Project Title

Building resilient energy policies in Asia-Pacific 

Project Year


Project Number


Project Session

Session 1   

Project Type


Project Status

Project in Implementation   
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Project No.


Project Title

Building resilient energy policies in Asia-Pacific 

Project Status

Project in Implementation 

Publication (if any)


Fund Account

APEC Support Fund 


ASF: Energy Efficiency, Low Carbon and Energy Resiliency Measures (EELCER) 

Project Year


Project Session

Session 1 

APEC Funding


Co-funding Amount


Total Project Value


Sponsoring Forum

Energy Working Group (EWG) 


Energy; Emergency Preparedness; Environment 


SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE) 

Other Fora Involved


Other Non-APEC Stakeholders Involved


Proposing Economy(ies)


Co-Sponsoring Economies

Australia; Canada; Japan; Korea; Peru; Chinese Taipei; United States 

Expected Start Date


Expected Completion Date


Project Proponent Name 1

Adelaida Baeriswyl 

Job Title 1

International Affairs Advisor 

Organization 1

Ministry of Energy of Chile 

Postal Address 1

Not Applicable 

Telephone 1

(+56) 2 2367 3732 

Fax 1

Not Applicable 

Email 1 

Project Proponent Name 2

Isabella Villanueva 

Job Title 2

Climate Change Analyst   

Organization 2

Ministry of Energy 

Postal Address 2

Not Applicable 

Telephone 2


Fax 2

Not Applicable 

Email 2 


Adelaida Baeriswyl 

Project Summary

In recent years, the Asia-Pacific region has faced an upswing in natural disasters intensified by climate change, causing significant harm to energy infrastructure and the economy. This highlights the critical need for resilience-focused public policies to ensure a stable energy supply while effectively tackling climate-related challenges.

Acknowledging that climate change will worsen disaster magnitudes and introduce new challenges, this initiative aligns with APEC's Putrajaya Vision 2040. It emphasizes robust, balanced, secure, sustainable, and inclusive growth by actively advocating for energy resilience and sustainability throughout the Asia-Pacific region in the face of evolving climate risks. The project, which is aligned with the work develop by the Energy Resilience Task Force of APEC, includes a process of virtual bilateral meetings with the co-sponsor economies, as well as with interested economies, for an active participation in the workshop and project to gather information on the state of resilience in energy policies and concludes with a two-day workshop in Santiago, Chile to present results, exchange experiences and propose guidelines for a methodology to incorporate of a successful resilience perspective in the energy sector.



The project aims to tackle challenges associated with the absence of a climate resilience perspective in energy policies or the difficulties in its seamless integration. Currently, there is a lack of clear guidelines and methodologies for both incorporating climate resilience and transitioning from planning to implementation. The objective is to initiate a technical dialogue, facilitate an exchange of experiences and best practices, and compile a state-of-the-art overview of how APEC economies are progressing in this area, fostering innovative solutions. Recognizing shared regional challenges, the project advocates for collaborative advancement in common methodologies and tools.

Additionally, it endeavors to initiate a collective effort to develop a methodology for quantifying the costs and benefits of climate adaptation, ensuring a just, secure, and resilient transition in decision-making within the energy sector.

Eligibility and Fund Priorities

This project meets the eligibility criteria by having clear relation and contribution to one of the main objectives of the Sub-fund Energy Efficiency, Low Carbon and Energy Resiliency Measures (EELCER, which is accelerating the deployment of energy resiliency measures. This project focuses on activities which will contribute to enhance energy resiliency, which was highlighted the importance at APEC Energy Ministerial Meeting in 2015. It will also contribute to enhancing energy access, which was underlined by APEC leaders in 2016, 2017 and 2020. The main objective of this project also meets the capacity building needs for APEC developing economies.

The project also supports the funding priorities for APEC Support EELCER by deepening the Energy Resilience Principle, formulated and endorsed by the EWG in response to the recent and frequent occurrence of natural disasters, specifically by exploring new methodologies for measuring and quantifying resilience, as well as tools for its financing.

Capacity Building

Secure access to energy is a fundamental right, and of utmost importance to develop the economic activities that sustain economies, in that sense, this project is in line with the goals of capacity building through the achievement of sustainable growth and equitable development in the Asia-Pacific region as well as improving the economic and social well-being of the people, ensuring capacity building work to increase the security of energy systems and ensuring the adaptability, absorption and recovery of electricity supply.


Aligned with the APEC Energy Resiliency Principle, this project aims to facilitate a robust exchange of experiences, knowledge, and methodologies, emphasizing effective integration of climate resilience and adaptation into energy policies. The initiative focuses on comprehensive capacity building, transferring methodologies to position resilience in energy policies as a regional priority.

