* Atleast Project Title is Required.
Project No. |
TPT 03 2022A
Project Title |
Study on the Maritime Transport Sector in the COVID-19 Era: Challenges, Opportunities, and the Way Forward
Project Status |
Completed Project
Publication (if any) |
Fund Account |
APEC Support Fund
Sub-fund |
ASF: APEC Cooperation on Combating COVID-19 and Economic Recovery (CCER)
Project Year |
Project Session |
Session 1
APEC Funding |
Co-funding Amount |
Total Project Value |
Sponsoring Forum |
Transportation Working Group (TPTWG)
Topics |
Committee |
SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE)
Other Fora Involved |
Other Non-APEC Stakeholders Involved |
Proposing Economy(ies) |
Co-Sponsoring Economies |
Canada; Korea; Chinese Taipei; United States
Expected Start Date |
Expected Completion Date |
Project Proponent Name 1 |
Marie Sherylyn D Aquia
Job Title 1 |
Director III
Organization 1 |
Department of Trade and Industry
Postal Address 1 |
Not Applicable
Telephone 1 |
(63-2) 84653300
Fax 1 |
Not Applicable
Email 1 |
Project Proponent Name 2 |
Not Applicable
Job Title 2 |
Not Applicable
Organization 2 |
Not Applicable
Postal Address 2 |
Not Applicable
Telephone 2 |
Not Applicable
Fax 2 |
Not Applicable
Email 2 |
Not Applicable
Declaration |
Marie Sherylyn D Aquia
Project Summary |
The COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected global economic activities, including the effective and seamless functioning of domestic and global supply chain systems. This includes the maritime transport sector, an industry responsible for the timely distribution of food, medical supplies, fuel, and other essential goods. To support efforts in fostering a strong global economic and trade recovery, it is imperative for APEC to build understanding on the challenges that the sector continue to face and discuss how it can support its seamless operations. | The proposal will seek to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the maritime transport sector, with specific focus on seafarers and other maritime crew’s working conditions resulting from governments’ cross-border policies/measures. We aim to discuss possible policy recommendations with the view of facilitating the cross-border movement of maritime crew across the Asia-Pacific region.
Relevance |
Relevance-Issues: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unparalleled effects to economies and people’s lives. The economic effects are further magnified by shocks in domestic and global supply chain systems. According to IHS Markit, the COVID-19 pandemic affected the services sector to a more considerable extent than manufacturing and has created a shift in demand from services to manufacturing goods, one of the most important reasons for observed supply chain disruption and hike in global price levels[1]. Among others, logistics firms, which are involved in the movement, storage, and flow of goods, have been directly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, the maritime transport sector, an industry responsible for moving about 90% of global trade[2] and employs around 1.9 million seafarers[3], continues to face challenges which inhibit the seamless flow of international ship operations. The sector has been critical in the timely distribution of food, medical supplies, fuel, and other essential goods and helping keep global supply chains and commerce running at the time of the pandemic. However, the emergence of new variants of the virus had governments continue the imposition of border closures, lockdowns and other measures to contain the spread of the virus. Among others, transport groups identified issues such as port congestions, ship crew change crisis, restricted flights, suspended cruise ship operations, and inconsistencies in border, travel, and vaccine restrictions/requirements as among the contributing factors to the “crumbling global supply chain”[4]. The unprecedented effects of the pandemic also served as the driving force for businesses, including logistics and shipping firms, to shift and adapt digital technologies in their operations. Recent technological innovations have enabled shipping and ports to continue operations while minimizing interaction and physical contact. Digitalization and automation have helped firms deliver services efficiently and curbed operational costs. Relatedly, the rise of ecommerce, which has transformed consumer shopping habits and spending patterns, create new business opportunities for shipping and ports as well as for other players in the maritime supply chain. In this regard, the Philippines is proposing to examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the maritime transport sector, with specific focus on seafarers and other maritime crew on-board ocean-going ships’ working conditions resulting from governments’ cross-border policies/measures. The study will also include an assessment on the economic costs that emerged from the imposition of the aforementioned policies and regulations, as well as the opportunities and challenges for firms as they leveraged on technology, innovation and other trends to continue its operations. The finalised Study will include possible policy recommendations to facilitate