Project Title

APEC Technology Empowers Low Carbon Action (TELCA) 

Project Year


Project Number

PPSTI 06 2023A 

Project Session

Session 1   

Project Type


Project Status

Project in Implementation   
View Budget TableView Budget Table

Project No.

PPSTI 06 2023A 

Project Title

APEC Technology Empowers Low Carbon Action (TELCA) 

Project Status

Project in Implementation 

Publication (if any)


Fund Account

APEC Support Fund 


ASF: Connectivity 

Project Year


Project Session

Session 1 

APEC Funding


Co-funding Amount


Total Project Value


Sponsoring Forum

APEC Policy Partnership on Science, Technology and Innovation (PPSTI) 


Science and Technology 


SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE) 

Other Fora Involved


Other Non-APEC Stakeholders Involved


Proposing Economy(ies)


Co-Sponsoring Economies

Chile; Hong Kong, China; Malaysia; Papua New Guinea; Peru; Philippines; Russia; Thailand 

Expected Start Date


Expected Completion Date


Project Proponent Name 1

Jieni Guo 

Job Title 1

Dr and Secretary-General 

Organization 1

Beijing International Exchange Association 

Postal Address 1

Not Applicable 

Telephone 1

(86-10) 84029336 

Fax 1

Not Applicable 

Email 1 

Project Proponent Name 2

Not Applicable 

Job Title 2

Not Applicable 

Organization 2

Not Applicable 

Postal Address 2

Not Applicable 

Telephone 2

Not Applicable 

Fax 2

Not Applicable 

Email 2

Not Applicable 


Jieni Guo 

Project Summary

As an active facilitator, APEC has been making systematic arrangements for innovation and digitization over the past decades to benefit the people of the whole region.

In particular, APEC has played an important role in promoting regional energy conservation and carbon reduction for its outsized contribution to global emissions. To better implement the APEC Putrajaya Vision 2040, TELCA proposes a seminar and a case study report to explore technologies that empower low-carbon principles among member economies with the participation of multi-stakeholders from the public and private sectors. A series of policy discussions, outstanding case sharing, and capacity-building dialogues will be presented in this 3-day seminar in 2024. By leveraging global commitments and cooperation on climate change, extreme weather and natural disasters, and other environmental challenges, TELCA will contribute to making a balanced, secure, sustainable, and stronger growth in the region and co-building an Asia-Pacific community with a shared future.


Issues: Transforming the extensive development model is severe in the APEC region, especially under the superposition of epidemic, resilience and green recovery are even more urgent. Policy settings as well as a way forward, however, are lagging behind. Challenges such as adopted innovative technologies, and integrated approaches to advance economic, environmental, and social goals have hindered APEC member economies in the wider pursuit of inclusive and sustainable recovery. According to Statista[1], the Asia-Pacific region produced 17.74 billion metric tons of CO2 emissions in 2021. Most of the emissions are from electricity and heat producers, industry, transport, and other energy industry. Low-carbon technologies can contribute to lowering emissions from energy in the APEC region. Thus, a shared vision based on policy and example sharing, most importantly, joint action is demand for the whole region on empowering low carbon development through technology.

Echoing the objective: environmental & climate challenges and natural disasters in ‘Driver 3 Strong, Balanced, Secure, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth’ of APEC Putrajaya Vision 2040 and closely aligns with the 2023 APEC theme of ‘Interconnected, Innovative, Inclusive’, this project intends to call for a public-private partnership among governments, technological and academia communities, businesses and civil societies to share innovative policies and solutions, exchange good practices on promoting and accelerating Asia-Pacific region’s low carbon development. Multiple technology solutions such as carbon emissions reduction, CCUS, carbon neutrality, and net zero emissions, absorption capacities with a priority focus on effective policy and regulatory frameworks that are innovative as well as agile, flexible, and adapted to the implementation should be one of the core concerns of PPSTI in the coming years and become the foothold to give full play to the technical advantages of this Working Group.

