Project Title

Women's Economic Empowering, New Media Digital Upskilling (WEDU): The Toolkit for Developing Digital Upskilling Training Program in New Media from the Gender Lens 

Project Year


Project Number

HRD 04 2023A 

Project Session

Session 1   

Project Type


Project Status

Completed Project   
View Budget TableView Budget Table

Project No.

HRD 04 2023A 

Project Title

Women's Economic Empowering, New Media Digital Upskilling (WEDU): The Toolkit for Developing Digital Upskilling Training Program in New Media from the Gender Lens 

Project Status

Completed Project 

Publication (if any)


Fund Account

APEC Support Fund 


ASF: Women and the Economy 

Project Year


Project Session

Session 1 

APEC Funding


Co-funding Amount


Total Project Value


Sponsoring Forum

Human Resource Development Working Group (HRDWG) 


Human Resources Development 


SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE) 

Other Fora Involved


Other Non-APEC Stakeholders Involved


Proposing Economy(ies)

Chinese Taipei 

Co-Sponsoring Economies

Chile; Indonesia; Japan; Malaysia; Peru; Philippines 

Expected Start Date


Expected Completion Date


Project Proponent Name 1

Hao-Ming Chen 

Job Title 1

Section Chief 

Organization 1

Workforce Development Agency, Ministry of Labor 

Postal Address 1

Not Applicable 

Telephone 1

(886-2) 89956021 

Fax 1

Not Applicable 

Email 1; 

Project Proponent Name 2

Not Applicable 

Job Title 2

Not Applicable 

Organization 2

Not Applicable 

Postal Address 2

Not Applicable 

Telephone 2

Not Applicable 

Fax 2

Not Applicable 

Email 2

Not Applicable 


Hao-Ming Chen 

Project Summary

Digital technologies have changed the landscape of business models, workforce, and the labor market. The APEC Putrajaya Vision 2040 and the Aotearoa Plan of Action also highlighted the importance of enhancing digital talent for post-pandemic recovery and economic growth in the digital era. In the pandemic, new media was widely promoted as an innovative tool that assist to reach out new markets and enhance connectivity and inclusiveness of small and medium enterprises, including women-led business. Starting from 2020, the WEDU project (HRD 03 2019A & HRD 10 2022S) has been devoted to facilitating cross-fora collaboration by promoting gender-sensitive training programs in new media. A training package through gender lens and a seven-day international training program showed the feasibility of a gender-sensitive training program. To promote gender-sensitive training programs in the digital economy, the WEDU project will develop a Toolkit to share the experience of creating this kind of training programs through public-private cooperation and cross-sector collaboration. A one-day workshop will be held to discuss how to advance gender-sensitive training programs by inviting practitioners, training institutions, industrial representatives, officials, and representatives of other APEC sub-fora such as the Policy Partnership on Women and the Economy in accordance with APEC Guidelines on Managing Cooperation with Non-member.


Issues: The WEDU project (HRD 03 2019A & HRD 10 2022S) had been devoted to creating the training package for digital media marketing and initiating an international class to implement the training package. These outcomes not only contribute to women's digital upskilling but also bring a new mindset toward capacity building by integrating a gender perspective in training programs and competency assessment to better equip our people with the skills and knowledge for the future as indicated in the Putrajaya Vision 2040. Following the previous two phases, the final phase of the WEDU project aims to encourage more gender-sensitive training programs explored by APEC projects in the Human Resources Development Working Group (HRDWG) and facilitate the collaboration between the HRDWG and the Policy Partnership on Women and the Economy (PPWE) by sharing policy experience. Specifically, the WEDU project will wrap up the experience of developing the new media training program with gender sensitivity in a Toolkit. The Toolkit will elaborate the whole process of developing a gender-sensitive training program for women’s digital upskilling, including the identification of digital skills and capacity essential for the female workforce, the design of a training package that includes corresponding curriculum and competency assessment, the integration of gender responses in the creation of curriculum and evaluation, and the implementation of the training package. Besides, the Toolkit will identify the challenges confronted in each phase and the possible solutions. The expected outcome will enhance APEC economies' understanding on promoting gender mainstreaming in human resource development and training programs. 

