Project Title

E-commerce Status Analysis to Identify Best Practices, Digital Skills Development and Strategies that Promote E-commerce in MSMEs in APEC Economies 

Project Year


Project Number

SME 10 2022A 

Project Session

Session 2   

Project Type


Project Status

Project in Implementation   
View Budget TableView Budget Table

Project No.

SME 10 2022A 

Project Title

E-commerce Status Analysis to Identify Best Practices, Digital Skills Development and Strategies that Promote E-commerce in MSMEs in APEC Economies 

Project Status

Project in Implementation 

Publication (if any)


Fund Account

APEC Support Fund 


ASF: Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) 

Project Year


Project Session

Session 2 

APEC Funding


Co-funding Amount


Total Project Value


Sponsoring Forum

Small and Medium Enterprises Working Group (SMEWG) 


Small and Medium Enterprises 


SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE) 

Other Fora Involved


Other Non-APEC Stakeholders Involved


Proposing Economy(ies)


Co-Sponsoring Economies

Chile; Hong Kong, China; Mexico; Singapore; Chinese Taipei; Viet Nam 

Expected Start Date


Expected Completion Date


Project Proponent Name 1

Manuel Humberto Valdera García 

Job Title 1

Director of Digitalisation and Formalisation 

Organization 1

Directorage General of Innovation, Technology, Digitalisation and Formalisation (DGTIDF) of the Vice-Ministry of MSMEs and Industry, Ministry of Production 

Postal Address 1

Not Applicable 

Telephone 1

(51-1) 6162222 Extension 3450 

Fax 1

Not Applicable 

Email 1 

Project Proponent Name 2

Not Applicable 

Job Title 2

Not Applicable 

Organization 2

Not Applicable 

Postal Address 2

Not Applicable 

Telephone 2

Not Applicable 

Fax 2

Not Applicable 

Email 2

Not Applicable 


Manuel Humberto Valdera García 

Project Summary

Digital transformation in developing economies has not benefited all businesses to the same extent; most MSMEs are lagging behind in this process. Technology adoption remains a challenge, especially for MSMEs.

Also, the whole process of global change, a product of the post pandemic, brings new challenges in the adoption of the use of digital technologies that facilitate the processes of the value chain of MSMEs.

This project proposes to conduct a study on the state of e-commerce in APEC economies, the identification of best practices, the development of digital skills and strategies to promote e-commerce in MSMEs and recommendations for its implementation in developing economies.


Benefits to Region: According to the latest estimates from Statista Digital Market Outlook, the e-commerce market in Latin America and the Caribbean will reach a retail sales value of US$80.5 billion this year. By 2025, this figure is expected to exceed US$105.5 billion. E- commerce is an opportunity for MSMEs and developing economies to revive in the post- pandemic era.

For the APEC Forum, MSMEs are the engine of growth and innovation in the region. According to its statistics, MSMEs account for 97% of all enterprises and generate employment for more than half of the workforce in APEC economies. They contribute significantly to economic growth with their share of GDP ranging from 20% to 50% in most APEC economies. Despite this, they are only responsible for less than 35% of total direct exports from the APEC region. On the contrary, they still face major challenges and gaps in relation to large companies, in terms of market access, financial services, share of sales and, especially, the benefits of digital transformation.

On the other hand, the concept of digitalization gains even more strength, considering the context of the global health crisis -product of the outbreak and proliferation of the COVID-19 disease- and the effects it has brought both in the forms of social relationship. The process of global change, as well as in consumption habits and the relationship between companies and their stakeholders, has also had a significant impact. Also, the whole process of global change caused by the health crisis brings with it new challenges in the adoption of the use of digital technologies that facilitate the processes of the value chain of MSMEs, in terms of customer relationship, data management, financial services, mobile telephony, technology, virtual storage, among others, which to date is still quite low.

In this context, digitalization and e-commerce not only imply a challenge for MSMEs to generate new business opportunities, develop higher levels of productivity and open new markets, but also represent an opportunity for economic reactivation and adaptation to the new scenario imposed by health crisis.