TELCA will have sustained benefits for most APEC member economies, primarily benefiting developing economies, as it addresses issues in bridging the development model and fostering the adoption of technologies among industries and the public-private sector with multi-stakeholder involvement.

Eligibility and Fund Priorities: Building on the “APEC Connectivity Blueprint for 2015-2025”, this project directly links to the criteria of the ASF Connectivity Sub-fund. The project aims to conclude APEC Technology Empowers Low Carbon Principles by organizing policy dialogue and case sharing on low carbon technology to adopt new and emerging technologies and advance the innovative development, economic reform, and growth of the APEC region. The project will contribute to three fund priorities: 1) ‘People-to-People Connectivity’ will be highly emphasized via connecting and seeking low-carbon practices and solutions to solve the common climate and environmental problems faced by all the people of the Asia-Pacific. 2) As this project calls for one seminar for policy dialogue and case sharing, one Best Case Study Research and Report with successful experiences, which directly meets the criteria of ‘Best practice sharing, capacity building, and policy dialogues that are consistent with the principles and targets set by the Blueprint’ 3) As this project calls for public-private cross-sector approach on addressing challenges and practices. A wide range of multi-stakeholders from public and private sectors will be invited to participate and discuss the low carbon related topics, which will show the promise of collaboration amongst both public and private partners.

Capacity Building: The project will provide comprehensive policy exchanges and good practice sharing, which gives useful references for APEC member economies, especially developing member economies, to gain more understanding on challenges in the fast-changing world and digital age, to build confidence in embracing an inclusive and sustainable model of development of Biology-Circular-Green (BCG), to enhance capacity in fostering a closer public-private collaboration and achieving sustainable growth and equitable development in the digital age. The project will develop Best Case Study Research and Reports and reach APEC Technology Empowers Low Carbon Principles, which intends to provide further references and action plans for benefiting all APEC member economies in an agile, flexible, and effective manner. The project highlights multi-stakeholder involvement by constructively engaging with the private sector so as to facilitate the flow of knowledge and increase common understanding with greater dynamism and flexibility for a promising sustainable and resilient recovery. Meanwhile, the project will highly value the inputs and practices from women, youth, and other traditionally underrepresented groups in the low carbon action via setting related parallel topics and conducting case studies.

[1] Source:


The objectives of this project are identifying emerging low-carbon technologies including but not limited to wind, solar, hydrogen, and nuclear energy applications through seminar and case study exchanges to tackle climate change around the APEC region. The project also aims to bridge the policy gap and adopt practical actions among APEC member economies. it is committed to reaching APEC Technology Empowers Low Carbon Principles, which will point out future inclusive collaboration and engagement among member economies and raise public awareness and knowledge of environmental protection in the region.


Alignment to APEC: The project echoes the Driver 3 ‘Strong, Balanced, Secure, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth’ of PV 2040 and ‘Environmental & climate challenges and natural disasters’ of APA Objective as well as APEC 2023 Host Year Priority on ‘Interconnected, Innovative, Inclusive’, emphasizing inclusion and sustainability for green recovery and pursuing innovative and resilience enabled recovery.

Focusing on the implementation of the APEC Connectivity Blueprint for 2015-2025, the project is in line with APEC 2022 leaders’ declaration, advancing long-term robust, innovative, and inclusive economic growth as well as sustainability objectives by endorsing the Bangkok Goals on the Bio-Circular-Green (BCG) Economy as a comprehensive framework. The Bangkok Goals calls for integrating three economic approaches, where technology and innovation are used to create value, reduce waste, advance resource efficiency, and promote sustainable business models. It also complies with APEC Putrajaya Vision 2040, which values innovation and digitalization in pursuit of strong, balanced sustainable, and inclusive growth.