Eligibility and Fund Priorities: This project aims to produce a Toolkit to enhance women’s digital competency in marketing and demonstrate a practical approach to initiate public-private collaboration on integrating gender perspectives in training programs. It meets the eligibility criteria of the ASF Women and the Economy Sub-Fund that deliver capacity-building activities benefiting more APEC developing economies and with lessons applicable to all economies broadly. Specifically, the WEDU project contributes to the priorities of the PPWE on equipping women with digital skills and capacity building by demonstrating the collaboration between non-governmental organizations and government officials on developing gender-sensitive training programs and gender awareness. 

Capacity Building: This project is aimed to provide APEC economies with a feasible and comprehensive approach to developing training courses from the gender perspective and promoting the collaboration between public and private sectors in designing training programs.  The Toolkit will suggest a framework for training course design and assessment criteria that facilitates best practice sharing of gender-sensitive training programs for women’s digital upskilling in the region. The output will increase APEC economies' capacity to assist female workforce in adapting to digitalization and taking gender mainstreaming in digital upskilling and reskilling programs. Moreover, the project will deepen APEC economies' understanding of the cross-cutting issue of women empowerment in the digital economy, the engagement of multiple stakeholders in developing training programs, and the new mindset of competency assessments for digital skills and gender awareness.


The WEDU project aims to promote gender-sensitive training programs to empower women's digital skills and competency in the digital era. Moreover, the initiative and outcomes will go for an overarching goal of a better position for APEC economies to integrate a gender perspective in training programs and competency assessment to explore more innovative and feasible ways to implement the APEC La Serena Roadmap on Inclusive Growth and enhance cross-fora collaboration between human resource development and women empowerment in the region. Overall, the goal of the project is delivering a Toolkit to support policymaker developing new media digital upskilling strategies for facilitate public-private collaboration to enhance digital upskilling for women and vulnerable groups and develop mutual curricula/certification.


Alignment to APEC: The APEC 2022 Leaders Declaration mentioned the importance of human resource development through promoting reskilling and upskilling and enabling the workforce to participate and lead in digital economies. The continuous efforts of accelerating the full implementation of the La Serena Roadmap for Women and Inclusive Growth (2019-2030) and the Aotearoa Plan of Action were also highlighted. In 2023 APEC’s annual theme is “Creating a Resilient and Sustainable Future for All”, the third priority of “inclusive” highlights the importance of workforce training for the digital work environment and women’s economic participation. By promoting the gender-sensitive training program for new media, the project aligns with the priorities of accessing to skills and markets heighted by the La Serena Roadmap for Women and Inclusive Growth and the Aotearoa Plan of Action, which calls for actions on facilitating the use of digital technologies to promote efforts on providing inclusive labor markets and enhancing the innovative and inclusive growth. Moreover, the project echoes the 2023 APEC theme and priorities. 

Alignment to Forum: This project aligns with the APEC Framework on Human Resources Development in the Digital Age that highlights regional cooperation in developing flexible and innovative training programs to fill any gap in the supply of new skills and higher skills for the digital age. By sharing the policy experience of developing a gender-sensitive training program, this project also contributes to implementing the Capacity Building Network Roadmap 2021-2025 in the HRDWG, which encourages economies to prioritize strengthening the digital capacity of their constituents, continuing to reskill and upskill workforce responding to post-pandemic economic recovery, restyling capacity building initiatives to take into consideration new systems, and more importantly, fostering an environment for the cultivation of a new mindset towards capacity building. Moreover, given the central point of the WEDU project is to promote a new mindset for digital upskilling programs, it also contributes to cross-fora collaboration by aligning with the HRDWG, PPWE, the Small and Medium Enterprises Working Group (SMEWG), and the Digital Economy Steering Group (DESG). 

This project aims to produce a Toolkit to enhance women’s digital competency in marketing and demonstrate a practical approach to initiate public-private collaboration on integrating gender perspectives in training programs. It meets the eligibility criteria of the ASF Women and the Economy Sub-Fund that deliver capacity-building activities benefiting more APEC developing economies and with lessons applicable to all economies broadly. Specifically, the WEDU project contributes to the priorities of the PPWE on equipping women with digital skills and capacity building by demonstrating the collaboration between non-governmental organizations and government officials on developing gender-sensitive training programs and gender awareness.

