* Atleast Project Title is Required.
Project No. |
Project Title |
Hydrogen for land transport: development pathways and challenges
Project Status |
Project in Implementation
Publication (if any) |
Fund Account |
APEC Support Fund
Sub-fund |
ASF: Energy Efficiency, Low Carbon and Energy Resiliency Measures (EELCER)
Project Year |
Project Session |
Session 1
APEC Funding |
Co-funding Amount |
Total Project Value |
Sponsoring Forum |
Energy Working Group (EWG)
Topics |
Energy; Automotive; Science and Technology; Transportation
Committee |
SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE)
Other Fora Involved |
Other Non-APEC Stakeholders Involved |
Proposing Economy(ies) |
Hong Kong, China
Co-Sponsoring Economies |
Chile; China; Philippines; Singapore; Viet Nam
Expected Start Date |
Expected Completion Date |
Project Proponent Name 1 |
YIU Tak Tai, Boris
Job Title 1 |
Assistant Director/Electricity and Energy Efficiency
Organization 1 |
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
Postal Address 1 |
Not Applicable
Telephone 1 |
(+852) 2808 3818
Fax 1 |
Not Applicable
Email 1 |
Project Proponent Name 2 |
WONG Lui, Eric
Job Title 2 |
Assistant Director / Gas and General Legislation
Organization 2 |
Electrical and Mechanical Services Department
Postal Address 2 |
Not Applicable
Telephone 2 |
(+852) 2808 3254
Fax 2 |
Not Applicable
Email 2 |
Declaration |
YIU Tak Tai, Boris
Project Summary |
Green and low-carbon hydrogen are critical in reducing energy-related emissions, particularly in the transportation sector. The demand for hydrogen in transport has grown significantly, projected to reach over 40% by 2050. In line with Peru's Policy Priority for APEC 2024 on "Green and Low-Carbon Hydrogen as an Enabler of the Energy Transition," Hong Kong, China proposes a project to explore potential pathways for hydrogen adoption in land transport across APEC economies. This project aims to enhance coordination, cooperation, and collective efforts in scaling up hydrogen use and addressing associated challenges. The project will include a 1-day capacity-building workshop and a Final Study Report.
Relevance |
In 2020, the APEC region accounted for 59 percent of the global primary energy supply, making it a significant player in the energy landscape. Fossil fuels dominated APEC's energy mix, representing 86 percent of the total primary energy supply and 75 percent of electricity generation. However, with the transportation sector being responsible for one-fifth of the world's carbon dioxide emissions, there is a pressing need for effective policy intervention to drive innovation and implement practical solutions that can rapidly and effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Clean hydrogen has emerged as a pivotal solution for decarbonizing various sectors, including long-haul transport. The adoption of hydrogen-powered vehicles not only improves air quality but also enhances energy security. Additionally, hydrogen plays a crucial role in integrating variable renewable energy sources into the electricity system by providing long-term energy storage capabilities that can span days, weeks, or even months. Green and low-carbon hydrogen, as a critical renewable energy carrier, significantly contributes to reducing energy-related emissions, particularly in the transport sector. The International Energy Agency (IEA) projects that the demand for hydrogen in transportation will continue to grow, accounting for over 40 percent of total hydrogen demand by 2050. The primary objective of this project is to foster coordination, cooperation, and collective efforts to scale up the utilization of hydrogen while effectively addressing associated challenges. By sharing the latest developments in strategies for leveraging green and low-carbon hydrogen in land transport, the project aims to enhance the capacity in new energy adoption opportunities of APEC member economies. Key areas of focus include safety regulations, skills development, logistics, and ensuring a sustainable supply of low-carbon hydrogen. To facilitate collaboration and dialogue, the project will include a comprehensive 1-day capacity-building workshop and a Final Study Report, providing a valuable platform for engaging with APEC regions and international organizations. Ultimately, the goal is to drive the development and deployment of hydrogen for land transport, directly addressing the capacity-building needs of APEC developing economies. By aligning with the agreed high-priority areas of clean energy transition and technical cooperation, this initiative seeks to accelerate the decarbonization process and contribute to the establishment of sustainable and environmentally friendly transportation systems. Through the promotion and utilization of low-carbon hydrogen in transportation, we can pave the way for a cleaner and brighter future.