the cross-border movement of maritime crew across the Asia-Pacific region, including the consideration of recognizing seafarers and other maritime workers as “key workers” among APEC economies, among others. Eligibility and Fund Priorities: This proposal will seek funding from the ASF Sub-Fund on APEC Cooperation on Combating COVID-19 and Economic Recovery. The proposal’s objectives support APEC’s efforts in fostering a strong and resilient economic recovery as it will provide an avenue for information sharing on policies, regulations, and best practices to support the movement of seafarers and maritime crew across borders in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It will further assist economies in building resilient supply chains by leveraging on the policy recommendations which will seek to facilitate the cross-border movement of maritime crew across the Asia-Pacific region in cases of a pandemic/crisis Capacity Building: Through the Study, the proposed project will help to enable participants from member economies – particularly developing economies – to gain deeper understanding on the existing challenges that inhibits the seamless flow international ship operations, as it relates to the impact of the COVID-19 cross-border policies/regulations/measures implemented to contain the spread of the virus to the seafarers and maritime crew. The Study will look into the broader case of the breakdown in the supply chain during the pandemic, and narrow its focus on the challenges that contributed to this crisis, as well as the growth opportunities that emerged from it. Ultimately, the Study will set out a set of policy recommendations to help economies ensure an improved structure of the maritime industry and a strong and resilient maritime transport sector. The study will foster knowledge sharing, including on experiences and best practices carried out by governments/shipping firms to support the maritime transport sector, including in (a) protecting the rights and welfare of seafarers and their families; and (b) supporting world trade and ensuring the seamless flow of goods across supply chains. The comprehensive take on the study will allow beneficiaries to develop full appreciation of the challenges and importance of the issue, as well as identify approaches to building a sustainable and resilient maritime transport, for future crises.
Objectives |
The overall objective of the proposal is to contribute in fostering resilient and efficient supply chains to support a strong global economic and trade recovery. This will be achieved through the conduct of a study which will analyze how the COVID-19 border policies/measures disrupted shipping and business operations and its effect on maritime crew. The study will also seek to identify possible policy recommendations with the view to facilitating the cross-border movement of maritime crew across the Asia-Pacific region.
Alignment |
Alignment to APEC: The proposal aligns with the APEC 2022 policy priority of “Connect in all Dimensions” which seeks to promote safe and seamless resumption of cross-border travel, reinvigorate tourism and the services sector, increase investment in health security, as well as facilitate greater business mobility, while utilizing digital technology to accelerate connectivity within the region. It responds to APEC Ministers and Leaders instructions in 2020 and 2021 for economies to facilitate coordinated action and cooperation to overcome the challenges of COVID-19, including by facilitating the movement of goods and services across the region. Likewise, the proposal supports the implementation of the Putrajaya Vision 2040 and Aotearoa Plan of Action by supporting work that promotes resilient supply chains through the adoption of digital technologies and innovation. Furthermore, the proposal will contribute to the realization of the APEC Safe Passage Taskforce’s mandate which is to coordinate and lead work to contribute to the safe resumption of cross-border travel (by land, air and sea) in the APEC region through, among others, the development of initiatives that will facilitate the movement of people across borders, including air crews, seafarers, and transport crew to help boost the recovery of the tourism and travel sectors in the APEC region. Alignment to Forum: The proposal aligns with the Putrajaya Vision 2040’s goal of promoting seamless connectivity and resilient supply chains. It likewise aligns with the TPTWG’s overall objective to develop policies that promote the safe, secure, efficient, and sustainable and legitimate movement of people and goods throughout the region, particularly contributing to Strategic Focus 1: Trade & Investment and road to a COVID Recovery. The proposal seeks to “ensure that APEC economies have the policy tools and guidance needed to recover rapidly from the COVID-19 pandemic and collaborate on lessons learned and processes that strengthen supply chains against future shocks.” The proposal also responds to Trade Ministers’ 2021 mandate as stated in the APEC MRT Statement on Services to Support the Movement of Essential Goods, and contributes to the implementation of the APEC Connectivity Blueprint 2015-2025.