Alignment to Forum: This project supports the vision of the PPSTI Strategic Plan (2016-2025) by fostering policy exchange and good practice sharing in low-carbon technology to build science capacity and promote an enabling environment for innovation via adopting new and emerging technology and augmenting a proper environment for multilateral cooperation. The project also maintains a direct relevance to building an enabling environment for private sectors by developing a framework and case sharing to increase public-private partnerships in the Asia-Pacific region.

Furthermore, PPSTI notes the APEC 2023 theme “Interconnected, Innovative, Inclusive”. Building on this, the PPSTI theme will be “Inclusive STI for a resilient and sustainable future”, with accompanying 2 priorities in policy partnership for science, technology, and innovation. This Project aligns will both of these 2 priorities.1) Addressing challenges and barriers to achieving an enabling environment for a sustainable and inclusive future. Through concrete application technologies such as wind, solar, hydrogen, and nuclear energies, this project will further create the enabling environment for emerging sustainable technologies in the region. Besides, The Project will lay special emphasis on the start-ups, who are the most active practitioners to market and noticeable driving forces of building an inclusive innovation environment. 2) Exploring emerging technologies, promoting intellectual property protection and enforcement in tackling challenges, and supporting resilience and recovery. The project will identify ways and emerging technologies to stimulate green growth and support green recovery.

TILF/ASF Justification

Not Applicable.

Beneficiaries and Outputs


1)  Best Case Study Research and Report

As one of the essential outputs of the Project, the Best Case Study Research and Report aims to summarize the existing excellent experience and provide references for the broader stakeholders among member economies. The PO’s team and external researchers will co-conclude the Report, no less than 30 pages.

The Report includes but is not limited to the following basic content:

a)  Research method, includes but is not limited to literature review, surveys, desk work, and online interviews with experts/entrepreneurs (what is low-carbon and low-carbon economic model and why it is important for APEC and UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs); What are the main characters and catalogs at present for technology empowering low-carbon model; How to select cases);

b) Research framework (3-5 technology application scenarios as for wind, solar, hydrogen, and nuclear energy; developed and developing economies will be put on an equal footing); the Report’s rough structure will follow by Introduction, Methodology, Best Practices Findings, and APEC Technology Empowers Low-Carbon Principles;

c) Case studies about the advanced technology that has been practiced and proven to be effective and efficient in characteristic industries/scenarios to promote low-carbon goals (no less than 10 economies, with 20 practices); The selection and analysis of the case will follow a stepwise approach, including defining and categorizing the case studies, and creating a best practice portfolio. A draft checklist will be developed to evaluate the selected cases based on their compliance with the low-carbon goals, tech innovation, sustainability, inclusiveness, and adaptability. And

d) TELCA Principles (one page with no less than 6 pieces). The draft version is summarized from the key findings of case studies and will be released in a specialized session at the Seminar. All experts and participants are welcome to make inputs and modifications to the Principles. The final version will be included with the Report seeking endorsement from PPSTI and become an APEC publication. The Principle is dedicated to being used as a reference for follow-up projects, cross-fora projects, and member economies who would be interested in initiating projects related to the low carbon topic.

2) Seminar in China

A three-day event will be held in China from around August to Oct. 2024, which will be an important opportunity to exchange views, share cases and build consensus among members.

On Day 1, six keynote speakers will offer their insights and policy dialogue on the low-carbon ecosystem, following 3 group capacity-building discussions on policy incentives and case exchange related to characteristic technology applications among different member economies, with the goal of identifying commonalities and principles among APEC members.

On Day 2, the Best Case Study Research and Report will be released and discussed among experts and participants via subgroups and PO will invite representatives from best practices to present and exchange ideas.

A wrap-up session will be set at the end of the day to conclude the Principles. On day 3, two ground visits of technologies, no more than 2.5 hours each, will be set as driven forces from both public and private. On-site, round table discussions are also expected to be taken as a capacity-building experience. The Seminar will be recorded and the purpose of recording is only for note-taking. A post-event evaluation survey of the participants and speakers will be conducted within the 2 weeks after the event, which will include a question of whether the workshop has addressed satisfactorily gender issues related to the main topic.