Eligibility and Fund Priorities The main objective of this project is to promote the development and implementation of advanced hydrogen technologies in land transport, thereby enhancing the capability for new transition and advanced technologies, and tackling challenges such as safety regulations, skills development and logistics. By facilitating the creation of energy transition policies and roadmaps, the project seeks to support APEC member economies in achieving the goals outlined in APEC Leaders' Declarations.The project consists of several stages. Firstly, a pre-workshop study by desktop research will provide a summary of the latest advancements in utilizing green and low-carbon hydrogen in land transport within the APEC region. Subsequently, the findings from this study will be shared during a 1-day workshop, bringing together APEC members, academia, international organizations, and participants from the EWG and EGCFE meetings. Esteemed speakers and experts, with a particular emphasis on diverse representation, including women, will be invited to share their knowledge and insights on the development of strategies for utilizing green and low-carbon hydrogen in land transport. During the workshop, various challenges related to the adoption of hydrogen in land transport will be addressed, such as safety regulations, skills development, logistics, and ensuring a sustainable supply of low-carbon hydrogen. A comprehensive Final Study Report will serve as a reference for APEC economies, enabling them to formulate clean energy transition policies and remain up to date with the latest technological advancements. Furthermore, this project aims to advocate for the utilization of hydrogen in land transport, which contributes to capacity building in terms of energy resilience. By offering an alternative fuel source for transportation, hydrogen diversifies the energy mix and provides the potential for enhanced energy security and independence. The project helps reduce dependency on fossil fuels and mitigates the risks associated with supply disruptions, ultimately contributing to a more resilient energy system.
Capacity Building
The scope of this project covers all APEC economies with hydrogen developments (such as China, Peru, Japan, Republic of Korea, the United States of America, etc.). The outcome of the study provides a useful reference for APEC economies on the latest state of play on the key developments, issues and challenges that economies face in hydrogen development for land transport. In particular, the regulatory, capability and supply challenges in relation to hydrogen development will be investigated and analysed to understand the potential directions that economies could consider for hydrogen development for land transport in own economy. The workshop, in conjunction with the rest of the Project, provides a crucial platform for direct dialogue among APEC members, particularly those in developing economies wishing to promote hydrogen development for land transport within their economies. It offers a valuable capacity-building opportunity to enhance capabilities in adopting hydrogen for land transport, including tackling challenges of safety regulations, skills development and logistics. By actively engaging in direct dialogue and fostering collaboration, APEC member economies can drive the development and deployment of hydrogen technologies, addressing climate change, energy resiliency, and energy transition, and exchanging practical know-how and lessons learnt on hydrogen development and implementation for land transport. Leveraging digital and advanced technologies, APEC member economies unlock the full potential of hydrogen, contributing not only to their energy resilience but also to the overall development and growth of the region. The workshop empowers APEC developing economies to embrace hydrogen as a transformative solution, facilitating direct dialogue and accelerating progress towards a sustainable energy future.
Objectives |
The project objective is to enhance APEC member economies' capacity by sharing the latest developments in strategies for using green and low-carbon hydrogen in land transport. It will address challenges such as safety regulations, skills development, logistics, and ensuring a sustainable supply of low-carbon hydrogen. Additionally, the project will serve as a dialogue platform, fostering collaboration among APEC regions and international organizations to drive the development of hydrogen for land transport.
Alignment |
APEC In the 2022 declaration in Bangkok, APEC leaders recognized the need for more intensive efforts to tackle present-day challenges, including climate change and sustainable energy transitions that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In the Detroit dialogue of 2023, it was emphasized that member economies should take practical actions to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels for power and energy production and increase the use of clean energy. Aligning with Peru's Policy Priority for APEC 2024, which emphasizes "Green and Low-Carbon Hydrogen as an Enabler of the Energy Transition," Hong Kong, China proposes a project to explore potential pathways for adopting hydrogen in land transport across APEC member economies. The main goal of this project is to enhance coordination, cooperation, and collective efforts to scale up the use of hydrogen and address the associated challenges. The project aims to strengthen the capacity of APEC member economies by sharing the latest developments in strategies for utilizing green and low-carbon hydrogen in land transport. It will address challenges such as safety regulations, skills development, logistics, and ensuring a sustainable supply of low-carbon hydrogen. The project includes a 1-day capacity- building workshop and a Final Study Report, providing a platform for dialogue and fostering collaboration among APEC regions and international organizations to drive the development of hydrogen for land transport. This project aligns with APEC's Putrajaya Vision 2040 and Aotearoa Plan of Action, advocating for cooperation within APEC to address climate challenges and facilitate the transition to clean energy.
