Project Title

Capacity Building on Vessel Innovation to Combat Marine Debris 

Project Year


Project Number

OFWG 08 2021A 

Project Session

Session 2   

Project Type


Project Status

Completed Project   
View Budget TableView Budget Table

Project No.

OFWG 08 2021A 

Project Title

Capacity Building on Vessel Innovation to Combat Marine Debris 

Project Status

Completed Project 

Publication (if any)


Fund Account

APEC Support Fund 


ASF: Marine Debris Management and Innovation (MDMI) 

Project Year


Project Session

Session 2 

APEC Funding


Co-funding Amount


Total Project Value


Sponsoring Forum

Oceans and Fisheries Working Group (OFWG) 


Fisheries; Marine Conservation; Oceans 


SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE) 

Other Fora Involved


Other Non-APEC Stakeholders Involved


Proposing Economy(ies)


Co-Sponsoring Economies

Chinese Taipei; Thailand 

Expected Start Date


Expected Completion Date


Project Proponent Name 1

Handy Chandra 

Job Title 1


Organization 1

Research Center for Environmental and Clean Technology, National Research and Innovation Agency 

Postal Address 1

Not Applicable 

Telephone 1

(62-812) 99067435 

Fax 1

Not Applicable 

Email 1; 

Project Proponent Name 2

Not Applicable 

Job Title 2

Not Applicable 

Organization 2

Not Applicable 

Postal Address 2

Not Applicable 

Telephone 2

Not Applicable 

Fax 2

Not Applicable 

Email 2

Not Applicable 


Handy Chandra 

Project Summary

Marine debris is a real fact faced by every APEC Economies. It threatens fisheries, marine ecosystem, transportation, tourism and even livelihoods sectors in every economy. The debris leakage from land to rivers to sea, then to Pacific Ocean is increasing.

Therefore, this project aims to explore marine debris vessel concepts and operational models as one of innovative solutions for managing marine debris.

A three-days symposium involving 21 APEC economies will focus on marine debris countermeasures, including publishing guidelines and recommendation for vessel innovation, fleet management and collaboration in international waters. Tentative date for the symposium is in March 2023, and its final outputs will be an APEC Guidelines and Recommendations.


Relevance – Region: The marine sector is an exceptionally important for APEC Economies. Sustainable marine ecosystem provides foods from fishes, seaweeds, and medical substances from coral reefs. A healthy marine ecosystem can also be utilized as marine tourism site which promotes the creation of various jobs for many people in the APEC Economies, such as vessels operators, hotels operators, restaurants, diving guides, fishing services, etc.

This marine ecosystem is currently under threat by marine debris, such as floating plastics, nets, bottles, etc. Marine debris are found stranded in coastal areas and polluting the surrounding area, while some other are drifted further into the Pacific Ocean. Many economies addressed this issue with their own strategy, where most of the initiatives are focused more on terrestrial areas particularly lands, coasts, or cities. Meanwhile, addressing marine debris that leaked into the sea and stranded in remote area requires specific technology and collaborations among economies with common paradigm to deliver it effectively.

This project aims to assist economies in addressing marine debris by using innovative vessel concepts and operational models. A three-day symposium involving 21 APEC economies will be held in Indonesia, focusing on vessel innovation concepts, fleet management and collaboration in international waters to tackle marine debris.

Relevance – Eligibility and Fund Priorities: This project encourages all economies to develop recommendations and guidelines for addressing marine debris through the introduction of innovative vessel, fleet management, and collaboration models. It is significantly valuable for the many small islands within APEC economies, especially developing ones, to strengthen collaboration among economies in addressing this marine debris issue.

This project applies for ASF Sub-Fund on Marine Debris Management and Innovation, as it will inform marine debris management technologies, and promote new technologies and innovation for reducing the prevalence and environmental impact of marine debris.

Relevance – Capacity Building: This project will strengthen the capacity of developing economies, particularly small islands economies, to address marine debris by using innovative vessel concepts with operational models, practical guidelines, and recommendations. Each economy will also share its experience in managing marine debris, which will be compiled into best practices, and standard procedures for marine debris vessel operation.