TILF/ASF Justification |
Beneficiaries and Outputs |
Outputs: 1) Study and Policy Recommendations The key output of the proposal is a 20-30 pager Study which will comprehensively review the economic impact of the COVID-19 global border mitigation and containment efforts to the global supply chain. The Study will assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the maritime transport sector, with particular focus on the (a) working conditions of maritime crew; (b) economic costs emerging from the imposition of cross-border policies/measures; and (c) opportunities and challenges in the adoption of digital technologies. Likewise, the Study will closely look into potential gender issues which may arise from the challenges resulting from the imposition of cross-border policies/regulations/measures implemented to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Among others, the Study will include information on the following: a) The macroeconomic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic b) Economies’ COVID-19 border mitigation and containment policies c) Border measures’ impact to international logistics networks, particularly for the maritime transport sector d) Best practices and challenges/gaps in the shipping industry: Case studies of three economies A consultant will be commissioned to draft the Study which will involve desk research and case studies to substantiate on the economic impact of the pandemic and provide context on the global landscape of the maritime transport sector. 8-10 interviews will be conducted and distributed among industry experts/associations (i.e., IMO, IRU, IATA, ICS, ITF), shipping operators and other stakeholders to elaborate on the experiences of the industry and maritime workers. Additionally, the Study may include the review/stocktake of member economies’ border policies/measures and best practices (i.e., US, Korea, Philippines) to showcase the efforts economies undertook to support the maritime industry during the pandemic, as well as identify gaps that may have emerged from the imposition of these measures. These case studies may explore economies’ approaches, including the utilization of technology and innovation, to support their continued operations. Based on the comprehensive assessment of the maritime transport sector, the consultants will seek to identify at least five policy recommendations to help improve the industry’s structure to ensure a strong and resilient maritime transport sector. 2) Information Sharing Session An online Information Sharing Session will be organized to discuss the findings of the Study and may include sharing of experiences and best practices carried out by governments/shipping firms to support the maritime transport sector. The session is expected to enhance the findings of the Study and may be used to further substantiate the Study. Additionally, the outcomes and key insights from the Study, including highlights of the Information Sharing Session, will be presented at the TPTWG meeting in 2023. During the meeting, member economies will be invited to comment and provide additional information on advancing APEC’s work on facilitating the safe cross-border travel of seafarers and other maritime crew, including unilateral efforts undertaken by their respective economies. Should there be additional information provided during this meeting, this may be incorporated in the Study prior to seeking TPTWG’s endorsement. A draft agenda is provided below: Estimated Date (Month): September 2023 | Time | Opening Session | 5 mins | Session 1: Presentation of the Study on the Maritime Transport Sector in the COVID-19 Era: Challenges, Opportunities, and the Way Forward Speaker: Consultant Content of Presentation: a) Overview and Introduction b) Key Findings: Challenges and Opportunities Open Forum | 30 mins | Session 2: Discussion of Case Studies and Sharing of Best Practices Speaker: a) Presentation: Consultant (15mins) Panel Discussion: a) Speaker from an APEC Economy (1) (5mins) b) Speaker from an APEC Economy (2) (5mins) c) Speaker from the Business Sector (5mins) Open Forum | 40 mins | Session 3: Review of the Study’s Policy Recommendations Speaker: a) Presentation: Consultant (10mins) Panel Discussion: a) Speaker from an APEC Economy (5mins) b) Speaker from the Business Sector (5mins) Open Forum | 30 mins | Closing Session | 5 mins | Outcomes: The outcomes that directly support the project objectives are:
