlier movers, and with abundant experience; meanwhile, Chinese Taipei’s progress fell between them. This project, learning from the earlier AMI mover to providing developing economies actions that help utilizing the benefit of AMI, aligns with the capacity building requirements in "Capacity Building Goals, Objectives and Principles" in several ways:

*Internal and regional replicability: The project aims to develop transferable knowledge and best practices that can be shared across APEC economies. This will allow beneficiary economies to replicate the project's success cases’ actions and contribute to broader regional progress on energy conservation and efficiency 

*Innovation: The project focuses on innovative approaches to AMI implementation rather than simply replicating existing solutions. It seeks to develop implementable actions and supporting measures to take full advantage of AMI. This aligns to share new approaches to solving regional problems. 

*Results-based: The project has clearly defined objectives, including actions to improve AMI's benefit and reduced learning curves for follower economies. These measurable outcomes align with the requirement that projects be results-based. 

The project aligns with APEC's long-term goals for sustainable growth, reduced economic disparity, and improved economic and social well-being by promoting energy efficiency and empowering consumers. 

By meeting these criteria, the project can contribute to APEC's overall goal of building the capacity of member economies to improve their policies and achieve long-term sustainable development.


1. Offer a facilitated list of actions for economies implementing AMI, particularly in the early stages, to maximize the benefits of AMI adoption in the APEC region.

2. Emphasize the improvement of behavior feedback, such as modifying the volume or timing of energy consumption, to reduce energy intensity or enhance energy efficiency across APEC economies.

3. Conduct a real-case survey research on early adopters of AMI.



Align with the 30th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting 2023 - Golden Gate Declaration to achieve a more sustainable and resilient future for APEC economies.

This project aims to build the capacity of APEC economies to utilize Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) fully. AMI can contribute to a sustainable and resilient future in several ways:

*Energy Efficiency: Utilizing AMI’s function can help users track their energy consumption and identify areas for conservation. This can lead to reduced energy use and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

*Sustainable Development*: AMI can contribute to more sustainable development in APEC economies by promoting energy efficiency.


The EWG has established two collective goals. The first goal is to improve energy intensity by a minimum of 45% by 2035, compared to the levels 2005. The second goal is to double the share of modern renewables in the energy mix by 2030, relative to the numbers from 2010. 

This project aims to identify and share the facilitated actions to utilize the AMI. It could help fulfil energy-saving potential, reach higher energy efficiency and help adaptation of low-carbon solutions such as renewable energy and EVs. That will significantly contribute to APEC's energy intensity reduction and renewable goals.

TILF/ASF Justification

Not Applicable.

Beneficiaries and Outputs


1) A Benchmark Research

A draft of the benchmark research findings in slide format a minimum number of 6 pages, excluding annexes, will be prepared by a contracted, experienced researcher specialising in Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) before the workshop. The scope will include a literature study and the latest developments that reflect the strategy or actions to strengthen the benefits of AMI. 

Research Methods: Systematic literature review; Structured interviews with utility operators
Surveys of APEC member economies
Visits and interviews with the benchmark cases (US, Japan ,etc) 

Target benchmark cases are early adopter economies such as the US and Japan for their large number of AMI installations and can observe the result that reflects the result of AMI installation. 

Usage: The findings will be included in the Project Summary Report as a key component. This will synthesize the research findings with workshop discussions and actionable recommendations for APEC economies.

It will also be presented at the Workshop to guide discussions and provide participants with a thorough understanding of benchmarked actions and best practices from early AMI adopters.


The findings will be shared directly with workshop participants. Following the workshop, the findings will be incorporated into the APEC Project Summary Report, which will be disseminated to APEC economies through participants of the workshop. 

The final project summary report, drafted by the PO, containing the key benchmark findings, will be submitted to the APEC Secretariat and published as an APEC publication for broader access by stakeholders across APEC economies.

2) A 2-Day Workshop for Knowledge Sharing and Engage Policy Enhancement

A two-day workshop will be held in the Taipei metropolitan area around the second quarter of 2025. 