To have a common understanding on the strategy to clean-up marine debris by developing guidelines and recommendation on vessel innovation, fleet management and cooperation in international waters to cope with the marine debris. It is expected to support capacity building aspect with research and innovation aspect as mandated in APEC Roadmap on Marine Debris.


Alignment - APEC:  This project is linked with relevant APEC fora/Working Groups, including: Oceans and Fisheries Working Group (OFWG), Tourism Working Group (TWG), Transportation Working Group (TPTWG), and Policy Partnership on Science, Technology, and Innovation (PPSTI) as mandated in APEC Marine Debris Management Roadmap. This project also in line with New Zealand’s Priorities as the host of 2021 ‘Increasing sustainability and pursuing innovation for recovery’, and with Malaysia priority for 2020 ‘Driving Innovative Sustainability’ through harnessing technologies and innovative approach for managing one of APEC biggest challenge.

Alignment – Forum: This project also aims to support OFWG’s objective to foster sustainable economic growth, development, and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region. The project also supports the OFWG priority areas “protection of marine environment” by reducing marine debris.  In addition, this project will implement the following Marine Debris Roadmap goals: Fostering research and innovation for the development and refinement of new methodologies and solutions for monitoring, preventing and reducing marine debris; promoting and sharing of best practices and lessons learned and enhancing cooperation.

TILF/ASF Justification

Not Applicable.

Beneficiaries and Outputs


1) Research Work and Guidelines Document regarding vessel innovation for cleaning-up marine debris, with specific concern on the applicability for developing economies. This document will provide procedures/protocols in developing specific vessel for cleaning-up marine debris, including parameters that should be considered, i.e.: design, budget, operational aspects and institutional framework. 

a)  Scope of the research work are identification of quantity of trashes & litters from small islands, debris stranded in coastal and the distance to main island to be dumped as final processing place (study case : Bali province or Jepara regency (Jawa Tengah province)). The research methodology is by using secondary data and discussion with local-governement/stakeholder, to develop new vessel design with innovation. By using this method, we take one or two other developing economies (Phillippines or Chile) as another examples by using same methodology.  The Contractors will be asked to identify marine debris source and its quantity, develop protocol for designing and drawing innovative vessels. 

b) Publication of 40-50 pages consist of Executive Summary two pages, Backgrounds 10 pages, Research Methodology five pages maximum, Result of research and Study Case 20 pages, Guideline Recommendation five pages, References three pages (all maximum).  The Result of Research will consist of General Arrangement drawings of innovative vessels to combat marine debris, existing vessels to manage marine debris in small islands, existing management protocols to cope with MD in every economy and case studies. This will be APEC Publication. 

c) Additional for 3-days symposium reports about 20-30 pages. This will be APEC Publication. 

d) Linkages aspect with previous APEC Projects (OFWG 03 2020A, OFWG 05 2020A, and OFWG 08 2020A) will be explained in the background chapter of the Research Work and Guideline publication. 

e) The final draft of Research Work and Guidelines publication is targeted to be completed prior the 3-days symposium (The marine debris countermeasures on the sea, coastal and small islands with vessel innovation, fleet management and collaboration in international waters). 

2. Implement a 3-day Symposium (March 2023) in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. If the mass gathering restriction due to COVID-19 pandemic still applied during the scheduled time, then this symposium will be held virtually. 

a) Review of delivery format 4 months before symposium. The tentative schedule 08-10 March 2023. 

b)  The workshop will train participants how to follow vessel fabrication protocols, especially for MD countermeasure. The 3rd day of symposium will be used for workshop session for Vessel innovation protocol/procedure and also fabrication procedures. 