TILF/ASF Justification

Not Applicable.

Beneficiaries and Outputs


(1) A Toolkit: A Toolkit with a minimum of 15-20 pages for Developing Digital Upskilling Training Program in New Media from the Gender Lens will elaborate on the public-private collaboration process for developing a gender-sensitive training program for women’s digital upskilling, including the identification of digital skills and capabilities essential for the female workforce, the design of a training package that includes corresponding curriculum and competency assessment, the integration of gender responses in the creation of curriculum and evaluation, and the implementation of the training package. Moreover, the Toolkit will identify the challenges in each phase and the solutions. The rough structure will include introduction, rationale for choosing women's digital skills training in the era of new media, key focus areas in curriculum development, implementation and assessment of training content, challenges faced in each phase, conclusion and policy recommendations.

(2) Workshop: A one-day Workshop will be organized for this project to offer an experience exchange platform for online and in-person participants to share the “Toolkit for Developing Digital Upskilling Training Program in New Media from the Gender Lens” and gather comments on government-industry-academia collaboration in new mindset training programs. The public-private collaboration model and cross-cutting issue communication framework to promote a multi-dimensional training program will be showcased through keynote speeches, briefing the Toolkit, and interactively panel discussions on how to promote gender-sensitive and gender-responsive training programs of digital upskilling and reskilling. The hybrid Workshop will be open to participants from all APEC economies. Trainees who attended the international class will also be invited to share their insights on implementing the training package. The target participants of this Workshop will be policymakers responsible for training programs, training institutions, and industry-academia collaboration experts. It will be a full-day hybrid event with in-person speakers/participants attending in Chinese Taipei and online speakers/participants partaking in online meetings. For participants who are unable to physically attend the workshop, the total accumulated online participation time for keynote speeches and panel discussions will be planned to be within 4 hours. The project expects to have 40 in-person participants and 20 online participants join the hybrid Workshop.

The budget allocation principle is to generally provide all participants (both local and international) who express a willingness to physically attend the workshop and site visit with the opportunity to do so. For non-expert participants who wish to attend in person, we will utilize the budget from the project's self-funding.

A tentative agenda is as follows:






Welcome and Opening remarks (3-4 speakers)


Group photo


Keynote speech 1 (1 speaker)


Keynote speech 2 (1 speaker)


Briefing the Toolkit


Experience sharing from trainees of the international class




Panel discussion part one & QA (1 moderator, 4-5 panelists)


Tea break


Panel discussion part two & QA (1 moderator, 4-5 panelists)



Academic/industry Site Visit: A one-day on-site visit will be arranged on the day after the workshop for participants to visit training institutions or enterprises as good exemplars of empowering women’s digital marketing skills in Chinese Taipei. These visiting institutions will demonstrate best practices and successful models to facilitate experiences and viewpoints sharing. Participants will closely observe and interact with the executors, trainers, and trainees and promote the mutual learning of training programs in the region.

(3)   Project Summary Report: The project summary report will collect viewpoints and comments shared in the workshop, including the keynote speeches, insights from the trainees of the international class, and panel discussions. The post-event survey will also be included to assess the quality of the speakers, relevance, capacity building, and experience incorporated from the workshop. The project summary report will be published as an APEC Publication presented in around 12-15 pages and submitted to the Secretariat by 31 Oct 2023.

Outcomes: Several outcomes of the WEDU project would be as follows:

(1) The Toolkit: Through the publication of the Toolkit for digital upskilling with the gender lens, it could provide the APEC and all economies with a feasible and comprehensive approach to explore new mindset training courses from the gender perspective, promote the collaboration between public and private sectors in designing training programs, and suggest a framework for the training course and assessment that enhance digital upskilling and raise gender awareness.

(2) A workshop: A one-day workshop would enhance the communication and collaboration of industrial representatives, academic and public officers, and policymakers through the network based on APEC Skills Development Capacity Building Alliance (ASD-CBA) and expand the generalization of gender-sensitive and gender-responsive training programs to enable all people in the region benefits from the digital economy.

