1) Workshop: The workshop will promote a change of mentality about the productive value of people with disabilities and the elimination of attitudinal barriers towards people with disabilities, promoting the strengthening of an inclusive, accessible and diverse labor market, through the exchange of successful policies and good practices. with an interactive and participatory approach of APEC member economies.
The workshop will be divided into 2 days, of 8 hours per day: PROPOSED AGENDA:
Working day 1: Presentations and Best Practices Location and Date: Seoul, Day 1.
Duration: 8 hours
1. Opening Ceremony and Welcome (15 minutes) oOpening remarks by the minister or high authority. MTPE. oRemarks by an APEC representative.
oIntroduction to the background (Detroit Principles, Arequipa Goals, others), objectives, and agenda of the event. Master of Ceremony.
2. Activity 1: Effective and Innovative Practices (90 minutes) Section A: (40 min)
oPresentation and discussion on strategies in public and private policies for the inclusion of people with disabilities.
Section B: (50 min)
oPresentation of a successful case in public and private policies for the labor inclusion of people with disabilities. [name of economy]
oPresentation of a second successful case in public and private policies for the labor inclusion of people with disabilities. [name of economy] oPresentation of a third successful case in public and private policies for the labor inclusion of people with disabilities. [name of economy]
oExample title: Strategies to support the inclusion of people or women with disabilities in the labor market of [name of economy]
3. Coffee Break (15 minutes)
4. Workshop 1: Identifying Barriers and Solutions (60 minutes) Experience of barriers in the workplace with an emphasis on women with disabilities (60 minutes)
?Simulation of various work situations to experience daily barriers.
?Interactive activities including the use of assistive technologies and physical adaptations. Groups of 20 participants. Simultaneous
oMapping and Solutions Workshop [expert from economy X] oBrainstorming Workshop [expert from economy X] oWorkshop 2 [expert from economy X]
5. Lunch (60 minutes)
6. Activity 2: Inclusive Policies in the Workplace (90 minutes)
oExperts, officials, and company representatives participating in the plenaries discuss the challenges and opportunities in the labor inclusion of people with disabilities.
oQuestions and answers from the audience.
7. Coffee Break - Coworking (15 minutes)
8. Workshop 2: Skill Development for Inclusion (60 min)
Groups of 20 participants. Simultaneous oMapping and Solutions [expert from economy X] oBrainstorming [expert from economy X]
9. Coffee Break - Coworking (15 minutes)
10. Activity 3: Technological Innovations for Inclusion (60 minutes) oExperts, officials, and company representatives participating in the plenaries discuss the challenges.
11. Day 1 Closing (15 minutes)
oSummary of the first day and preparation for the next day's activities. Working day 2: Workshops and Experiential Experiences
?Location and Date: Seoul, Day 2.
?Duration: 8 hours
1. Registration and Welcome, recap of learning from Day 1 (30 minutes)
2. Experiential Experience 1: Immersive Disability Experience (90 minutes)
Groups of 20 participants. Simultaneous
oExperience 1 [facilitated by expert from economy X] oExperience 2 [facilitated by expert from economy X] oExperience 3 [facilitated by expert from economy X]
For example: "Assistive technologies (ICT) and reasonable accommodations in the workplace" or "Mentoring and training programs in soft digital skills."
3. Coffee Break (15 minutes)
4. Workshop 3: Inclusion from the Job Interview (90 minutes)
oSmall Activity 1 [facilitated by expert from economy X] oSmall Activity 2 [facilitated by expert from economy X] oSmall Activity 3 [facilitated by expert from economy X]
5. Lunch (60 minutes)
6. Activity 4: Towards an Inclusive Future of Work (90 minutes)
oPresentation of a successful case in public and private policies for the labor inclusion of people with disabilities. [name of economy]
oPresentation of a second successful case in public and private policies for the labor inclusion of people with disabilities. [name of economy] oPresentation of a third successful case in public and private policies for the labor inclusion of people with disabilities. [name of economy]
7. Coffee Break - Coworking (15 minutes)
8. Experiential Experience 2: High-Impact Simulated Job Interviews (45 minutes)
oParticipants act as interviewers and candidates with disabilities. oDiscussion on perceived barriers and how to overcome them with a gender focus.