c) Implementation phase of the symposium attended by participants from 11 travel eligible Economies and 10 non-travel eligible Economies, the PO for APEC Project OFWG 05 2020A, titled: Developing an APEC Best Practices Framework to Address ALDFG, 2 co-sponsor economies experts and 2 expert from USA (The PO for APEC OFWG 08 2020A, titled: Enhancing Collection and Segregation of Waste to Reduce Marine Litter in APEC Economies; and The PO for APEC OFWG 03 2020A, titled: Development of a Marine Debris Monitoring Decision Framework for APEC Economies). 

i. The project team and contractor shall develop tentative agenda and presentation materials.

ii.  Solicit experts and APEC input to the guidelines document regarding marine debris countermeasures on the sea, coastal and small islands with vessel innovation, fleet management and collaboration in international waters 

The draft agenda of the Training and Symposium event is described below: 

Capacity Building on Vessel Innovation to Combat Marine Debris

Pre Day


Arrival of Participants


1st Day




Opening ceremony and welcoming address

Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Republic of Indonesia  

- Symposium introduction


- Experts and facilitator introductions


- Participant introductions


- Symposium timetable administrative matters


- Safety Induction

Hotel management

- Group Photo



Session 1: Completed APEC Marine Debris Project  and Policy/Regulation  in APEC Economies

USA/Thailand/Vietnam/Chinese Taipei (TBD) (Woman)


Lunch Break



Session 2: Sharing Session : Small Islands Waste Management and Debris Carrier/Collecting Vessels implementation in Indonesia. Including women’s roles in managing recycleable trashes in small island and health in marine tourism sector.

Indonesia (Woman).


Session 3: Sharing Session of Debris Carrier/Collecting Vessel implementation in APEC Economies

USA/Korea/Chinese Taipei/... (TBD)

2nd Day

Registration and Preparation for Field Trip


Session 5 : Field Trip.
1. Benoa Maritime Tourism Hub (BMTH) : TBD

2. River Debris management : TBD

3. ... : TBD

1. Benoa Harbour Office and Department of Environment, Regional Government of Bali.

2. NGO

3.  ...


Lunch Break



Session 4: Discussion for Draft Document : Guidelines and Recommendation Document for marine debris countermeasures on the sea, coastal and small islands with vessel innovation, fleet management and collaboration in international waters.

Indonesia/Thailand/USA/Korea/Chinese Taipei/... (TBD)

3rd Day


Session 4 (Cont’d) : Draft Document : Guidelines and Recommendation Document for marine debris countermeasures on the sea, coastal and small islands with vessel innovation, fleet management and collaboration in international waters

Indonesia/Thailand/USA/Korea/Chinese Taipei/... (TBD)


Coffe Break.


Session 5: Symposium’s Final Document : Guidelines and Recommendation Document for marine debris countermeasures on the sea, coastal and small islands with vessel innovation, fleet management and collaboration in international waters.

Indonesia/Thailand/USA/Korea/Chinese Taipei/... (TBD)


Lunch Break



Session 6: Course Evaluation



APEC recommendation



Closure of Symposium


Departure Day

3. The Final Report: Consist of Executive Summary 1 page, Backgrounds 3 pages, Highlight of Research Findings 2 pages, Best Practice Cases 2 pages, Recommendations 2 pages, Result of Symposium 2 pages, Result of post-event survey 2 pages, total 16 pages maximum. This will be APEC Publication 


There are four specific measurable outcomes for this project:

1)   From the Symposium, it is expected that participants from APEC developing economies will have a new knowledge on marine debris clean-up action by designing and adopting an innovative vessel designated to address marine debris. 

2)   Fostering network and collaboration among participants from APEC Economies to manage marine debris in the bordering water. 

3)   Better perspective on marine debris handling carried from upland by rivers, as a continuation of previous APEC Project (OFWG 08 2020A, entitled: Enhancing Collection and Segregation of Waste to Reduce Marine Litter in APEC Economies); and combined with the monitoring marine debris trajectory technique as delivered by previous APEC Project (OFWG 03 2020A, entitled: Development of a Marine Debris Monitoring Decision Framework for APEC Economies); then finally equipped with capability to clean-up marine debris by introducing the concept design of innovative vessel. 