By fostering collaboration and continuous improvement, this project promotes energy security through innovative, science-based methodologies, aiming to equip APEC economies with the tools needed to strengthen resilience and adapt to evolving challenges effectively. Committed to the La Serena Roadmap it will ensures a 50% female participation, advancing gender equality.



This project aligns with APEC's Putrajaya Vision 2040 goals of Strong, Balanced, Secure, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth by promoting energy resilience and energy across the Asia-Pacific region.

The APEC Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Framework. The APEC DRR Framework aims to facilitate collective work in building disaster-resilient economies supporting inclusive and sustainable development in the face of the new normal.

La Serena Roadmap for Women and Inclusive Growth (2019-2030). The project seeks to include an equitable participation of women in the project, promoting capacity building and training in a highly masculinized sector. Furthermore, given the internal policies of the Chilean Ministry of Energy, the beneficiaries of the project will be selected under gender equity criteria, while the panelists of workshops or discussions will be chosen following the guidelines of the #LasMujeresSuman (Women Add Up) campaign, that at least 25% of the panelists are women, without considering the moderator.


This project is aligned with the Energy Working Group (EWG) Strategic Plan in Strengthening Energy Security, Promoting Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Communities, and Developing Cleaner Energy Source through the collaborative knowledge and experience transfer of promotion, development, and adoption of resilient perspectives in energy policies, reducing vulnerabilities and increasing capacity to respond, adapt and recover from extreme events.

The project also contributes to the Energy Resilience Task Force (ERTF) by promoting climate-proofing energy infrastructure and providing an avenue for cutting-edge energy efficient technologies.

Furthermore, the project aims to strengthen cooperation among APEC economies by facilitating the exchange of experiences in its focus area. This collaboration is poised to drive the transition towards a low-carbon economy, curbing greenhouse gas emissions, and catalyzing the growth of clean energy across these economies.

TILF/ASF Justification

Not Applicable.

Beneficiaries and Outputs


1) Summary Report: Resilience in Energy Policies, In-Depth Analysis of APEC Economies

During the first part of the project, a specialist will work, under the supervision of the Chilean Ministry of Energy, on a literature review to understand the current state of resilience and adaptation in the energy sector worldwide. In addition, an in-depth look at the status of energy policies and the incorporation of resilience in all APEC economies (if possible) will be conducted, with a special focus on co-sponsor economies. This will be a state-of-art analysis. 

In addition to that, this report will consider the results of the survey and interviews with counterparts of APEC economies to understand how economies are developing energy policies that include climate resilience and adaptation. 

The objective of this output is to understand some key aspects, such as regulations, methodologies, gaps and challenges, financing, applications, projects, and technologies in APEC economies to increase energy resilience. 

Preliminarily, the contents of this report will be: 1) Abstract, 2) Introduction, 3) Overview of resilience in the energy sector, 4) International state of the art of energy resilience, 5) Resilience in the energy policies of APEC economies, 6) Gaps, challenges, and challenges, 7) Preliminary conclusions. 

It will be between 50 and 70 pages long, without annexes, and will be part of the contents to be addressed in the workshop (it will be previously circulated and will be presented at the opening session).

2) In-Person Technical 2-Day Workshop in Santiago, Chile

Once some key elements that may be increasing energy resilience and system security in a timely and innovative way have been identified, an in- person event will be organized in Santiago to bring together specialists, technicians, and decision-makers from the co-sponsor economies to present in detail the main initiatives and develop a rich and highly specialized technical exchange focused on energy resilience. This space is of vital importance given that today there are not many specialized instances for showing cutting-edge advances in resilience and adaptation in the energy sector, allowing APEC economies to take an international leadership role. 

Preliminary agenda (7-8 hours per day):

[Day 1 - Morning] Opening, participant introduction session, focus group 1 on the state of resilience in APEC economies.

[Day 1 - Afternoon] Technical session 1 focused on energy resilience globally, panel discussion 1 with case studies in APEC economies (success stories), technical session 2 focused on how resilience is incorporated into energy policies (success stories).

[Day 2 - Morning] Technical workshop 1 on methodologies to incorporate resilience in the energy sector, technical session 3 on resilient energy policies in APEC economies (success stories), focus group 2 on resilient energy sector projects in APEC economies.

[Day 2 - Afternoon] Technical workshop 2 on early warning systems for the energy sector, panel discussion 2 on technologies and resilience (success stories), wrap-up.

3) Final Report

At the end of the event, a final report will be developed that will analyze the information from a general perspective (state of the art of resilience in the energy policies of all APEC economies, if possible), going through a particular and detailed analysis of those economies that have one or more success stories to end with lessons learned and recommendations regarding the development of methodologies, processes, and regulatory changes to have a greater adaptive capacity of the energy sector. 