(3)  Project summary report: Critical feedback on panel discussions and viewpoints shared in the workshop would be included and reflected to enhance capacity building of digital upskilling for developing economies and pave the way for regional cooperation on cross-cutting issues of women empowerment and digital upskilling.

Beneficiaries: The direct beneficiaries are the project's target audiences, such as policymakers from APEC economies, representatives from academia, business associations, and private sectors, who share best practices, identify the obstacles, and address essential elements of capacity building in the new media industry. A description of the targeted participants (‘participant profile’) will be included in the General Information Circular to guide nominating economies to identify participants with the right skill set and experience.

(1) Policy makers and officials from ministries of labor, education, gender equality, and economic development: the officials would be invited to participate in the mentioned activities to exchange views and seek advice on the private sector, especially women at the intersection of multiple minority groups. The project would enable APEC economies to understand better the new media digital skills needed in a world where speed, agility, and the ability to spot hidden opportunities and support them in shaping education and workforce training policies based on the training package.

(2) Private sectors in the fields of new media: highlighting massive usage changes related to the evolution of images / interactive entertainment as communications tools & the broad emergence of freemium businesses at scale, representatives would be invited from pay TV, streaming video, music, gaming, and social media. The individuals participating in the mentioned activities would be able to communicate the skills needed, new technologies, and business models that would uncover sustainable value in new media.

NGOs, associations, training institutions, and research institutions who are knowledgeable about education and workforce training policies: working together to reconsider and promote the integration of gender issues in digital upskilling and reskilling programs to enable the conception of gender equality rooted in human resource development plans and projects. Specifically, APEC economies could equip their people with the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values in the fields of new media. In addition, experts in gender issues could bring a new mindset to expanding the horizons of digital marketing and new media.


The target audience of the project would be policymakers from APEC economies, representatives from academia, business associations, and private sectors. All materials for the activities mentioned above, including the project summary report and the Toolkit, will be circulated to the HRDWG and PPWE. In addition, both the Toolkit and the project summary report will be disseminated as APEC publications. Policymakers and vocational institutions are strongly encouraged to cooperate in line with the Toolkit to promote gender-sensitive vocational training programs at local and regional levels.

The project overseers would also share electronic versions of the mentioned documents on the APEC Meeting Document Database so that a wider audience could benefit, and the achievements of the WEDU project would be circulated and endorsed at high-level meetings to maximize the impact. As appropriate, the project overseers will work with the APEC Secretariat to explore opportunities to disseminate project outputs to relevant working groups and organizations via traditional and new media channels, including specific campaigns and social media networks for enhancing cross-learning. The personal data (name, gender, economy, social media handles, name of employer, etc.) of project participants (including speakers, experts, and contractors) will not appear in the Toolkit, APEC project summary report / final report produced in relation to this project. And none of the outputs from this project will be produced for commercial gain.



Female Participants (%)


Female Speakers/Experts (%)


PO is committed to collecting sex disaggregated data for all speakers and participants (not only those funded by APEC) at the project event. This data will be included when submitting a Completion Report to the Secretariat upon completion of the project, as well as providing guidance to future POs on their own gender parity targets.

Referring to the Guide on Gender Criteria for APEC Project Proposals in the Guidebook on APEC Projects, please tick the pillar or pillars that this project supports, in promoting women’s economic empowerment:

5 Pillars (you may tick more than one)


Access to Capital and Assets


Access to Markets



Skills, Capacity Building, and Health



Leadership, Voice and Agency


Innovation and Technology


Below please find the outline of project links to these pillars:

(1) Access to Markets: Through gender-sensitive digital training program, women can learn to leverage new media and digital technologies to expand their business reach, enhance brand visibility, and explore market expansion through online sales channels and other means.

(2)  Skills and Capacity Building: Providing women with the necessary skills training to navigate the challenges of the digital age. This may include learning social media platforms, digital marketing techniques, content creation, and online sales skills. Through such training, women can enhance their skills, improve their employability, entrepreneurial capabilities, and foster self-driven innovation.

(3)  Innovation and Technology: Women can learn how to leverage new technologies and digital innovations to drive their careers and entrepreneurial projects. This may include training in technological innovation, digital transformation, and the application of creative solutions, thereby enhancing women's engagement in the fields of technology and innovation.