Purpose of the workshop: to build capacity of APEC economies in:

-AMI policy development

-Implementation strategies

-User engagement approaches

-Maximizing data utilization benefits 

Planned agenda of the workshop:

Day one

1.  Setting the context for AMI development

2.   Introducing benchmark research findings

3. Cases of the AMI applications/facilitation actions presentation I

4. Cases of the AMI applications/facilitation actions presentation II

5.  Q&A

6.  Interactive panel discussion and wrapping up Day two

1.  Recap

2. Group discussion: current status sharing, policy enhancement opportunities, and gender-inclusive engagement strategies.

3. Strategic planning: Success metrics establishment, Action plan development

4.  Site visit (the afternoon)

a. Practical AMI implementation site visit (social house in Taipei city) to observe real-world installation and its functions introduction b.Advanced applications: 2024 APEC ESCI awarded E-bus energy management site: Witness AMI integration in the transportation sector

c.  Meter data analytics: Smart meter data information dashboard in the Taiwan Power Company

d.  Ex-post-survey 

Expected participation and target audience:

30 attendees from APEC economies and six expert speakers. Targeting a balanced mix of policymakers and practitioners (division chief above), such as government officials from energy/utility regulatory agencies, utility company representatives responsible for AMI implementation, energy market diversification, business developers in smart grid and energy management, and electricity consumers interested in saving electricity or participating in the electricity market. Female participants recruiting (including project conductors and workshop participants) will be promoted when sharing workshop information, invitations to TEE economies, and local promotion websites or emails. 

Presenting topics include early movers' benchmark studies/best cases, extended applications on AMI, and the result of the ex-ante survey. The main focus is on facilitating AMI actions in benchmark cases to maximize the benefits of AMI other than billing, such as electricity conservation and energy efficiency. Actions such as educating smart meter functions, the meaning of meter information, energy-saving suggestions, etc.

All participants will be encouraged to share the status of their economy's AMI policy and discuss the suggested facilitating actions. These discussions will contribute to the facilitating actions that suggest to the project summary report for the APEC economies to prevent the mis-expect that energy efficiency and energy saving will be achieved by installing AMI alone. 

An ex-ante survey targets the workshop participants (including TEE economies) to understand the overall status and considerations due to APEC economies' diverse AMI installation environment. It will be distributed two weeks before the workshop. An ex-post survey will be disseminated to all participants on the last day of the workshop to assess knowledge acquisition and awareness.

3) A Project Summary Report

A project summary report of a minimum of 15 pages, excluding annexes, synthesizing key findings of benchmark research, including best practices and facilitating actions to improve the benefits of AMI; a summary of the workshop, including the presentation and discussions; and recommendations proposed by the experts and participants for APEC economies. 

The target audience includes government policymakers in the energy sector, utility operators, energy regulators, energy program managers, and the power consumers who pay the power bills. 

This project summary report aims to provide actionable recommendations for APEC economies while addressing two critical concerns: first, to dispel the misconception that AMI installation alone will automatically generate benefits such as electricity savings, and second, to guide economies in implementing AMI with timely and suitable facilitation measures, preventing both benefit delays and subsequent remedial costs. The project summary report will also be disseminated to APEC economies as an APEC publication.

1) Deepened awareness of the importance of AMI and the actions that need to be considered and taken to realize its benefits, such as energy conservation or energy efficiency benefits to both the energy supplier and the users. These outcomes will be derived from lesson-learnt, best-case early mover experience, and expert participants' interactive discussion in the workshop.

2) Increase the awareness that only investing in the AMI system might not bring benefits such as energy conservation that were expected.
The acquisition of knowledge on how to realise the benefits of AMI and its importance can enhance the progress of AMI for late-mover economies, which helps the digital transformation of the energy sector.


The first beneficiaries (workshop participants):

1. Government officials and policy-makers (division chief above) directly involved in AMI, smart grid, and energy market development. They could be from the energy/economic ministry , energy regulatory commission, energy efficiency agency, or smart grid/grid modernization department. Required expertise: At least two years experience in energy policy development or smart grid programs.

2. Utility company (Management position) who is responsible for AMI implementation and operation, Grid modernization managers, customer service directors and data analytics managers

Required expertise: Minimum of three years of experience planning and managing smart grid projects.

3. Manager (above) and technical experts from the private sector specialized in AMI system design and implementation, smart grid technologies, energy management systems (DERs and HEMS), data analytics and customer engagement.