Eligibility and Fund Priorities: The project activities are closely linked to the SME Fund eligibility criteria and respond to a need for attention by APEC developing economies that can find in e-commerce strong opportunities to increase their level of sales, generate employment and, consequently, contribute to the economic recovery. of their economy, focusing on aspects such as the urgent digital transformation, as well as the inclusion and economic empowerment of all sectors. These actions are essential to move towards a new balanced, inclusive, sustainable, innovative and secure economy that reduces the enormous social vulnerability that has become so evident due to the pandemic.

Capacity Building: This project will offer sustained benefits by providing project participants and APEC developing economies with detailed information on the state of e-commerce; and, in turn, will outline key strategies, best practices and recommendations that APEC developing economy officials could implement in the short, medium and long term to improve e-commerce for MSMEs in their economies.


This project aims to promote the acceptance of e-commerce among MSMEs in the APEC region, taking stock of current practices and identifying opportunities, strategies and recommendations for APEC economies.


Alignment - APEC: This project is aligned with La Serena's Roadmap for Women and Inclusive Growth (2019-2030) in the key cross-cutting area on women's empowerment, through access to capital and markets, providing capacity building activities and networking opportunities, mentoring and digital skills. building, among other basic skills, to increase women's entrepreneurial competencies and foster their participation in the digital economy and innovation.

Alignment - Forum: This project is aligned with the main areas of the SMEWG 2022 Work Plan, such as "Entrepreneurship, Innovation and New Enterprises" and "Inclusive Capacity Building towards Digitalization". This project is also aligned with the mission of the SMEWG 2021-2024 Strategic Plan, aimed at fostering innovation in MSMEs to strengthen business competitiveness, which includes capacity building programs and innovation promotion activities.

TILF/ASF Justification

Not Applicable.

Beneficiaries and Outputs


Output Name



Research report on e-commerce in APEC economies.

A research report of at least 50 pages that includes the current state of e- commerce in MSMEs in the seven APEC economies, gaps and barriers they face in the use of e-commerce, case studies, policies and regulations that support the implementation of e-commerce. The research report should also include at least one recommendation focused on women for their development within e-commerce in the research report.

The methodology for the research will be based on primary sources collected through a survey of stakeholders such as the private sector, public sector and civil society in general from APEC economies, interviews and focus group meetings with selected stakeholders and secondary sources from existing published studies as open data from reliable and recognized sources such as commercial, private, public and academic institutions.

The surveys will be conducted on a sample of at least 300 MSMEs and entrepreneurs, considering the 7 prioritized APEC economies (Chile; Hong Kong, China; Mexico; Singapore; Chinese Taipei; Vietnam; Peru).

In developing the secondary sources, it will seek assessment and research on the current state of e-commerce in MSMEs in the 7 selected APEC economies, the policies, frameworks and institutions that exist and help MSMEs to use e-commerce. It will also consider identifying the gaps, needs and barriers faced by MSMEs seeking to adopt e-commerce. It will collect examples or case studies that illustrate successful policies, best practices and recommendations.


Virtual e-commerce platform for APEC economies

The virtual e-commerce platform for APEC economies, where you can find the research report on e-commerce in MSMEs in APEC economies.

The target users of the virtual e-commerce platform will be officials, policy makers, researchers and experts from APEC economies that enable the adoption and promotion of e-commerce in MSMEs.

Statistical tables, success stories in promoting e-commerce in MSMEs, news and general open data are obtained from the research report on e- commerce in MSMEs in APEC economies. In other sources of information to be fed into the statistical data, local studies regarding the state of e- commerce conducted by guilds and private institutions of high relevance or representativeness (considered as reliable sources) in the 7 prioritized APEC economies will be considered.

The platform can be originated through the APEC satellite website as a platform for this information and the maintenance will be for at least 2 years by the proposed economy Peru.

On the first day, a 2-day international symposium will be held in virtual mode with the participation of APEC member economies (co-sponsors) where they will exchange information on initiatives, strategies and experiences on the promotion of e-commerce in MSMEs.


International Symposium

The proposed agenda is:

-  15 Minutes: Presentation and the details of the day.

- 30 Minutes: "E-commerce as a key accelerator for the development of MSMEs", keynote speech by an expert speaker.

- 45 minutes: Panel discussion on the current outlook and vision for the following years on the development of e-commerce, by representatives of the prioritized economies.

-  Break (10 minutes)

- 30 minutes: "The importance of women in e-commerce", keynote speech by an expert speaker.