Work Plan




July 2023

Preliminary planning of the proposed workshop

Agenda drafting

Venue planning and booking

Invitation to APEC economies

General information circular

July 2023

Preparing the Toolkit

Inviting speakers and trainees of the international class

Toolkit draft

Participant list

Aug 2023

Inviting prospective participants from APEC economies

Participant registration

Speaker confirmation

Speaker list

Final agenda

Sep 2023

Workshop hosting

A one-day workshop, Final Workshop agenda, Event Attendance List,  

1 Oct 2023

Submit the APEC Project Monitoring Report

APEC Project Monitoring Report

Oct-Nov 2023

Post-event survey dissemination

Survey results collection

Submitting and disseminating the final version of the Toolkit

Post-event survey

Final Toolkit

 31 Dec 2023

Submitting Draft Project Summary Report and to the Secretariat (by 31 Dec 2023 for PCD of 28 February 2024)

Draft Project Summary Report

Mar-Apr 2024

Project Completion Report Drafting

Draft project completion report

30 April 2024

Submitting the APEC Project Completion Report and supporting documents to the Secretariat

APEC Project Completion Report

 6 to 12 months after the PCD

Participating in the LTEAP survey conducted by APEC Secretariat




How will it be managed?


Speakers unavailable

The PO will produce a substantial list of prospective speakers/experts at planning stage to prevent the risk.


Low participant rate and engagement

Topics of the keynote speeches and panel discussions at the proposed workshop will be well constructed to start an early dissemination to the APEC fora and economies. Information of the workshop will also be promoted during the SOM2 meetings in 2023. The workshop will then have sufficient time to be delivered to the targeted participants to induce better engagement.


The contractor does not complete the report on time

The project overseers will select the contractor with the right level of experience and knowledge to complete the report. Ongoing communication and monitoring would be essential to meet the goals of the project.


The outputs of this project are not widely applied

The project overseers will plan to make use of existing APEC meetings to promote and disseminate the project.


Repetition of capacity building efforts

The goal of the project is delivering a Toolkit to support policymaker developing new media digital upskilling strategies for facilitate public-private collaboration to enhance digital upskilling for women and vulnerable groups and develop mutual curricula/certification. Understanding the feasibility and effectiveness of the training program is important. Therefore, the insights from the trainees attending the international class in last year is a spotlight to the workshop. To promote cross-disciplinary communication and collaboration, the project overseers will work with PPWE and other interest working groups, to identify the most appropriate representatives from public and private sectors in each of the economies.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Evaluation Focus


Target Goals

Evaluation Method

Reporting Method


1.   Workshop

1.    Contracted executed

1 July


Certification by PO


No. of participants (excl. speakers/experts)


Event Attendance List

Completion Report

3.      % of participating men/women (excl. speakers/experts)


Event Attendance List

Completion Report

4.      No. of speakers/experts engaged


Event Attendance List

Completion Report

5.    % of speakers/experts (men/women)


Event Attendance List

Completion Report

6.    No. of attending economies


Event Attendance List

Completion Report

7.    No. of travel eligible economies


Event Attendance List

Completion Report

8.    Content developed and deployed

Mid to Late Sep. 2023

Certification by PO


2.   Toolkit

1.    No. of pages


Certification by PO

Email to the Secretariat

2.    Submission to the Secretariat

31 Oct 2023

Submission to the Secretariat

Email to the Secretariat

3.   Project Report

1.    No. of pages


Certification by PO

Email to the Secretariat

2.    Submission to the Secretariat

31 Dec 2023

Submission to the Secretariat

Email to the Secretariat


1.   The number of attending economies that are willing to refer to the Toolkit and attempt to plan new training programs during 2023 and 2024