Speakers for the seminar will be invited by PO according to the following criteria: 1. from the private sector, since PPSTI is highly praised by the PPD and the project will keep the private sector’s involvement 2. preferable speakers from case practice report 3. women would be prioritized since gender equality issue will always be underlined.

No less than 6 self-funded Tel/Video meetings and interviews will be hosted by the PO’s team before, between, and after the Seminar. PO’s team considers it a more effective way to maintain coherence and focus of discussions.

3) APEC Technology Empowers Low-Carbon Principles

As one of the most important outputs of the Project, PO’s team expects to achieve no less than 6 pieces of APEC Technology Empowers Low-Carbon Principles during the Seminar, where we will set a targeted session. The Principles is expected to be a one-page written document which will be endorsed by PPSTI and consider a possibility to submit to cross fora consultation, such as ABAC, PPWE, and EWG. 


1) Improved networks and collaboration opportunities for policymakers and stakeholders in APEC economies.

Through joint efforts on putting together and sharing views from both public and private sectors, this Project is expected to inspire closer partnership and more frequent dialogues between entrepreneurs/startups and policymakers/regulators who participated in the Seminar in order to enhance policy sharing and awareness.

Measured via tailored post-event survey questions/questionnaires taken by seminar participants.

2) Increased resources for member economies to create more effective regulatory environments and policy responses to support the low-carbon development model.

Through this project, a series of technology-driven carbon neutrality solutions in wind, solar, hydrogen, and nuclear is of high potential to be introduced and presented to shareholders, which will increase inclusive collaboration and engagement of the APEC public and private sectors as well as bringing potential possibilities on further applying low-carbon technologies in decrease the climate change.

Measured via the best practice report.

3) Increased knowledge amongst project participants on the low-carbon emerging technologies and relevant barriers, policies, and technologies

As an APEC-funded project, participants from different member economies and non-APEC economies, either public or private sector, who join the Seminar and access the best cast study report, are expected to be inspired and increased knowledge from it and the technology empowers low-carbon principles. As relevant barriers, policies, and technologies will be targeted, a successive and in-depth APEC project initiative of TELCA is probably to be seen. 

Measured via tailored post-event survey questions/questionnaires taken by seminar participants.


PO regards the seminar/topics set and discussed in the project are interlinked. On one hand, the bloom of technology innovation is the tangible result of innovation promoting regulation and policies as well as adapting to fast-paced changes in the whole world. On the other hand, regulations, and policies are often made, to some extent, with reference and feedback from the private sector as well. There are intertwined relations between the policy and the practical world.

Therefore, the beneficiaries of this Project should be

Direct beneficiaries are seminar participants and audiences. Seminar participants will be professionals in the field related to wind, solar, hydrogen, and nuclear energy, either policy/public or residence/private, and must have previous practical experiences in related interactions for example, officials from the municipal bureau of ST and in charge of policy design for low-carbon managements. Seminar participants will be nominated by all PPSTI members and invited to tel/video interviews before, between, and after the seminar, and take part in the drafting of TELCA Principles. POs are expected to send direct beneficiaries’ lists in the General Information Circular (GIC) 8 weeks before the event date.

Audiences are local people in China, from either the public sectors or private sectors, such as startup service agencies for tax, law, registration, and IP protection agency, investors for startups, and municipal representatives for clean energy institutions. PO will seek help from PPSTI China to select and organize local audiences. The audience will be encouraged to join the discussion on the draft TELCA Principles with seminar experts, participants, and PPSTI officials from the member economies. It will give local people in China to dialogue with APEC experts from other member economies.

Government policymakers in the field of low-carbon and circular economy, particularly from APEC developing member economies, are primary target beneficiaries of the policy recommendations after the Best Case Study Research and Report gets endorsed by PPSTI. The document will be a useful reference and resource in policy-making and enable policymakers to access broader opinions from private and practical sectors.