- 30 minutes: Panel discussion on "Policies, experiences and practices applied for the promotion of e-commerce for the benefit of MSMEs and gender equality", by representatives of priority economies and representatives of business councils and chambers of commerce.

-  10 Minutes: Preliminary conclusions and closing.

On the second day will be the launch of the virtual e-commerce platform, with the research report.

The second day will be dedicated to the analysis of the results and information obtained in the research report.

-  15 Minutes: Presentation and detailed objective of the day.

- 45 Minutes: Presentation of the most relevant data obtained from the research report (gaps, policies, technologies for e-commerce development, success stories and practices in MSMEs) and presentation of the Virtual e- Commerce Platform for APEC economies.

- 20 Minutes: Presentation of the collaborative work proposal on the promotion of e-commerce in MSMEs of the 7 prioritized economies.

- 45 Minutes: Panel discussion on "Next steps for the promotion of e- Commerce in MSMEs through collaborative work among APEC economies", by 3 expert speakers and representatives of the prioritized economies.

-  10 Minutes: Final conclusions and closing


Outcome Description


The final results will be:

1.- Increased knowledge among participants on the optimal regulatory and policy features (best practices) and digital technologies needed for the successful implementation of e-commerce by MSMEs in APEC economies.

2.- More resources available to guide APEC economies in the development and implementation of policies to encourage the uptake of e-commerce by MSMEs in APEC economies.

3.- Increased networking and collaboration among APEC stakeholders to share information and promote e- commerce for MSMEs in member economies.

6. Beneficiaries

Primary beneficiaries are public sector participants who are expected to hold positions with responsibility for small business development, fintech, digital skills and innovation, and regulatory bodies.

Secondary beneficiaries will be APEC developed and developing economies and other stakeholders in the APEC region, such as international organizations, academic institutions and civil society organizations, including business councils, trade unions and cooperative associations. It will also benefit APEC fora such as the Digital Economic Steering Group (DESG) and the Policy Partnership on Women and the Economy (PPWE). Women and the Economy (PPWE) .

The main beneficiaries of the international symposium will be representatives of the public sector who hold positions of responsibility in the promotion and innovation of electronic commerce in MSMEs, and secondary beneficiaries will be private companies, civil society organizations, academic institutions, trade associations, business councils

and chambers of commerce.


A research report will be prepared on the state of e-commerce in APEC economies, identification of best practices, digital skills development and strategies that promote e- commerce in MSMEs and recommendations for implementation in developing economies. It will also be made public on the APEC website. The study will be prepared in accordance with the APEC Project Guide, the APEC Publication Guidelines, the APEC Publication Toolkit for guidance on how an APEC report should be written and submitted, the APEC Logo Guidelines and will follow APEC nomenclature standards. 

It is also expected that the research report, including findings and recommendations, will be disseminated through the institutional website of the Ministry of Production of Peru and through press releases following APEC guidelines for social networks of the Ministry of Production and affiliated institutions and programs. 

Participants, interested institutions, researchers and other interested parties will be able to download the papers and other materials presented at the International Symposium through APEC's virtual e-commerce platform for e-commerce economies, taking into account the results of the research.


All study participants will benefit from the identification of best practices, digital skills development and strategies that promote e- commerce in SMEs, in order to promote the inclusion of digital skills in the operation of their businesses and enable them to improve their online activities.

The participation of women in the project is key to enhancing the implementation of inclusive recovery measures in MSMEs. 

PO commits to collect sex-disaggregated data for all speakers and participants (not only APEC-funded) at the project event. This data will be included when submitting a final report to the Secretariat at the end of the project, in addition to providing guidance to future POs on their own gender parity targets.

At least 50% of the participants in project activities will be women.

Consideration will be given to including gender perspectives as a topic on the Symposium agenda and/or including at least one women-focused recommendation in the research report.

Gender Participation Target Goals

As Participants (%)

As Speakers/Experts (%)







Five Pillars of the Gender Criteria

Access to Capital and Assets

Access to Markets

Skills, Capacity Building, and Health

Leadership, Voice and Agency

Innovation and Technology



Work Plan




1. Create a working team for the development of project activities.

2. Preparation of the terms of reference for contracting a consulting firm to conduct research on the state of electronic commerce in APEC economies.