4)   Increasing local communities empowerement (including women) in waste management through circular economy approach that leverage their income, (e.g., plastic based waste conversion into handicraft, organic waste into biocompost and "waste bank"). 


1) Direct institutional beneficiaries of the projects include, but not limited to, Economies agency or research agencies responsible in each respective economy (e.g., ministries/agencies of marine/environment/industry/NGOs). The project outputs provide clear-cut information, evidence, standard methods, and policy/regulatory recommendations for these economy organizations for developing and implementing marine debris/litter cleaning and collecting in the coastal, small islands, and seawater border territory. 

2) Direct beneficiaries of the projects include medium to high level policy makers who can attend or be informed about the project's outputs. Identification of high level policy makers is through each economy contact person, including Invitation. 

3) Secondary beneficiaries including business owner, private companies and investor in marine tourism sector in each APEC Economies. These beneficiaries can be reached by disseminate the Publication through each Economies agency to the strategic level of each beneficiaries by formal letters or by email.


1) Symposium materials in the form of soft copy will be provided to all participants, related/involved institutions and distributed to general audiences. All personal data will not appear in any APEC Publication will be applied.

2) The Final Report of project and Guideline Document will be formatted into an electronic version and submitted to the APEC secretariat for reviewing and approval.

3)  There is no intention to sell outputs arising from this project.

4) The Final Report will be APEC Publication, will be reviewed and approved by the APEC Secretariat

5) There will be a report on the 3-day Symposium of 20-30 pages which will be an APEC Publication.


Women roles in managing recycleable trashes in small island and also in managing health crisis in tourism-reliant economies will be one of the session in the symposium and part of Guideline Publication. The developing process of Guideline Document will also involve female perspective to the topic.  This project shall engage equal participation for all gender, and targeting 40% minimum of participants in the symposium are women, either as participants or as speakers (including participants whom unsupported by APEC). PO is committed to collecting sex disaggregated data for all speakers and participants (not only those funded by APEC) at the project event. This data will be included when submitting a Completion report to the Secretariat upon completion of the project. A question whether the workshop address satisfactorily gender issues will be applied in symposium's evaluation questionaire.


Female Participants (%)


Female Speakers/Experts (%)


Referring to the Guide on Gender Criteria for APEC Project Proposals in the Guidebook on APEC Projects, please tick the pillar or pillars that this project supports, in promoting women’s economic empowerment:

5 Pillars (you may tick more than one)


Access to Capital and Assets


Access to Markets


Skills, Capacity Building, and Health


Leadership, Voice and Agency


Innovation and Technology

Work Plan




Aug – Sep 2022

Consultation meeting with experts, researchers and APEC’s related economy to finalize the initial project planning on marine debris countermeasures on the sea, coastal and small islands with vessel innovation, fleet management and collaboration in international waters

Work plan of marine debris countermeasures on the sea, coastal and small islands with vessel innovation is established and approved

1 Oct 2022

Submit the APEC Project Monitoring Report to the Secretariat

APEC Project Monitoring Report

Oct – Nov 2022

1.     PO submit ToR to the APEC Secretariat regarding recruitment of Indonesian experts for writing the Guideline Document of the Marine Debris Countermeasure Technology with Vessel Innovation Design

2.     Solicit previous PO APEC Project OFWG 08 2020A, entitled: Enhancing Collection and Segregation of Waste to Reduce Marine Litter in APEC Economies, to be involved as regional expert in the symposium

3.     Solicit previous PO APEC Project OFWG 05 2020A, entitled: Developing an APEC Best Practices Framework to Address ALDFG, to be involved as regional expert in the symposium.