Forum This project cuts across the Energy Working Group (EWG) and Expert Group on Clean Fossil Energy (EGCFE) mandates. It supports the EWG Strategic Plan 2019-2023, which includes (1) facilitating the exchange of energy-smart and low-carbon policies, practices and tools among APEC Member Economies to promote the development of energy-smart and low-carbon communities across the region; and (2) strengthening coordination and cooperation through sharing best practices, accelerating innovation and promoting the deployment of advanced technologies.
TILF/ASF Justification |
Beneficiaries and Outputs |
1) Pre-Workshop Study
A self-funded pre-workshop study will be conducted before the workshop by Project Overseer (PO) and a self-funded consultant. The literature review aims to identify APEC member economies that have published hydrogen strategies. We will conduct information collection exercise at initial stage of the Pre- workshop study to understand the latest hydrogen development in APEC economies. Based on the information collected, we will conduct analysis on 6-8 shortlisted economies (including overperforming economies, i.e. those with published, formalized hydrogen policy as well as documented record on hydrogen adoption in land transport and) to cover: (i) the economy’s hydrogen strategies (ii) the different drivers and end-use priorities of hydrogen (iii)safety regulations development (iv)developments in industry enablers (e.g. safety skills development, logistics and production capabilities for low carbon and cost effective hydrogen, and investment and research initiatives) The pre-workshop study facilitates the identification of speakers for the workshop. Moreover, HKC will collaborate with EGCFE to coordinate with speakers. The pre-workshop study (in presentation format) will be disseminated at the EWG and EGCFE meetings to encourage members to participate in the workshop actively.
2) Workshop
A 1-day workshop of 8 hours will be organised in Q3 of 2025 in Hong Kong, China. The invited speakers will exchange the study, best practices and policies for using green and low-carbon hydrogen for land transport. The tentative agenda of the workshop (except Opening and Closing Remarks) is as follows: Session 1: Hydrogen strategies, drivers and end-use priorities of APEC member economies (1 hour) Session 2: Safety regulation development for use of hydrogen in land transport (1 hour) Session 3: Best practices and innovations on hydrogen-powered land transport (1 hour) Session 4: Best practices and innovations on logistics and production capabilities for low carbon and cost effective hydrogen (1 hour) Session 5: Skills and talent development for hydrogen adoption in land transport (1 hour) Session 6: Summary of workshop (1 hour) The workshop will provide a capacity-building opportunity for APEC members, especially the developing economies, to enhance their advanced technologies knowledge and skills in hydrogen adoption in land transport. The government officials, APEC EWG its sub-fora, and international organisations will be invited to be the workshop speakers to exchange effective policies, best practices and programmes to boost hydrogen development in land transport. Other target audiences include key industry organisations and associations, key participants in hydrogen industry (e.g., hydrogen infrastructure provider, hydrogen supplier), universities and transport players (e.g. railway operator, bus operator). The workshop supports capacity-building on effective policy and regulations, best practices and skills development for successful adoption of hydrogen in land transport. To support APEC members formulate energy transition policies and regulatory frameworks, PO will collaborate with EGCFE to invite Government officials, including government ministries, government departments, and agencies related to hydrogen development in land transport sector as well as the experts, academia, researchers, private sector related to advanced technologies of hydrogen adoption in land transport. Also, PO will encourage women in the hydrogen and transport industry to actively participate in the workshop to appreciate the technology development. A Post-event Participant Survey will be conducted right after the Workshop to evaluate and assess impacts resulted from the Workshop.
3) Final Study Report
The pre-workshop findings, insights and views raised by the workshop speakers and participants in the workshop, as well as analysis and recommendations on hydrogen development for land transport will be documented in the Final Study Report (at least 40 pages, excluding annexes), and disseminated to co-sponsoring economies for monitoring and evaluation. The Final Study Report will be published and shared on the APEC website for APEC member economies' consideration.
1) 60% or more of workshop participants increased in understanding the best practices to develop strategy and regulations surrounding hydrogen adoption in land transport. The outcome will be measured through post-event participant survey.