Long-term beneficiaries such as technology-driven start-ups, especially those who obtained solid technologies in low carbon, will also benefit from the project since they will be invited to present at the seminar, exchange ideas with different shareholders, and have a possibility to be included as one of the best practice examples in the project report. This Project is expected to inspire them to build further collaboration with counterparties from member economies. Furthermore, this Project will avoid specific descriptions of any commercial product or service, while staying focused on how the technology could help and empower low-carbon development.


The Best Case Study Research and Report will be in the electronic form initially, when improved and endorsed by PPSTI, will be published as an APEC Publication and will follow APEC Publication Guidelines. The Report will catalog the best technology with no less than 30 pages that currently empowers the low-carbon development model.  

The Project will be disseminated electronically to seminar speakers, seminar participants, and PPSTI members. Meanwhile, the document/report will also be freely accessible via the PO’s organization webpage and related social media.

The primary targets are seminar participants and PPSTI members. Other target audiences are policymakers and management level of technology companies among the fields of APEC members.

There is no intention to put in commercial use of any outputs. All publications and communication materials will comply with APEC guidelines. All materials will be endorsed by PPSTI before dissemination by any means. There is no intention to disseminate the Report to non-APEC organizations. All information outputs which will be distributed and published as an APEC publication, will be prepared in accordance with Guidebook on APEC Projects, the APEC Publication Guidelines, and the APEC Logo Guidelines.



Female Participants (%)

The Project will strive to achieve gender equality, and ensure the rate of participation of women for no less than 40% in light of the fact that gender equality issue is one of the key factors that APEC lays emphasis on.

Female Speakers/Experts (%)

The project will also include women’s perspectives in keynote speeches and women’s voices in group discussions or capacity-building sessions via setting a subtopic to ensure the ratio of women speakers/experts involvement at a minimum of 40%.

The PO’s team will make clear the priority of female representatives in recommending experts and serving as TEE funders at the AC circulation stage to ensure the participation target is achieved.

Also, the PO’s team will consider including women's perspectives in keynote speeches and women's voices in group discussions or capacity-building sessions via setting a subtopic, for example, female sci-tech capacity building: advantages and possible barriers (tentative)

PO is committed to collecting sex-disaggregated data for all speakers and participants (not only those funded by APEC) at the project event. This data will be included when submitting a Completion Report to the Secretariat upon completion of the project, as well as providing guidance to future POs on their own gender equality targets.

Referring to the Guide on Gender Criteria for APEC Project Proposals in the Guidebook on APEC Projects, please tick the pillar or pillars that this project supports, in promoting women’s economic empowerment:

5 Pillars (you may tick more than one)


Access to Capital and Assets


Access to Markets


Skills, Capacity Building, and Health


Leadership, Voice and Agency



Innovation and Technology


Work Plan




Oct 2023

a)       Further design and develop the main topics and agenda for Seminar

b)       Design the detailed statement of work for Contractors

c)       Identify and pre-discussion with Contractors

d)       Procurement of contractors

e)       Do background research and survey on the current situation and development of emerging technologies in low-carbon development

 Sign Procurement of 2 Contractors

Jan to Mar 2024

Conduct event preparation task (Draft GIC)

POs team completes project Monitoring Report

Draft GIC and Draft APEC Project Monitoring Report

1 Apr 2024

Submit the APEC Project Monitoring Report to Secretariat by 1 April 2024

APEC Project Monitoring Report

Apr to May 2024

Frequently updated with the contractor (external experts) for the progress of best case study report

A draft version of the best practices study report

Jun to Jul 2024

a)   Draft GIC and invite experts and participants’ representatives

b)   Priority discussions will be focused on co-sponsor economies

c)   Inviting BCG start-ups representative, experts, and participants from both private and public sectors for Seminar

d)   Fill in the NMP list and Travel-Eligible Economy (TEE) list and seek PD’s approval

Submit GIC to Secretariat for circulation

Submit the NMP list for endorsement

Approval for the TEE list, hosting budget

Aug to Oct 2024

a)   Implementation of Seminar in China

b)   Ask the delegates (speakers and participants) to prepare presentations to share their ideas on Seminar

c)   Achieve the TECLA Principle

d)   Discussion on the Best Case Study Report

e)   Post-event evaluation will be conducted

Seminar in China implemented;

final agenda; Event Attendance List; and Post-event Evaluation.