3. Hiring of the consulting firm

- Established work team

- Contract signed with the project manager/consulting firm




Planning and implementation of the survey and interviews.

Elaboration of the research instrument.

- Interview guides.

- Focus group guides

Qualitative research: Conduct interviews with a total of 16 prominent professionals, public policy leaders and/or entrepreneurs related to e- commerce in the economies under study.

Quantitative research: Conduct a survey of a sample of at least 300 MSMEs and entrepreneurs, considering the 7 APEC prioritized economies (Chile; Hong Kong, China; Mexico; Singapore; Chinese Taipei; Vietnam; Peru).

-Research instruments (guides, questionnaires, etc.)




Presentation and sending of the APEC Project Monitoring Report to the Secretariat

APEC Project Monitoring Report




Conduct research from secondary sources.

- Compilation of secondary sources and studies on e-commerce in APEC economies.

- Qualitative research: Conduct 7 focus groups to identify the state of e- commerce in your economy.




Conduct focus group investigations

Qualitative research: Conduct 7 focus groups to identify the state of e- commerce in the 7 APEC prioritized economies (Chile; Hong Kong, China; Mexico; Singapore; Chinese Taipei; Vietnam; Peru).

Final report shared with relevant stakeholders and the APEC Secretariat




Conduct analysis of research results and write the Research Report

Preparation of a research report of at least 50 pages that considers the current situation, importance, best practices, strategies, among other items of electronic commerce in the prioritized APEC economies.

-Research instruments (guides, questionnaires, etc.)

-E-commerce report (secondary sources)

-Study identifying gaps, opportunities, best practices, importance, strategies, instruments, etc., on e-commerce in the economies involved

- Analysis of the results of the e- commerce status of MSMEs in APEC economies

- Analysis of public policies to promote e-commerce in MSMEs successfully implemented in APEC economies.

Assessment of convergence among MSME e-commerce promotion actions in APEC economies covered in the research report.




Elaboration of a work proposal that proposes collaboration among the economies prioritized in the research report, through initiatives to promote the promotion, development of skills and access to technologies in electronic commerce for the benefit of MSMEs.

The specific tasks are:

- The work plan to address the identified gaps and collaboration among the prioritized economies in addressing the needs of MSMEs.

- Implementation of a proposal for collaborative initiatives among the economies assessed in the research report, with a proposal to develop and promote e-commerce. These initiatives should be prioritized by impact and feasibility of implementation.




Sending the research report to the Secretariat for review and approval for publication (and approval by the forum).




Development of virtual e-commerce platform for APEC economies and implementation of data Development of materials, such as statistical tables, report of interest, blog materials, success stories, proposal for convergence work between APEC economies

Web platform




1.  Dissemination of the General  Information Circular

2.  Participant nomination and registration process

3. Selection of the videoconference platform.

- International Symposium Agenda

- Videoconference platform




Dissemination of the symposium by the GIC

-Registration Report

- Participant registration




Dissemination and registration of participants to the International Symposium.

-Registration Report

- Participant registration




Launching of the 2-day International Symposium: "E-commerce, a need and opportunity for MSMEs in times of pandemic in the APEC Region" (Last week of March)

International Symposium (virtual)




Dissemination of the post-event participant survey




Submission of the APEC Project Completion Report and supporting documents to the Secretariat 2 months within the project completion date

   APEC Project Completion Report




Participation in the APEC Long Term Evaluation of APEC Projects (LTEAP) survey of Project Supervisors; LTEAP survey completed.



Describe the Risk



No company data available for interviews

Alliances with business associations to have a data base


Delay in product delivery by the contractor

Work plan with flexibility of dates for observations and postponements for delays in product delivery


Low survey participation rates

Survey collaboration with organizations such as chambers of commerce through alliances.

Distribution of surveys under the framework of activities such as events, workshops, among others that are being executed in the prioritized economies and are related to e-commerce.

Use of multichannel delivery systems (email, social networks, phone calls, among others) for a higher opening rate.

Monitoring and Evaluation



Target Goals

Evaluation Method



Research report on e-commerce in APEC economies.

