Outputs1) WorkshopThe workshop will convene experts to speak on best practices and activities relevant to the APEC just energy transition principles endorsed at EMM13. It will serve as an opportunity for participants to share their experiences identifying and addressing barriers to implementing plans that advance just energy transition in their economies. The project will issue a Workshop survey to collect speaker and participant feedback on the workshop, including their recommendations and conclusions from the sessions, in addition to whether the workshop has satisfactorily addressed gender issues related to its topics. The survey results will be disaggregated by gender to evaluate the variation in levels of satisfaction according to participant gender.
Expected timeline: May 2025.
Tentative location: The workshop will be hosted on the sidelines of relevant meetings at SOM 3 in Korea. Should SOM 3 not be a suitable venue for the workshop, the project will shift timelines to host the workshop on the sidelines of a later meeting of the EWG.
Rough agenda and examples of potential sessions:
1. Introductory panel and Q&A sessions on APEC just energy transition principles.
2. Expert presentations on the just energy transition initiative thematic areas: energy security; gender equality, well-being, and sustainable development.
3. Expert presentations on existing successful just energy transition plans and implementation strategies in the APEC region and beyond for lessons learned.
4. Expert panels and Q&A sessions to discuss current challenges and best practices to advance just energy transition. This includes case studies in APEC economies.
5. Breakout sessions to brainstorm innovative approaches to public policy alignment, technical solutions for just energy transition, and overcome challenges identified in other sessions.
6. Final session to consolidate key learnings and facilitate a discussion among participants to identify next steps for applying new information/resources in their roles.
2) Project Summary ReportA final report will be produced that synthesizes the feedbacks and comments from the workshop in addition to synthesizing the recommendations and best practices identified to help support APEC economies in pursing locally- relevant just energy transition plans.
Expected timeline: August 2025-December 2025.
The project team will produce a final APEC Published report (minimum 30 pages excluding annexes) with:
i.A synthesis of key takeaways from the workshop on progress on just energy transition
ii. An assessment of identified barriers to just energy transition planning and implementation
iii. Recommendations towards addressing those identified barriers and synthesis of best practices
iv. An annex containing anonymized responses from the workshop survey and any materials produced in the execution of this project in accordance with the APEC publication guidelines.
The outputs of the project would serve to help build capacity in APEC economies to promote the implementation of just energy transition plans and integration of the just energy transition principles in existing and future workstreams. As a result, the outputs should increase just energy transition knowledge, lower carbon use, encourage clean energy policy, improve social-wellbeing, and cultivate knowledge sharing among economies.
Through this project member economies could create local infrastructure to track progress on just transition, identify locally relevant just transition metrics, and draft locally relevant just transition plans and implementation strategy.
BeneficiariesDirect project participants will include: 1) APEC economy government officials – in each APEC economy, there are government officials of all genders responsible for overseeing, designing, and implementing energy transition policies and plans related to energy generation sources, energy infrastructure siting, and community engagement and benefits. For all levels of responsibility, this project enables those officials participate in capacity building to either change/strengthen economies’ existing policies or develop new ones in accordance with the project’s recommendations. 2) Non-government organizations (NGOs) and academia – NGOs and academia bring important insights and perspectives that may strengthen the results and recommendations of the project. This, in turn, benefits all APEC economies. 3) APEC Policy Partnership on Women and the Economy, APEC Sustainable Development participants – There are important linkages to the work conducted by this project and that of Sustainable Development and Women issues. Participants from these two groups will be invited to participate in all phases of the project, including the workshop and subsequent report publication. Benefits will also extend to citizens of APEC economies and beyond. This is particularly true for vulnerable populations who lack access to safe, sustainable electricity and stand to gain from just energy transition plants that are intended to improve wellbeing and quality of life for all.