2) 60% or more of workshop participants increased in understanding the strengths and limitation of adopting novel hydrogen technologies in land transport. The outcome will be measured through post-event participant survey.
3) 60% or more of workshop participants increased in understanding of the importance in skills and talent development for successful adoption of hydrogen in land transport. The outcome will be measured through post- event participant survey.
The primary beneficiaries will be the speakers and participants of the workshop, including: 1. Government officials, from ministries, departments, and agencies related to energy supply and the transportation sector, will be invited to exchange best practices, and strategies, and discuss the challenges of adopting hydrogen in land transportation. 2. This project also aims to promote digital and innovative technologies and build capacity for developing and deploying renewables in the APEC region. Therefore, APEC EWG and sub-fora such as EWG, EGCFE, Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC), and APEC Sustainable Energy Center (APSEC) will be invited to participate. 3. International organizations and academia will be invited to share global hydrogen development insights and case studies related to hydrogen applications in land transport. Their contributions will help in capacity building for APEC member economies.
The secondary beneficiaries will be the public who did not attend the workshop. The Final Study Report will be published on the APEC website. These reports will enable the general public to learn more about hydrogen applications in land transport and stay informed about the progress made in this field.
Dissemination |
The pre-workshop study presentation will be circulated to the workshop speakers and disseminated to EGCFE members during the meetings to encourage them to participate in the workshop actively. The Final Study Report will be submitted to the APEC Secretariat and sharing with EWG and EGCFE by email. The Final Study Report will be published on the APEC website as an APEC publication and shared with APEC, EWG and its Sub-Fora, workshop speakers and participants, international organisations, and professional institutions.
Gender |
Please see Project Proposal in Supporting Documents folder.
Work Plan |
Please see Project Proposal in Supporting Documents folder.
Risks |
Please see Project Proposal in Supporting Documents folder.
Monitoring and Evaluation |
Please see Project Proposal in Supporting Documents folder.
Linkages |
Engagement: Hong Kong, China will collaborate with the EWG, EGCFE, APERC, APSEC, policymakers, experts, academia, and international organisations (such as the Hydrogen Council, and International Energy Agency). Collaboration with these APEC and non-APEC stakeholders will benefit from exchanging knowledge and experience in promoting hydrogen deployment, in particular land transport, in APEC. The Final Study Report acts as a reference for APEC economies supporting policies to progress towards carbon neutrality. Previous work: There are several hydrogen-related projects in the APEC project database, but only this project focuses on utilizing green and low-carbon hydrogen in land transport and addressing challenges such as safety regulations, skills development, logistics, and ensuring a sustainable supply of low-carbon hydrogen. APEC’s comparative advantage: The project supports capacity-building on enhancing capabilities in adopting hydrogen for land transport, including tackling challenges of safety regulations, skills development and logistics by organising a 1-day workshop. The Final Study Report will be a documentary output of the project and will be valuable to strengthening policy making, implementation and investment to encourage hydrogen adoption in land transport within APEC economies. This project will accelerate APEC members to achieve the APEC- prioritised clean energy transition and renewable energy adoption, which aligns with APEC's Putrajaya Vision 2040 and Aotearoa Plan of Action to address climate challenges.
Sustainability |
The project will deliver long-term impacts on APEC economies. The Final Study Report will be published on the APEC website to strengthen policy making, regulatory design and investment to encourage hydrogen adoption in land transport, and to a broader extent, energy transition as well. The project workshop provides a sharing platform for policy-makers, experts, academia, professionals, practitioners, international organisations, and APEC member economies to support governments in exploring potential solutions for adopting hydrogen in land transports, including policy and regulatory setting, capacity development, incentivizing research and investment, and creating green jobs. The diversified background of speakers and participants will form a cooperative network for information exchange. The project outcomes will align with the 2023 APEC Leaders’ Golden Gate Declaration, wherein leaders committed “to triple renewable energy capacity globally through existing targets and policies” and to “spur transition to and investment in low and zero emission transportation”.
Project Overseers |
Mr YIU Tak Tai, Boris, Assistant Director/Electricity and Energy Efficiency of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, HKSAR. He is responsible for the development, implementation and promotion of various EE&C, and renewable energy (RE) programmes.
Cost Efficiency |
Drawdown Timetable |
Direct Labour |
Waivers |
Are there any supporting document attached? |