-Closing and conclusions (30 minutes)
?Summary of the day's learnings.
?Final reflections and next steps to promote the labor inclusion of people with disabilities and women.
?Questions from participants.
-Evaluation survey application (10 minutes)
-Indicators by gender.
Methodology or Participatory and interactive approach with emphasis on experiential experiences.
Materials o Presentations, o Case studies, o Good practice guides, Guidelines, guidelines for expert speakers or others.
2) Summary Report: eport that presents the policy experiences and good practices shared during the workshop, as well as the contributions and comments of the participating economies, which will be the basis for the formulation of implementation recommendations.
Proposed structure :
2.Policy experiences and good practices identified. 3.Comments from participating economies.
4.Gender analysis in the participation of guests and speakers. 5.Analysis of application of the survey applied, by gender.
6. Policy and strategy recommendations. (capacity development for APEC economies), with alternative strategies to reduce participation gaps for people with disabilities and women, in the case of the economies that are applicable. In addition, alternatives will be included that allow addressing gender problems such as feminized labor sectorization, low quality of employment for women or cultural barriers that limit access to better working conditions for women; so that economies that present these labor market scenarios can apply the recommendations more precisely and effectively.
7. Analysis of results obtained. 8.Project profitability analysis.
9.Appendices. (Summary of the workshop, application of surveys, among others)
The report will be broken down into at least 20 pages without including the appendices, and its content will develop inclusion and gender perspectives, that is, the participation of people with disabilities, women and men will be analyzed, both in the development of the workshop and in recommendations for the implementation of strategies and/or policy implementation in APEC economies.
Said report will be published through APEC, so that all APEC member economies can access them, and implement the recommendations, to the extent that corresponds and benefits each of them, according to their particularities and needs.
If the publication is replicated through the Ministry, copyright licensing agreements will be respected in accordance with the APEC Intellectual Property Policy.
1) Effective Participation: APEC economies represented in the event and the diversity of actors involved. APEC economies will have greater awareness and understanding of the challenges faced by people with disabilities in the labor market, through real cases and shared experiences.
Creation of a collaboration network of different actors interested in promoting and strengthening the inclusion of people with disabilities.
2) Gender Participation:Promote the participation of women in the conference and their representation in leadership and decision-making roles during the Project.
We will strengthen the capacities of participating women and people with disabilities in leadership and decision- making roles; Examples of awareness raising for participants and people accessing the report that describes the development of participation.
3) Recommendations and Strategies Identified:Concrete recommendations and strategies derived from the event to address the identified problem.
APEC economies will be able to review and use shared policies, strategies and experiences, strengthening the development of their capacities in the improvement and implementation of policies and strategies for inclusive, accessible and diverse work environments, through real experiences with a disability perspective and with special emphasis on addressing gender gaps.
Direct beneficiaries:
Officials responsible for Public Policies, strategies, interventions, and other related matters, of the Ministries of Labor and Employment Promotion, Development and Social Inclusion, among others, in matters of work, human resources development and inclusion.
Project developers and researchers on inclusive labor promotion for people with disabilities, women and vulnerable populations, implementation of inclusive public policies, among other related topics.
Participants or Representatives of the Friends of APEC Disability Promotion HRDWG Working Group.
Representatives of Associations of and for people with disabilities from the member economies, with responsibility for the implementation and promotion of inclusive policies and good practices.
Representatives of associations from the member economies, related to promoting the closing of gender gaps in labor and social market participation, such as the Association for Policies on Women and the Economy.
Equal gender participation is promoted.
Indirect beneficiaries:
persons with disabilities from the APEC economies as a whole, especially developing economies, who will benefit from the recommendations and strategies resulting from the project.