4.     Seeking expert from APEC economies to be invited as speaker in the symposium, concerning the topic of collaborative action to handle marine debris in bordering seawater territory and international waters

1.     ToR is approved by APEC Secretariat

2.     Experts have been contracted

3.     Work plan for developing guideline document is agreed by Contractor

4.     Previous PO APEC Project accept to be speaker/expert in the symposium

Dec 2022

Symposium preparation:

1.     Drafting General Information Circular of the symposium

2.     Confirming provisional arrangements for venue in Bali

3.     Preparing backup options for hosting symposium virtually

Desk study for drafting the guideline documents:

1.     Commencing the Research Work to develop the Guideline Document of the Marine Debris Countermeasure Technology with Vessel Innovation Design

1.     General Information Circular is approved

2.     List of speakers and participants is approved.

Nov 2022

Review the Symposium format with PD. Including Agenda, Event Attendance List, post-Symposium evaluation.

The format of Symposium approved by PD

Jan 2023

1)   Submit list of symposium speakers and participants to APEC Secretariat

2)   Submit General Information Circular (GIC) to APEC Secretariat

1)   Approval of speakers and participants.

2)   Approval of GIC

Feb 2023

Issue invitation to speakers and participants

Confirmed symposium speakers and participants

Mar 2023

1)   Host symposium activities, 3 days in Bali Physically or virtually.

2)   Conduct Post-Symposium evaluation, using range-scale from 1 (not-satisfying) to 5 (very satisfying).

1.     Presentation material from speakers are compiled. Documentation, including minutes of Symposium and photos.

2.     The post-symposium evaluation (comments and feedbacks) from speakers and participants.

3.     Symposium agenda.

4.     Event attendance list.

Apr  2023

Circulate draft of the “Guidelines and Recommendation Document for marine debris countermeasures on the sea, coastal and small islands with vessel innovation, fleet management and collaboration in international waters” to get feedback from speakers and participants

Inputs for the draft from speakers and participants

Final document

1 May 2023

Submit the Final Report to the Secretariat for review followed by OFWG endorsement

Final report draft for reviewing and approval.

May-June 2023

1.     Finalize the “Guidelines and Recommendation Document for marine debris countermeasures on the sea, coastal and small islands with vessel innovation, fleet management and collaboration in international waters”

2.  Project completion date: 30 June 2023.

Endorsement Guidelines and Recommendation Document

August 2023

Submit the APEC Project Completion Report and supporting documents to the Secretariat

APEC Project Completion Report

Dec 2023 – Jun 2024

Participation in The Long Term Evaluation of APEC Projects (LTEAP)


Potential Risk

Mitigation Plan

Difficult to find suitable location for symposium venue due to COVID-19 restrictions.

COVID-19 pandemic has caused restriction on mass gathering event and travelling permit. PO will work with APEC Secretariat, fellow of OFWG members and local government to monitor COVID-19 status until the scheduled time for holding the symposium on March 2023. Alternatively, PO will organize the symposium virtually.

Difficult to find suitable experts/speakers

The organizers will work with the co-sponsor economies to recommend potential internationally recognized speakers in the related subjects.

Make a shortlist of potential participants and speakers based on co-sponsor recommendations.

Make a waiting list of participants and speakers as a replacement if any cancellation occurred.

Last-minute speakers and participants cancellation (less than 14 days prior the symposium date)

Invited speakers/participants must inform their cancellation 14 days to organizer prior to the event. Last-minute cancellation should be confirmed along with the alternate speakers/participants’ recommendation.

Invite person already listed in the waiting list as backup participants/speakers

Late submission of speaker’s presentation (less than 14 days prior the symposium date)

Speakers should notify their late submission 14 days prior to the symposium, since the hardcopy of Symposium materials will be provided to participants on-site. Alternatively, organizer could print the Symposium material on the venue.

Variance level of knowledge (of relevant topics discussed in the symposium) among participants

Ensure that medium to high-level officials is the participant of the event by stating the participant criteria in the General Information. Lecturing in the first session will also aim to level up the participant’s knowledge.

Total number of confirmed participants are less than the targeted quota

PO will make an arrangement on participants and add more quota for other economies with respect on gender equality aspect.

Participant reluctance with the reimburse payment scheme

Organizers will ask for a waiver to the APEC secretariat for an advance payment to all speakers and participants.