1.- Contracted executed

January 2024

Certification by PO

2.- Number of economies participating in the study


List of participants

Completion Report

3.- Number of experts interviewed

4. MSMEs surveyed





- Follow-up on savings six months after the event (Symposium)

Completion Report

5. % MSME leaders surveyed

(men women)



Completion Report

6. Recommendations and best practices proposed

50 pages

Project Report

Email to the Secretariat


International national Symposium

1. No. of participants

(excl. speakers/


Event Attendance List

Event Attendance List

Event Attendance List

Event Attendance List

Event Attendance List

Completion Report

2. % of participating

men/women (excl.




3. No. of speakers/ experts engaged



4. % of speakers/




5. No. of attending




Virtual e-commerce platform for APEC economies

1.  No. of reports available on the platform

2.  Web platform traffic (views)



Web Platform Web Platform

Completion Report Completion Report





Target Goals

Evaluation Method



Increased knowledge among participants on the optimal regulatory and policy features (best practices) and digital technologies needed for successful implementation of e- commerce by MSMEs in APEC economies.

% of participants reporting increased knowledge

at least 60%

Questions adapted from the post- symposium evaluation survey of participants

Completion Report


More resources available to guide APEC economies in the development and implementation of policies to encourage the uptake of e- commerce by MSMEs in APEC economies.

number of new resources developed through the project

2 (platform and research report).

resources delivered

Completion Report


Increased connections and collaboration among APEC stakeholders to share information and promote e- commerce for MSMEs in member economies.

% of participants who assessed the project identified opportunities for collaboration and engagement between APEC economies on this topic

at least 60%

Questions adapted from the post- symposium evaluation survey of participants.

Completion Report



The project will allow disseminating initiatives developed by APEC economies, the private sector, international cooperation agencies or Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) aimed at reducing the existing gap in the digital economy. In addition, this project will join efforts with the Services Group (GOS) and the Digital Economy Steering Group (DESG) to enable better research on the state of e-commerce of APEC MSMEs. 

The project will promote cross-forum collaboration, sharing of results and best practices with other APEC programs, including the PPWEWG (Political Partnership Working Group on Women and the Economy) and DESG (Digital Economy Steering Group), Services Group (GOS). At the same time, the project will serve as a platform to showcase initiatives developed by other APEC economies, the private sector, international cooperation or non-governmental organizations (NGOs), whose objectives are focused on reducing the existing digitalization gap.


The International Symposium planned for the end of the project will serve as a space for the creation of technical roundtables with international specialists to generate strategies to promote the development of e-commerce in MSMEs of the APEC member economies involved. Additionally, the Peruvian economy, through the Ministry of Production, will finance the maintenance of the e-commerce observatory (web platform) for at least 2 years after the end of the project. It will also facilitate access to APEC member economies to update and expand the open data repository. 

At the end of the project it will be possible to measure the number of initiatives (strategies, best practices, tools, etc.) created and/or promoted as a result of the technical roundtables.

Project Overseers

Systems and Computer Engineer from the National University of San Marcos, with more than twelve years of work experience in both private and public companies, planning and developing projects based on information and communications technology, managing activities with a focus on technological innovation, and current director of the Digitalization and Formalization Directorate of the General Directorate of Innovation, Technology, Digitalization and Formalization of the Ministry of Production.

Cost Efficiency

Not Applicable.

Drawdown Timetable

Not Applicable.

Direct Labour


Specific and Actual Tasks

Work Hours

Work Hourly Rate


Definition of the research study:

a)   The working methodology for the research is defined (the agile project framework).

b)   The roles and activities by roles that are required for the elaboration of all the activities, the KPis by roles and the expected results by activities.

c)   The scopes of each of the expected results and the scope of the service.

d)   Identification of the existing difficulties for the development of activities.

e)   A gantt of activities for the research study is drawn up.

f)    Identify the key actors and ambassadors that will help in the process of elaborating the study.

g)   An initial hypothesis or problem statement is developed.

h)   Private sector ambassadors from relevant organizations such as business councils or Chambers of Commerce are identified for each of the prioritized economies to assist in the research process.

i)    A collaboration proposal is prepared to share with each private sector representative for the development of the research report.

j)    Elaboration of survey questions for MSMEs




Interview guides:

a)   Selection of interview formats

b)   Drafting of interview questions associated with the expected objectives.