Methodologically, the same specialist of output 1 and 2 will deepen these topics. If in the Summary Report, a general compilation was made, in this third stage it will be deepened through three main approaches:

1. Research through the literature available in each APEC economy, focusing on energy ministries or institutions, as well as those agencies in charge of risk management.

2.  Review the inclusion (or not) in the main energy regulations of each country (if available). A matrix summarizing the degree of resilience penetration (or its variables) and how applicable it is in practice will be elaborated. This work was carried out for Chile by the Ministry of Energy in 2023 and a similar methodology is sought to be replicated, although it could change the contexts.

3. Results, analysis, and conclusions of the in-person workshop, focusing on the main energy resilience solutions presented at the in-person workshop by experts and participants. 

This final report will be an extension of the Summary Report. In addition to the contents addressed in the latter, the following chapters will be added: 7) Successful cases (which will be reviewed in the workshop and complemented with focused research), 8) Methodologies for incorporating resilience in energy policies (which will be reviewed in the workshop and complemented with focused research), 9) Actionable recommendations (at least 3), and 10) Conclusions. The annexes of this final report will be, at least, the results of the survey and interviews, as well as the details of the development and results of the workshop. 

It will be between 100 and 120 pages long, without annexes.


1) Up-to-date, accurate, and detailed state of the art: This outcome focuses on providing participants with the most recent and comprehensive information on the current status of resilience and climate adaptation in energy policies across APEC economies. By leveraging the findings from surveys and bilateral meetings, the workshop will present a detailed overview of the regulatory frameworks, methodologies, gaps, challenges, and successes experienced by different economies. Participants will gain a clear understanding of the existing landscape of resilience in energy policies, allowing them to benchmark their own policies and identify areas for improvement. This will enable policymakers to make informed decisions based on accurate and current data.
This outcome will be measured by the post-event survey conducted at the end of the Workshop.

2) Knowledge of best practices among economies: The workshop will provide a platform for sharing and learning from the best practices in energy resilience and climate adaptation implemented by various APEC economies. Presentations and discussions will highlight successful initiatives, innovative approaches, and lessons learned from different economies. Participants will be exposed to a range of successful approaches, strategies, and methodologies that have been effectively implemented in their particular contexts. This knowledge exchange will enable them to adopt and adapt these best practices within their own situations, fostering innovation and improvement in their resilience strategies. The success of this outcome can be gauged by the feedback from participants on the usefulness of the shared practices, and the implementation of new initiatives inspired by these examples.
This outcome will be measured by the post-event survey conducted at the end of the Workshop.

3) Opportunities for implementation of recommendations or replication of success stories: One of the key outputs of the project and workshop will be the proposal and development of actionable recommendations tailored to the unique needs and contexts of APEC economies. These recommendations will focus on enhancing resilience in energy policies and will be based on the insights gained from the state-of-the-art review and best practice discussions. This outcome focuses on identifying those APEC economies that would be interested in or see possibilities of implementing one or more of the project's recommendations. This will be identified from the ex-post survey of the workshop and will be included, along with preliminary proposals for implementation or collaboration, in the final report.


Public policy developers and decision makers in the energy sector, specialized in energy modeling and planning, regulation and inspection, technical areas related to markets, resilience, climate change, asset management, among others, from the energy institutions of APEC economies. 

The expected level of expertise will be over 6 years, although -in some cases- there may be exceptions in specific cases. Regarding roles and level of responsibility, it is expected to be able to count on beneficiaries who occupy technical and/or political leadership positions, as well as senior technicians. There will be no gender bias, but understanding that the energy sector is highly masculinized and taking into consideration the goals in terms of gender perspective, member economies will be encouraged to appoint women in the participating group, both in the interviews and in the face-to-face workshop. 

The project will directly benefit APEC economies through collaborative work from their representatives and policymakers during the data collection and thanks to the exchange of experiences, networking and mutual learning during the days of the event. It is expected to contribute to the empowerment of women through the visibility of experts and decision-makers who are contributing to climate resilience and adaptation in the energy sector.


All documents and reports derived from the project will be published as APEC Publications. Once published, the Chilean Ministry of Energy will also dedicate a page on its website with a summary of the project, as well as a director link to the APEC website to download the products. In addition, co-sponsor economies will be invited to replicate this publication. 

In addition, the Chilean Ministry of Energy will send the final report to its databases of the Chilean private sector, academia, civil society, and other public institutions.

Dissemination will also be committed to the Ministry's social networks, complementing the report with graphics that support its dissemination more openly, both in English and Spanish. 