1. Increased awareness on the existing challenges that inhibits the seamless flow international ship operations, as it relates to the impact of the COVID-19 cross-border policies/regulations/measures implemented to contain the spread of the virus to the seafarers and maritime crew. 2. Increased knowledge on experiences and best practices carried out by governments/shipping firms to support the maritime transport sector, including in (a) protecting the rights and welfare of seafarers and their families; and (b) supporting world trade and ensuring the seamless flow of goods across supply chains, as well as identify gaps that may have emerged from the imposition of these measures. The achievement of these Outcomes will be measured through a post-event survey which will be conducted within one week of the Sharing Session. The survey results will be consolidated and an analysis will be provided as part of Completion Reporting requirements. Beneficiaries: The primary beneficiaries of the Study and the information sharing session are the policy makers of APEC economies, specifically maritime administers and transport ministries engaged in developing policies and measures that will ensure the safe and effective operations of the maritime industry. The policy recommendation which will emerge from the project will be useful in designing effective policies that will protect the welfare of maritime crews and support world trade, including appropriate policy initiatives on a voluntary basis to further protect the unique situation of women-seafarers commanding various merchant ships trading international waters as well as those on-board cruise ships. Trade policy makers also stand to gain from this project given the role it can play in facilitating an effective and sustainable supply chain that may benefit the maritime industry. Secondary beneficiaries of the project include seafarers and other maritime crew, shipowners, ship management agencies and international shipping lines operating within the Asia-Pacific region, health policymakers and international organizations. The best practices and information exchange will provide useful inputs for businesses improve and enhance their operations and ensure that measures being implemented are at par with international standards. General population (consumers and business owners) will benefit from the efficiencies in the supply chain connectivity.
Dissemination |
To facilitate information exchange and capacity building, highlights, key findings, and/or recommendations of the Study will be presented to APEC economies. An online information sharing session will be organized to facilitate this exchange. Furthermore, the Study and outcomes of the Information Sharing Session will be presented during the 53rd TPTWG. The finalised Study will be submitted to the APEC Secretariat for review and subsequently circulated to the TPTWG for endorsement. Upon endorsement, the Study will be published in the APEC website as an APEC publication. The Study may likewise be shared to relevant APEC groups and observers (i.e., HWG, HRDWG, GOS, ABAC). Hard copies will not be provided. The general public, including above-mentioned stakeholders, may be given access to the Study via the designated APEC website. There is no intention to sell the outputs arising from this project.
Gender |
Targets | Female Participants (%) | 30% | Female Speakers/Experts (%) | 30% | The maritime transport sector, however, has always been male-dominated and women tend to be better represented in management and administrative roles. Gender issue is seriously taken into account by the project proponent. Women are involved in the development of this proposal and both men and women will get equal opportunity to participate in the project implementation. In line with the APEC’s guidance for gender equality as guided by the Guidebook on APEC Projects, the project will make efforts to provide balanced opportunity for men and women to contribute in the study. Gender representation will be considered in the whole process of the project implementation, including in the selection and participation of consultants, stakeholders, experts, government officials, and other stakeholders. The study will also consider a chapter that identifies and covers gender issues which may arise from the challenges resulting from the imposition of cross-border policies/regulations/measures implemented to contain the spread of the COVID-19 virus. To this end, appropriate policy recommendations may be identified to support women maritime crew and increase their participation in the maritime community. Referring to the Guide on Gender Criteria for APEC Project Proposals in the Guidebook on APEC Projects, please tick the pillar or pillars that this project supports, in promoting women’s economic empowerment: | 5 Pillars (you may tick more than one) | 1 | Access to Capital and Assets | | 2 | Access to Markets | | 3 | Skills, Capacity Building, and Health | X | 4 | Leadership, Voice and Agency | X | 5 | Innovation and Technology | |
Work Plan |