c)   Archetypes of profiles to interview MSMEs or leaders of the prioritized economies (minimum of 3 archetypes per profile) for a better understanding of the users and a better disclosure of their answers.

d)   Identification and association of the type of interview to be conducted based on the profile archetypes developed (minimum of 3 interview guides).

e)   Selection of qualitative and quantitative questions

f)    Selection of interview media (face- to-face, synchronous virtual, telephone call, etc.).

g)   Selection of interview documentation actions (videos, audio recording, etc).

h)   The estimated number of interviewees is 16 MSMEs and 7 leaders of the prioritized economies (1 hour per interview, total hours of interviews 23).

i)    Execution of the interviews




Focus group guidelines:

a)   Selection of interview formats

b)   Identification of the profile of the focus groups by prioritized economy.

c)   Drafting of interview questions associated with the prioritized economies

d)   Selection of qualitative and quantitative questions

e)   Selection of interview media (face- to-face, synchronous virtual, phone call, etc.) and type of interview

f)    Selection of interview documentation actions (videos, audio recording, etc).

g)   7 interview guides for focus groups, considering one guide per prioritized economy.

h)   The estimated number of focus groups interviewed is 7, one for each prioritized economy.

i)    Selection and convening of focus group participants.




Compilation of secondary sources and studies on e-commerce in APEC economies




Conduct 7 focus groups (1 for each prioritized economy) to identify the state of e-commerce in their economy.


a)   2 hours 11 minutes for each focus group interview

b)   1 hour 20 minutes before the interview

c)   2 hours 11 minutes for post- interview write-ups and interview documentation

A total of 5 hours 42 minutes for each focus group




Conduct a survey to a sample of at least 300 MSMEs and entrepreneurs from prioritized APEC economies.

Approximately 45 minutes per MSME surveyed.




Writing a research report with a minimum of 50 pages, considering the current situation, importance, good practices, strategies, among other items; of electronic commerce of MSMEs in APEC economies.




Draft recommendations based on the results of the analysis of the state of e-commerce of MSMEs in APEC economies.

Specific tasks are:

a)   The work plan to address the identified gaps and collaboration among the prioritized economies in addressing the needs of MSMEs.

b)   Implementation of a proposal for collaborative initiatives among the economies assessed in the research report, with a proposal to develop and promote e-commerce. These initiatives should be prioritized by impact and feasibility of implementation.




Development of materials, such as statistical tables, report of interest, blog materials, case studies, proposal of convergence work among APEC economies for the promotion of e-commerce in MSMEs, among other results obtained from the research report in the format required in the specific format for the Virtual e-Commerce Platform for APEC economies (All materials uploaded to the website will comply with relevant APEC policies, including the APEC Brand Manual and Guidelines for Publications).





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Version: 7.0 
Created at 06/12/2022 22:30  by Lucy Phua 
Last modified at 30/08/2024 11:51  by Lucy Phua 
Version HistoryVersion History

Project No.

Project Title

Project Status

Publication (if any)

Fund Account


Project Year

Project Session

APEC Funding

Co-funding Amount

Total Project Value

Sponsoring Forum



Other Fora Involved

Other Non-APEC Stakeholders Involved

Proposing Economy(ies)

Co-Sponsoring Economies

Expected Start Date

Expected Completion Date

Project Proponent Name 1

Job Title 1

Organization 1

Postal Address 1

Telephone 1

Fax 1

Email 1

Project Proponent Name 2

Job Title 2

Organization 2

Postal Address 2

Telephone 2

Fax 2

Email 2


Project Summary




TILF/ASF Justification

Beneficiaries and Outputs



Work Plan


Monitoring and Evaluation



Project Overseers

Cost Efficiency

Drawdown Timetable

Direct Labour


Are there any supporting document attached?


Project Number

Previous Fora

Secretariat Comments

Reprogramming Notes

Consolidated QAF

Endorsement By Fora

PD Sign Off


Forum Priority

Committee Ranking Category

Committee Priority

PDM Priority

Priority Within Funding Category

Monitoring Report Received

Completion Report Received

PMU Field 1

PMU Field 2

PMU Field 3

On Behalf Of

Proposal Status

Originating Sub-Forum

Approval Status
Content Type: Standard Proposal
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