Finally, thanks to the Ministry of Energy's networks on resilience, the report will also be disseminated with the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI), institutions specialized in energy resilience (among other matters).


Please see Project Proposal in Supporting Documents folder.

Work Plan

Please see Project Proposal in Supporting Documents folder.


Please see Project Proposal in Supporting Documents folder.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Please see Project Proposal in Supporting Documents folder.


Energy Ministers of APEC’s economies affirmed the importance of energy resilience to promoting energy security and achieving sustainable development in the 2015 APEC Energy Ministerial Meeting held in Cebu. The thematic of the meeting was “Towards an Energy Resilient APEC Community,” resulted in the Cebu Declaration on East Asian Energy Security. Since then, the Energy Working Group (EWG) and Energy Resiliency Task Force (ERTF) have facilitated discussions on energy resiliency among APEC member economies. In the Principle, Energy resiliency is defined as the ability and quality that enables for energy systems to withstand extreme natural and manmade disasters and to recover and return to normal conditions in a timely and efficient manner and to build back better, thereby securing a stable energy supply to society and reducing negative impacts on human lives and economic activities from energy supply disruption. 

Energy resilience is crucial for APEC economies due to their diverse energy needs and vulnerabilities. Ensuring a resilient energy infrastructure allows these economies to manage supply disruptions from natural disasters, geopolitical conflicts, or technical failures, minimizing economic and social impacts. As the region is highly susceptible to climate change and extreme weather events, energy resilience involves developing robust infrastructures and incorporating renewable energy sources, enhancing security and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, technological advancements like smart grids and energy storage are essential for optimizing resource use and ensuring a stable energy supply. 

Regional cooperation within APEC economies facilitates the sharing of best practices and joint research, addressing transnational challenges. Overall, energy resilience supports economic stability, attracts foreign investment, and ensures equitable access to energy, promoting sustainable development and improving quality of life in the Asia-Pacific region. Cooperation with other institutions or economies outside APEC is also essential. For example, within the framework of this project, Chile could promote cooperation with the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI), as well as with other economies with which Chile currently have a fruitful technical exchange on energy resilience, such as the United Kingdom and Germany, among others. This could contribute to the analysis of good practices and the incorporation of new visions to the exchange to benefit all APEC economies. 

The work and development of this project will be based on the advances of the APEC document "APEC Energy Resiliency Guidelines" published in November 2021, that proposed guideline based on best practices and recommendations gathered from participants from a series of three virtual workshops hosted by Chile, Chinese Taipei and the Philippines, as well as literature research on relevant energy resiliency efforts in the APEC region. This guideline provides best practices and energy resiliency approaches that may be implemented voluntarily by stakeholders, such as governments, energy supply industries (including oil, gas and electric power), industrial and general energy consumers, and financial institutions to enhance energy resiliency efforts.


After the first output from the project, there will be a summary report on the status of the inclusion of resilience in different energy policies of APEC economies. This implies a fundamental knowledge gain for the project beneficiaries, who will gain perspective on the state of the art of resilience in energy policies, which in turn will have a long-lasting impact, as policy makers will be able to benchmark the state of the art and identify barriers and opportunities. 

After the development of the project, it is planned to follow up on the effectiveness of the recommendations available in the final technical report. This will be done through periodic virtual follow-up meetings. This monitoring mechanism will allow the different beneficiaries to stay connected and encouraged to report progress and advances in the implementation of resilience through quantitative methodologies in energy policy and regulation.

Project Overseers

Not Applicable.

Cost Efficiency

Not Applicable.

Drawdown Timetable

Not Applicable.

Direct Labour

Please see Project Proposal in Supporting Documents folder.


Not Applicable.

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Version: 2.0 
Created at 12/10/2024 20:25  by Lucy Phua 
Last modified at 12/10/2024 20:26  by Lucy Phua 
Version HistoryVersion History

Project No.

Project Title

Project Status

Publication (if any)

Fund Account


Project Year

Project Session

APEC Funding

Co-funding Amount

Total Project Value

Sponsoring Forum



Other Fora Involved

Other Non-APEC Stakeholders Involved

Proposing Economy(ies)

Co-Sponsoring Economies

Expected Start Date

Expected Completion Date

Project Proponent Name 1

Job Title 1

Organization 1

Postal Address 1

Telephone 1

Fax 1

Email 1

Project Proponent Name 2

Job Title 2

Organization 2

Postal Address 2

Telephone 2

Fax 2

Email 2


Project Summary




TILF/ASF Justification

Beneficiaries and Outputs



Work Plan


Monitoring and Evaluation



Project Overseers

Cost Efficiency

Drawdown Timetable

Direct Labour


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