Timeline | Tasks | Deliverables | March – April 2023 | Undertake process to commission a consultant for the project | Terms of Reference of the Study for the consultant | April 2023 | Finalize contract with the consultant for the project | Finalize Consultant for the project | May 2023 | Consultant and PO to conceptualize and draft outline of the proposed study | Annotated outline of the study | May – June 2023 | Conduct desk research, interviews with industry associations, shipping operators, other stakeholders and economies | Research findings Interview notes | June 2023 | Consultant to draft the Study Contact and invite speakers Draft General Information Circular (GIC) and agenda for Sharing Session Draft invitation email to be circulated to TPTWG members Draft post-event survey | First draft of the Study Draft speakers list Draft GIC and agenda Draft invitation email Post-event survey | July 2023 | Circulate invitation email, GIC and draft agenda to TPTWG members | Invitation email GIC Draft agenda | August 2023 | Revise the Study in consultation with the PO | Revised Study | August 2023 | Prepare and circulate the draft Study and Policy Recommendations to TPTWG members for comments | Draft Study circulated to TPTWG | | September 2023 (prior to TPTWG Meeting) | Conduct online Information Sharing Session to discuss the outcomes of the draft Study | Online Information Sharing Session | September 2023 (within 1 week of Sharing Session) | Compile Event Attendance List Circulate post-event survey to Session participants | Event Attendance List Post-event survey | September 2023 (TPTWG Meeting) | Present the results and recommendations from the Study, including outcomes of the information sharing session | Presentation at the TPTWG Meeting | 1 October 2023 | Submit the APEC Project Monitoring Report to APEC Secretariat | APEC Project Monitoring Report | | October 2023 | Consolidate and analyse post-event survey results Submit Publication Request Form and revised Study for endorsement and publication | Post-event survey results analysis Final draft of Study | | December 2023 | Finalised Study endorsed for publication Circulate Study and publication link to HWG, HRDWG, GOS, ABAC members | Endorsed Study | February 2024 | Submit APEC Project Completion Report and all supporting documents to the Secretariat | APEC Project Completion Report | 6 to 12 months after project completion | Participate in the Long-Term Evaluation of APEC Projects conducted by APEC Secretariat |
Risks |
No. | Risks | How will it be managed? | 1 | Lack of appropriate consultants to undertake the Study | Coordinate with experts and stakeholders for recommended institutions to conduct the comprehensive assessment of the maritime transport sector in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic | 2 | Limited time to complete the project | Coordinate with the APEC Secretariat for any modifications that may needs to be undertaken in relation to the implementation of the project | 3 | Low gender representation | Active reflection of views and voices of less represented gender groups in the study, including through their active engagement in the research process. Ensure gender-specific issues from the Study are addressed accordingly. Gender inclusive participation in the information sharing session will be highly encouraged. | 4 | Follow through/implementation of the policy recommendations from the Study | Ensure the Study includes as element the identified difficulties that economies may face in implementing the recommendations, possible policy implications, and possible approaches/suggestions to address such challenges along with key stakeholders required to affect changes. Encourage adoption of the recommendations by the TPTWG, particularly by the APEC Seafarers Excellence Network (APEC SEN). |
Monitoring and Evaluation |
| Evaluation Focus | Indicators | Target Goals | Evaluation Method | Reporting Method | Outputs | 1. Study and Policy Recommendations | 1. No. of pages | 20-30 pages | Certification by PO | Email to the Secretariat | 2. Submission to the Secretariat | October 2023 | Submission to the Secretariat | Email to the Secretariat | 3. No. of economy case studies | 3 | Certification by PO | Email to the Secretariat | 4. No. of policy recommendations | At least 5 | Certification by PO | Email to the Secretariat | 5. 2. Information Sharing 6. Session on the key 7. outcomes of the 8. Report | 1. Number of participants | 30-40 participants | Event Attendance List | Completion Report | 2. Number of speakers/experts | At least 3 | List of Session speakers | Completion Report | 3. % of female participants | At least 30% | Event Attendance List | Completion Report | 4. % of female speakers | At least 30% | Event Attendance List | Completion Report | Out-comes | 1. Enhanced knowledge on facilitating the safe and seamless operations of maritime transport | 1. Information gained on measures that inhibit the seamless flow international ship operations | At least 70% of participants report increased knowledge | Post-event evaluation survey | Completion Report | 1. Information gained on international best practices to facilitate maritime transport (Outcome 2) | At least 70% of participants report increased knowledge | Post-event evaluation survey | Completion Report | |