1.    No. of economies


Post evaluations

Report to the Working Group

2.   Participants knowledge of gender-sensitive digital marketing and an understanding on innovative training programs

1.   % of participants report substantial knowledge increase


Ex -post evaluations

Completion Report

2.    Developing APEC economies report substantial knowledge increase


Ex -post evaluations

Completion Report

3.    Women report substantial knowledge increase


Ex -post evaluations

Completion Report

Post-event survey

1.      Quality of the speakers and panel discussion

% of participants report satisfactory to the speeches and panel discussion


Ex -post evaluations

Completion Report

2.      Relevance to participating economies

% of participants report gaining practical insights


Ex -post evaluations

Completion Report

3.      Capacity building on promoting public-private collaboration

% of participants report gaining practical insights 


Ex -post evaluations

Completion Report

4.      The number of attending economies that are willing to refer to the Toolkit and attempt to plan new training programs during 2023 and 2024

% of attending economies report are willing to refer to the Toolkit and attempt to plan new training programs during 2023 and 2024


Post evaluations

Completion Report


The project focuses on empowering women’ capacity of digital marking and promote gender-sensitive approach to develop training programs. The outcomes can contribute to the inclusive policy promoted by PPWE, the digital economy and the digital divide concerned by DESG, and the support for women-led business by SMEWG. The project will invite members of these APEC fora to discuss a holistic approach to equip people for inclusive recovery and digital economy and ensure gender equality. In addition, POs will seek to engage APEC economies concerned with the progress of human resource development and inclusive growth.


The participant will have a greater knowledge of the importance of embracing digital skills in the fields of new media. As a result, based on the experiences of public-private collaboration and insights of trainees in the WEDU project, policy makers would be able to formulate better facilitation programs for women and socially vulnerable groups based on a new mindset strategy. Information gathered at this project and inputs from the experts would be valuable sources for the future research in contributing to further economic empowerment of women and exploring innovative training programs in the APEC region.

Through project summary report and the Toolkit, the project would have potential to future exploration of new fields of digital upskilling for women empowerment and SMEs and facilitating the gender-sensitive training courses and programs in the digital era. Furthermore, with the efforts from institutions and organizations with relevance for the key areas of digital skills in new media, human resources development, and gender equality, the project would demonstrate a feasible model of coordination between all relevant stakeholders in the APEC region.

Project Overseers

The PO will be Mr. Chen Hao-Ming, the Section Chief of Planning Division at Workforce Development Agency (WDA), Ministry of Labor. Mr. Chen used to be the Technical Specialist of Employment Assistance for People with Disabilities and Disadvantages Division at WDA and focused on the fields of employment of underrepresented groups.

The main point of contact responsible for this project is Ms. Lin Hsiang-Hua, Senior Assistant of Planning Division at Workforce Development Agency (WDA), Ministry of Labor. Ms. Lin’s primary job duty is to assist in the development of international labor force.

Cost Efficiency

Not Applicable.

Drawdown Timetable

Not Applicable.

Direct Labour

Not Applicable.


Not Applicable.

Are there any supporting document attached?

Version: 3.0 
Created at 15/08/2023 16:00  by Lucy Phua 
Last modified at 13/06/2024 18:12  by Lucy Phua 
Version HistoryVersion History

Project No.

Project Title

Project Status

Publication (if any)

Fund Account


Project Year

Project Session

APEC Funding

Co-funding Amount

Total Project Value

Sponsoring Forum



Other Fora Involved

Other Non-APEC Stakeholders Involved

Proposing Economy(ies)

Co-Sponsoring Economies

Expected Start Date

Expected Completion Date

Project Proponent Name 1

Job Title 1

Organization 1

Postal Address 1

Telephone 1

Fax 1

Email 1

Project Proponent Name 2

Job Title 2

Organization 2

Postal Address 2

Telephone 2

Fax 2

Email 2


Project Summary




TILF/ASF Justification

Beneficiaries and Outputs



Work Plan


Monitoring and Evaluation



Project Overseers

Cost Efficiency

Drawdown Timetable

Direct Labour


Are there any supporting document attached?


Project Number

Previous Fora

Secretariat Comments

Reprogramming Notes

Consolidated QAF

Endorsement By Fora

PD Sign Off


Forum Priority

Committee Ranking Category

Committee Priority

PDM Priority

Priority Within Funding Category

Monitoring Report Received

Completion Report Received

PMU Field 1

PMU Field 2

PMU Field 3

On Behalf Of

Proposal Status

Originating Sub-Forum

Approval Status
Content Type: Standard Proposal
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