Late feedback from participants after the Symposium

Intensively follow up participants in the beginning and after the Symposium to complete post-evaluation survey and keep them engaged to submit any inputs/feedback post the event/project

Distributed the final project report by email/cloud drive.

Gender quota is not fulfilled

The PO should mention from the beginning in general information that every economy should equally encourage both genders to participate.

Make sure that in the nomination form, it is stipulated that economies should send one male one female.

Participating economies not applying knowledge learned from the Symposium/ Guideline Document

The Mitigation plan is to classify implementation type (inside the Guideline Document) for developing economies and developed economies, to make it more realistic to be implemented for developing economies.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Evaluation Focus


Target Goals

Evaluation Method



1.   Symposium (Developing Document Publication and a workshop session)

1. No. of experts engaged


Event Attendance List

Completion Report

1.   No. of attending economies


Event Attendance List

Completion Report

2.   No. of travel eligible economies


Event Attendance List

Completion Report

3.   % of participating men/women


Event Attendance List

Completion Report

4.   Submission symposium format to the Secretariat

1 Dec 2022

Submission to the Secretariat

Email to the Secretariat

5.   The Guideline Publication developed and deployed

01 Feb 2023

Certification by PO

Completion Report

2. The Guideline  and Recommendation document

1. Submission Final document to the Secretariat

1 April 2023

Submission to the Secretariat

Email to the Secretariat

3.  Final Report

1. Submission Final report to the Secretariat

1 May 2023

Submission to the Secretariat

Email to the Secretariat


Capacity Building on Vessel Innovation to Combat Marine Debris:

1.      Participants knowledge of Vessel Innovation to combat Marine Debris increased

1.  % of increasing knowledge of participants


Event Attendance List

Completion Report

2. Implementation of international best practices by economies

2023 to 2025

Tracking economies six months after event

Report to Working Group

3. Developing APEC economies report substantial knowledge increase


Ex-ante and ex-post evaluations

Completion Report

4. Women report substantial knowledge increase


Ex-ante and ex-post evaluations

Completion Report

2.      The Guideline and Recommendation document be used in developing economies.

1. No. of downloaded from website


Website monitoring 2023-2024


2.      No. of citation to the Document


Citation links




This project is intent to engage cross-fora collaboration among relevant APEC fora / Working Group include: the Oceans and Fisheries Working Group (OFWG), Virtual Working Group on Marine Debris (VWGMD), Tourism Working Group (TWG), Transportation Working Group (TPTWG), Emergency Preparedness Working Group (EPWG) and Policy Partnership on Science, Technology and Innovation (PPSTI) as mandated in APEC Marine Debris Management. This project is also engaging active participation of local communities and private companies in economy sector (e.g.: tourism, transportation) and in environment sector, thus they can involve and gain benefit from good practices of waste management. By sharing project results with the listed fora above, as well to local governments and economy actors in coastal and small island, international and regional cooperation to improve the effectiveness of marine debris management in the APEC region, can be established and integrated. This project is designed to strengthen the capacity of the APEC economies and contribute to the efficient marine debris management including the guideline on how to monitor marine debris from United States that developed by previous Symposium in APEC Project OFWG 03 2020A, entitled: Development of a Marine Debris Monitoring Decision Framework for APEC Economies, has continuous connectivity with the new project proposal. Finally, The Guidelines and Recommendation Document for marine debris countermeasures on the sea, coastal and small islands with vessel innovation, fleet management and collaboration in international waters, mutually related with APEC Project OFWG 05 2020A, entitled: Developing an APEC Best Practices Framework to Address ALDFG.


The participants will have benefits in term of more knowledge understanding by building capacity to cope with marine debris by using vessel innovation design and pave the way for collaboration between neighboring economies cleaning marine litter in sea border territory.  After the project completion, the training will encourage participants/other APEC participants to help creating a network of experts and interested officials in the region on combating marine debris by using innovative vessel design, develop collaboration scheme, and make publication together either in scientific journals or books.  Moreover, the Symposium material will be available for use by participants, economies, stakeholders, and beneficiaries through APEC online system.