Required level: Senior technical or management position for planning AMI solution or projects.

Secondary beneficiaries:

1. Extended Government Networks:

-Local government energy offices

-Municipal utilities

Access: implementation guidelines and best practices 2.Broader Utility staff not attending the workshop:

-Operations teams

-Customer service representatives

-IT department staff

Access: Knowledge transfer from workshop participants 3.Energy consumers in APEC economies:

-Residential users

-Commercial businesses

Access: knowledge of AMI and facilitated action, improved AMI services, and energy efficiency programs resulting from project outcomes

4. Energy service providers:

-Smart meter installers

-Customer support staff

Access: Enhanced AMI implementation guidelines and operational standards"


Project Outputs Distribution Strategy:

The Project Summary Report (minimum of 15 pages excluding annexes). The report will contain the benchmark research findings, workshop outcomes, and implementation recommendations to guide AMI deployment in the APEC region. The Project Summary Report will be published as an APEC publication.

The benchmark findings will also be disseminated through the workshop to the participants, and the project results will be presented at EWG and EGEEC meetings to promote the outcomes. 

A press release on the workshop will be published on the website of the Energy Administration and the major energy journal. It will also be distributed to utility companies, energy associations, colleges, and research institutes to encourage stakeholders. 

It is noted that personal data (name, gender, economy, social media handles, name of employer, etc.) of project participants (including speakers, experts, and contractors) will not appear in any APEC publication or APEC project report produced in relation to this project.


Please see Project Proposal in Supporting Documents folder.

Work Plan

Please see Project Proposal in Supporting Documents folder.


Please see Project Proposal in Supporting Documents folder.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Please see Project Proposal in Supporting Documents folder.


AMI plays a role not only in energy efficiency and renewable energy but also in energy resilience and the digital economy. This project will have linkages between the Energy Working Group (EWG), the Small and Medium Enterprises Working Group (SMEWG), and Sub-Committee on Standards and Conformance (SCSC) to enhance contributions of the use of AMI and smart grid under the right direction, and the improvement of the region's economic growth and social well-being.


Smart metering systems (AMI) help digitalise the electricity grid and enable various low-carbon technologies such as EVs and renewable energy. It become a trend in the world not only to replace digital meters but also for the early mover economies to replace the meter with the second generation smart meter. No matter how, engaging consumers to utilize the functions and reach energy efficiency provided directly and indirectly by the AMI will comply with the low-carbon and efficient trend that APEC economies pursue and be sustained.

Project Overseers

Working Experience

Director, Electricity Division, Bureau of Energy, MOEA

Deputy Director, Electricity Division, Bureau of Energy, MOEA

Senior Specialist, Energy Technology Division, Bureau of Energy, MOEA Section Chief, Planning Division, Bureau of Energy, MOEA

Technical Specialist, Electricity Division Engineer, Ebasco-CTCI Corporation 

Education Background

MSc, Environmental Engineering, National Chaio-Tung University BS, Harbor & River Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University

Cost Efficiency

Not Applicable.

Drawdown Timetable

Not Applicable.

Direct Labour

Please see Project Proposal in Supporting Documents folder.


Not Applicable.

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Version: 2.0 
Created at 11/01/2025 22:53  by Lucy Phua 
Last modified at 11/01/2025 23:06  by Lucy Phua 
Version HistoryVersion History

Project No.

Project Title

Project Status

Publication (if any)

Fund Account


Project Year

Project Session

APEC Funding

Co-funding Amount

Total Project Value

Sponsoring Forum



Other Fora Involved

Other Non-APEC Stakeholders Involved

Proposing Economy(ies)

Co-Sponsoring Economies

Expected Start Date

Expected Completion Date

Project Proponent Name 1

Job Title 1

Organization 1

Postal Address 1

Telephone 1

Fax 1

Email 1

Project Proponent Name 2

Job Title 2

Organization 2

Postal Address 2

Telephone 2

Fax 2

Email 2


Project Summary




TILF/ASF Justification

Beneficiaries and Outputs



Work Plan


Monitoring and Evaluation



Project Overseers

Cost Efficiency

Drawdown Timetable

Direct Labour


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