1 Nov 2024

Modify and include the TELCA Principle together with the Best Case Study Research and Report

Submit the draft Best Case Study Research and Report to the Secretariat

15 Nov 2024

TECLA Principle circular and endorsed by PPSTI

Endorsed Project Report

End Feb 2025

Submit the APEC Project Completion Report and supporting attachments to the Secretariat

APEC Project Completion Report

6-12 months after project completion

PO participation in the Longer-Term Survey of APEC Projects




How will it be managed?


Unbalanced participation of policy/public and entrepreneur /private sector. Inadequate participation of either public or private sector participants will be considered a risk.

When inviting nominations, it will be made clear that nominations from both sectors are needed. In case inadequate participation happens (less than 30%), POs will suggest nominations through business and international organization partners (for example, China Chamber of International Commerce, ABAC, Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU), and UNCTAD)


Uncertainty in local audience’s scale.

The seminars aim to host no more than 20 local audiences, so as to keep participants focused on discussions among different economies. But depending on the requests, this value may be underestimated. If risk happens, PO will use live or online broadcasting on the seminars, or seek to have a larger venue within budget.


Low engagement of members providing best practices.

PO will present sample cases at the PPSTI meeting on PPSTI 23, to promote and inspire members to identify proper domestic cases.


Time constraints and failing to deliver outputs in time.

PO will establish a team of at least 3 people for this project coordination and priority will be given to this project.


Low quality of information or report.

PO and PO’s team will keep modifying the case report until PPSTI is satisfied and endorsed. PO will also consult co-sponsor economies for thoughts and inputs.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Evaluation Focus


Target Goals

Evaluation Method

Reporting Method


1.   Best Case Study Research and Report

1.    No. of Economies engaged in the cases


Case Study Report

Completion Report

2.  No. of Cases


Case Study Report

Completion Report

3.       No. of Pages


Case Study Report

Completion Report

4.      Submission to the Secretariat

1 Nov 2024

Submission to the Secretariat

Email to the Secretariat

2.   Seminar

1.    Contracted executed


Certification by PO


2.  No. of participants (excl. speakers/ experts)


Event Attendance List

Completion Report

3. % of participating men/women (excl. speakers/experts)


Event Attendance List

Completion Report

4. No. of speakers/experts engaged


Event Attendance List

Completion Report

5. % of speakers/experts (men/women)


Event Attendance List

Completion Report

6. No. of attending economies


Event Attendance List

Completion Report

7. No. of travel-eligible economies


Event Attendance List

Completion Report

3.    TELCA Principle

1.    No. of pages


Endorsed by PPSTI

Email to the Secretariat

2.    Submission to the Secretariat

1 Nov 2024

Submission to the Secretariat

Email to the Secretariat


1.    Increased resources for use by APEC member economies 

1.    % of resource outreach from the best practices report


Post-event Evaluation

Completion Report

2.    Improved networks and collaboration opportunities for low-carbon stakeholders among APEC member economies

1.   % of participants reporting improvement in network building.