Project Overseers

Project Overseer: Dr. Handy Chandra

Title: Senior Researcher at Marine Research Center, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Republic of Indonesia


Biography : A senior maritime specialist working in the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries with 2 industrial–design patent regarding non-fuel vessel and debris incinerator vessel and 1 patent for buoy design.  He has expanded his skill and knowledge specifically through his involvement in various projects and cooperation at international and national level.

Project Point of Contact: Dr. Rinny Rahmania

Title: Senior Researcher at Marine Research Center, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Republic of Indonesia


Biography: A senior researcher at Marine Research Center with research domain in remote sensing technology for monitoring marine debris & coastal zone management. Her education background on ecosystem science led her involvement to several project, among other: study of marine debris management optimization strategies through identification of marine debris pathways, monitoring of marine debris seasonal season pattern by using floating drifter, and assessment of appropriate waste processing technique in small islands area.

Cost Efficiency

Not Applicable.

Drawdown Timetable

Not Applicable.

Direct Labour

The Project Overseer seeks APEC funding to support 4 speakers in total for the 3 days Symposium.

The contractor will work to support PO both in substantive and administrative matters including draft-Document preparations activity, and facilitating the Symposium event. The contractor will be a single company and will be determined according the specified output of the project. The use of a single contractor to support different activities in the project is essential to ensure that all activities are run smoothly to achieve the overarching objectives of the project.


Contractor Tasks

No. of Hours

Hourly rate



Research tasks:

Including survey, questionnaire and secondary data collection. Designing of Vessel Innovation Protocols to Combat MD according to data collected.





Administrative tasks:

Preparation for survey, questionnaire data input, make invoice or other bills to be claimed to APEC Secretariat.





The designing, compiling and developing of Guideline Document tasks





The designing, compiling, drafting and developing of Final Report of approximately 96 pages.







Budget Note 2: Waivers: Provide details of any requests for waivers from the normal APEC financial rules, with justifications in the notes column of the budget table, or below if the waiver requires a detailed explanation.



Waiver for advance payment

Travel airfare, per diem for speakers. PO will coordinate with PD for approval, if the Hotel rates may exceed the per diem rate.

Field Trip Visit

Number of site 1 (will be discussed with PD). The field trip relevance for capacity building is to show one-part of the protocol in the guidelines, before deciding to build marine debris innovative vessels.


Not Applicable.

Are there any supporting document attached?

Version: 3.0 
Created at 24/06/2022 20:11  by Lucy Phua 
Last modified at 15/07/2024 22:36  by Lucy Phua 
Version HistoryVersion History

Project No.

Project Title

Project Status

Publication (if any)

Fund Account


Project Year

Project Session

APEC Funding

Co-funding Amount

Total Project Value

Sponsoring Forum



Other Fora Involved

Other Non-APEC Stakeholders Involved

Proposing Economy(ies)

Co-Sponsoring Economies

Expected Start Date

Expected Completion Date

Project Proponent Name 1

Job Title 1

Organization 1

Postal Address 1

Telephone 1

Fax 1

Email 1

Project Proponent Name 2

Job Title 2

Organization 2

Postal Address 2

Telephone 2

Fax 2

Email 2


Project Summary




TILF/ASF Justification

Beneficiaries and Outputs



Work Plan


Monitoring and Evaluation



Project Overseers

Cost Efficiency

Drawdown Timetable

Direct Labour


Are there any supporting document attached?


Project Number

Previous Fora

Secretariat Comments

Reprogramming Notes

Consolidated QAF

Endorsement By Fora

PD Sign Off


Forum Priority

Committee Ranking Category

Committee Priority

PDM Priority

Priority Within Funding Category

Monitoring Report Received

Completion Report Received

PMU Field 1

PMU Field 2

PMU Field 3

On Behalf Of

Proposal Status

Originating Sub-Forum

Approval Status
Content Type: Standard Proposal
Created at by
Last modified at by
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