Linkages |
Engagement: The Organizers will seek the support and expertise from APEC economies and other international/ regional organizations (i.e., IMO, IRU, IATA, ICS, ITF), and the business sector to deliver a comprehensive Report. Their involvement may include providing relevant industry information for the Study, as well as best practices and effective measures implemented in support of the maritime industry. Previous Work: The project will build upon relevant studies and policy briefs by APEC and international organizations, including those of the PSU’s “A Decade of Supply Chain Initiatives: Opportunities and Challenges in Post-COVID-19 Recovery” and “Passports, Tickets and Face Masks COVID-19 and Cross-Border Mobility in the APEC Region.” The project will focus on the assessment of the maritime transport sector perspective in these undertakings. APEC’s Comparative Advantage: APEC is committed in contributing to a strong economic recovery post-pandemic, including by building resilient and sustainable industries in the Asia-Pacific. The project will support APEC’s efforts in fostering a strong and resilient economic recovery as it will provide an avenue for information sharing on policies, regulations, and best practices to support the movement of seafarers and maritime crew across borders in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It will further assist economies in building resilient supply chains by leveraging on the policy recommendations which will seek to facilitate the cross-border movement of maritime crew across the Asia-Pacific region in cases of a pandemic/crisis.
Sustainability |
The global economic and trade recovery will require more resilient and efficient supply chains. Given the maritime transportation sector’s vital role in the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is imperative for APEC to build understanding on the challenges that the sector continue to face and discuss how it can support its seamless operations, particularly at this time of global uncertainty. The findings of the study will serve as a useful guide for policy makers, the seafarers and other maritime crew, shipowners and ship management agencies and international shipping lines operating within the Asia-Pacific region to fully understand and comprehend the full extent of the current challenge in the maritime transport sector. This will provide the avenue for dialogues in addressing these problems, including by identifying the role APEC may play in these efforts. Likewise, the policy recommendation which will emerge from the project will be helpful for government officials, including health policy makers and transport regulators, as well as international organizations, in designing effective policies that will protect the welfare of its crew and support world trade. This may include appropriate policy initiatives on a voluntary basis to further protect the unique situation of women-seafarers commanding various merchant ships trading international waters as well as those on-board cruise ships. Experts and member economies, including the APEC SEN, will be encouraged to adopt the results or outcomes of this project to further advance this agenda within APEC.
Project Overseers |
Name: Marie Sherylyn D. Aquia (Ms) Title: Director III – Bureau of International Trade Relations Organization: Department of Trade and Industry Tel: +632 8465 3300 Name: Raissa Z. Faminial (Ms) Title: Senior Trade and Industry Development Specialist, Multilateral Relations Division – Bureau of International Trade Relations Organization: Department of Trade and Industry Tel: +63 2 465 3300 loc. 413
Cost Efficiency |
Drawdown Timetable |
Direct Labour |
No. | Specific Tasks | No. of Hours | 1) | Conceptualize and develop the outline of the study | 20 | 2) | Conduct of desk research and acquisition of necessary research materials | 60 | 3) | Conduct the necessary interview with industry association for the study; | 50 | 4) | Conduct research and interviews for the case studies for three economies (i.e., US, Korea, Philippines) | 60 | 5) | Draft, revise, and finalize the Study | 80 | 6) | Prepare a presentation on the key findings and recommendations | 7 | 7) | Present the Study in the information sharing session (TBC; will only apply for virtual participation) | 3 | Total: | 260 |
Waivers |
Are there any supporting document attached? |