Post-event Evaluation

Completion Report

2.    % of public and private engagement (public/private)


Event Attendance List

Completion Report

3.    Women report a substantial knowledge increase


Post-event Evaluation

Completion Report

3.    Recommendations on how to implement best practices in drug approvals

1.   No. of recommendation pieces made


Include in the Completion Report

Report to the Working Group

The Longer-term Evaluation of APEC Projects (LTEAP)



This Project will seek support from PPWE and SMEWG. Participants nominated by PPWE and SMEWG to seminars are also welcomed. PO intends to present the project at one of ABAC’s meetings between 2023-2025, through ABAC’s Principal Advisor to PPSTI. The TELCA Principle will seek ABAC’s co-endorsement, and if endorsed by ABAC, the project’s development and outputs are intended to be presented in the CEO dialogue meeting as a cross-fora contribution. Besides, this Project will dedicate to inviting speakers from non-APEC stakeholders and lay especially an emphasis on BRICS (Brazil, India, and South Africa to be specific) and the United Kingdom, France, Sweden, and Germany, who obtain a rich experience in policy making and practices in the low-carbon economy. This Project also gains great potential for promoting cross-fora cooperation, especially with APEC SMEWG and other channels like the Asia CCUS Network in addition to APEC.

There’re no previous or ongoing similar projects in PPSTI like this one. Although PPSTI’s past projects often involve entrepreneur/private sector participants, this project distinct itself from other initiatives by focusing on a closer inspection of low-carbon technology and its best practice within both public and private actors.

The project is designed as one of the actions under the “APEC Connectivity Blueprint for 2015-2025”, this project directly links to the criteria of the ASF Connectivity Sub-fund, and its topic is refined according to APEC and PPSTI’s annual priorities. The project does not intend to cover issues beyond APEC’s discussion and interests, so APEC is the best source of funds.


As the next steps of this project, the PO’s team will collect thoughts on follow-up initiatives from participants through post-event surveys and interviews after the completion of the Project. Future initiatives include an in-depth comparative study of best practices in different economies and measurement analysis of low-carbon policies in social and economic impact.

Also, after project completion, the PO will keep in touch with seminar participants and continue to participate in PPSTI meetings or events. The project outcomes and their updates will be regularly reported to PPSTI until sister or follow-up projects are established.

The project outcomes will be measured via tailored post-event survey questions/questionnaires taken by seminar participants and also through the supporting elements of the Project (including keynote sharing, TELCA Principle, and best practice report).

Project Overseers

Dr. Jieni GUO was currently the Secretary General of the Beijing International Exchange Association (BIEA) since January 2022. She has been a professional in multi-level international cooperation with the fields of science technology and innovation, sustainable development, and gender equity after she received her Ph.D. in international relations at Beijing Normal University. She is passionate and enthusiastic and leading many bilateral and multilateral projects. For example, the China-Thailand Higher Education and Innovation Day, the Malaysian Start-up Entry Strategy: A Guide to China, the Female Sci-tech Capacity Building Center, etc. In May 2023, she led BIEA to grant Special Consultative Status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

She has been actively participating in APEC PPSTI since 2016 and was also the PO of ‘APEC Incubator Capacity Building towards Digital Society’ (PPSTI 03 2019A) and co-PO of APEC Bio-Circular-Green (BCG) Startups Regional Program on Sustainable Growth (PPSTI 08 2022A).

Cost Efficiency

Not Applicable.

Drawdown Timetable

Not Applicable.

Direct Labour

Contractor (Event Management) - Seminar in China:


Specific Tasks

No. of Hours


The Contractor needs to specially assign personnel to follow up on the PO team's requirements on the admin/clerk work for approximately 2 consecutive months:

a)           Responsible for the organization and coordination of team members, making work lists and conference task allocations, as well as their contact information, and communicating with the team of PO for confirmation.

b)           In the preparatory stage, draft and send the meeting notice, assist in inviting participants and follow up with the government officials.

c)           Maintain order during the meeting. When encountering unexpected circumstances, it is necessary to adopt appropriate ways to deal with the problem flexibly and try to reduce the interference and influence on the meeting.

d)           After the meeting, the meeting arrangement, notice, briefing, speech materials, speeches, audio and video materials, and other related materials shall be collected and filed in accordance with regulations.

e)           Draft the Agenda and GIC in consultation with the PO.

f)            Proofread the content and language used in the speakers’ PPT slides as required by APEC.

g)           Drafting a press release for the PO to review.



The Contractor needs to specially assign personnel to follow up on the PO team's requirements on the logistic work for approximately 1 month:

a)       During the meeting, be responsible for meeting registration, which includes personnel identity confirmation

b)       Be responsible for meeting sign-in during the meeting venue. After the meeting starts, the number of participants shall be counted and summarized, and the list of absences shall be registered as well.

c)       Meeting venue layout & evacuate 

d)       Event management, secure the smooth process, including but not limited to internet connection, voice maintenance, and meeting recording.




Contractor (Best Case Study Research and Report): Consultation and interviews to different member economies, best practice cases selection, and support to draft Project Report


Specific Tasks

No. of Hours


Investigate and survey

a)     Consult and interview experts (policy or business representatives) in relevant fields from no less than 5 economies

b)     Desktop of the policy progress of no less than 10 representative economies



Drafting the Best Practice Report of minimum 30 pages

a)   Work closely with the PO’s team, co-designing a research method

b)   With a clear research framework with 3-5 technology application scenarios of BCG models, such as low-carbon transportation, energy-saving building, green finance technology, etc; How to select cases

c)    Best practice description and presentation

d)   Covers no less than 10 economies, with 20 examples

e)   Conclusion

f)     Summarize the common experience from the best practices if any and look forward to the next steps



Preparation of APEC TELCA Principles

a)     Drafting the 6-8 pieces of APEC-TELCA Principles in a minimum of one (1) page from the experiences of best cases   

b)     Assist modification with PO’s team according to member economies’ feedback during the Seminar

c)     Accept inputs and consultation from members and prepare the final draft for submission

d)     Review and finalize the TELCA Principle until endorsed by PPSTI





After 2 days of in-door discussions, we insist on setting 2 ground/on-site visits on the practices and case companies/startups on the third day to further collect the experience from the private sector. Group discussions for capacity building will be arranged on each site visit.

We will base on multi-dimensional factors in identifying suitable companies/startups, for example, their leading roles in the sector, their leading tech in the industry, and awards and recognition by certified parties. Names of the potential sites/companies include but are not limited to: Great Wall Motor (Top motor company in China, it releases one of the most comprehensive hydrogen energy strategies: Link, and it is a mobility and logistics partner of APEC 2022), Tencent (a multinational technology and entertainment conglomerate pledges to achieve carbon neutrality in its own operations and supply chain, and use green power for 100% of all electricity consumed by 2030: Link, Link), Shenzhen Energy (One of the main power generation companies involves in developing all types of energies (biofuel), researching and investing high new energy-related technologies: Link), Aliyun Digital Agriculture (a leading provider of integrated solutions for digital agriculture and smart agriculture in China owned by Alibaba: Link). The draft company list shall be ready after mapping the company location, capability, interests, and availability after the project is launched. Considering cost-effectiveness and time-effectiveness, we will plan the visits in the same city, with limited travel time. Normally the plants or factories are not located in the city center, we expect the total time for transportation, site visit, and group discussion would be around three to four hours in one plant. Thus we expect a full-day schedule with two-company visits to be more suitable and efficient for learning from different industries.     

A site visit is one of the important tools for capacity-building, allowing participants to obtain a better understanding of the company operation, as well as gather quality information from different stakeholders and familiarize them with the actual application, after a two-day seminar sharing. For example, visiting Great Wall Motor’s production line can help participants to better understand site conditions and their effort to advance operation in low-carbon, their best practices on every step of operation, collect different stakeholders’ feedback on enhancing energy saving and technology innovation and application through structured group discussion, allowing them to produce suitable policies or projects in their economies.

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Version: 2.0 
Created at 29/10/2023 20:07  by Lucy Phua 
Last modified at 29/10/2023 20:34  by Lucy Phua 
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