Project Title

Review of Traceability Systems Applied to the Value Chain of Fisheries and Aquaculture in APEC Economies 

Project Year


Project Number

OFWG 02 2021A 

Project Session

Session 1   

Project Type


Project Status

Completed Project   
View Budget TableView Budget Table

Project No.

OFWG 02 2021A 

Project Title

Review of Traceability Systems Applied to the Value Chain of Fisheries and Aquaculture in APEC Economies 

Project Status

Completed Project 

Publication (if any)


Fund Account

APEC Support Fund 


ASF: General Fund 

Project Year


Project Session

Session 1 

APEC Funding


Co-funding Amount

Total Project Value


Sponsoring Forum

Oceans and Fisheries Working Group (OFWG) 


Fisheries; Marine Conservation; Oceans 


SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE) 

Other Fora Involved


Other Non-APEC Stakeholders Involved


Proposing Economy(ies)


Co-Sponsoring Economies

Canada; China; Malaysia; New Zealand; Chinese Taipei; Thailand; Viet Nam 

Expected Start Date


Expected Completion Date


Project Proponent Name 1

Esteban Donoso Abarca 

Job Title 1

National Deputy Director 

Organization 1

National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service 

Postal Address 1

Not Applicable 

Telephone 1

(56-9) 64372258 

Fax 1

Not Applicable 

Email 1

Not Applicable 

Project Proponent Name 2

Not Applicable 

Job Title 2

Not Applicable 

Organization 2

Not Applicable 

Postal Address 2

Not Applicable 

Telephone 2

Not Applicable 

Fax 2

Not Applicable 

Email 2

Not Applicable 


Esteban Donoso Abarca 

Project Summary

Fishing and aquaculture activities in APEC represent 65% of global catches and 80% of aquaculture, playing a relevant in the domestic development of economies and in international trade. Illegal, IUU fishing and indiscriminate production are the main threats to the sustainability of these activities.

Traceability systems allow to knowledge the origin and route of resources and products in the value chain and are increasingly implemented to safeguard them, ensure the legality and safety of fishing and aquaculture activities, and to improve commercialization.

This project aims to identify the different traceability systems in use in APEC to facilitate the standardization and implementation of traceability technologies. The following outcomes are proposed; 1) Opening webinar to present design of the survey and questionnaire including introduction to traceability standard/guidelines; 2) Conduct a survey on traceability systems in APEC economies and prepare a report with at least 2 case studies; 3) Workshop to present the results of the survey and the report and discussion of possible guidelines for the wider adoption of traceability systems in APEC.


Relevance – Region: The Project seeks to contribute to the sustainability of fishing and aquaculture activities by identifying and reviewing the traceability systems implemented in APEC economies, considering the tools used to ensure custody in the value chain, to guarantee the legality of resources, verify the food safety conditions (Reduction of food safety risks), and as part of the improvement in the commercial management of resources and products (making transparent the relationships in the value chain).

APEC economies have varying degrees of implementation of these tools, in terms of the regulatory base, the technological implementation and priorities pursued. This project seeks to document these initiatives and share experiences, with the aim of facilitating access to information and detection of gaps in implementation in APEC economies. It will help lay the foundations for defining best practices to facilitate the use and better implementation of this technology and traceability standards. It will also allow bring more visibility to such systems.

Relevance – Eligibility and Fund Priorities: The Project meet the eligibility criteria defined for 2021, mainly with those related to Driving Innovative Sustainability; Pursuing Innovation and a Digitally-Enabled Recovery; Inclusive Economic Participation through Digital Economy and Technology. The project aims to ensure the long-term sustainability of fisheries and marine resources – prevent environmental degradation of marine resources, prevent harmful impact on fish stocks, and ensure fair fish trade. It promotes the agenda of sustainable growth as articulated in the APEC Strategy for Strengthening Quality Growth - Conservation, sustainable management, and rehabilitation of natural resources, including land, water, forest, among others. 

Relevance – Capacity Building: The Project will facilitate access to knowledge on traceability procedures and systems in the region, and experiences of economies, including developing ones, in aspects of implementation of those systems, facilitating the exchange of information, detecting gaps and need of capacity building and presenting standards and international recommendations to improve traceability procedures or systems in place.


The objective is to gather updated information on the development status and approaches of traceability systems in APEC economies and exchange experiences, to detect gaps of systems in place and give guidelines for their improvement. The information collected through the different activities will be processed and systematized in a final report available to the APEC economies.

The survey methodology will include an entry webinar, survey meetings and a closing workshop (virtual and face-to-face) to present the most relevant experiences, initiatives and guidelines and standards. The results of the survey will be compiled in a report.


Alignment - APEC: The project is in line with the APEC Food Security Roadmap Towards 2020 and 2020 Malaysia Priorities which focusing on the sustainable management of resources with minimizing negative impacts on the environment and also creating the economic value. Is also consistent with the declaration of objectives established in Puerto Varas in August 2019, at the Food Security Ministers meeting, throw the definition of the Roadmap to combat IUU fishing, for creating technical capacities and strengthening institutional capacities, specifically in action areas of exchange information regarding traceability and monitoring, control and monitoring of fishing activities, and Capacity building.

Alignment – Forum: The project is aligned with the OFWG Strategic Plan 2016-2018 with the key objective to promoting the conservation of the marine environment and the sustainable use of fisheries to ensure long-term economic benefits and particularly Priority Area 2 on sustainable development and protection of the marine environment.

This project supports the objectives of APEC IUU Fishing Roadmap endorsed in 2019 and its Implementation Plan from 2020. Particularly it supports the goals in action area N ° 2 “Exchange information regarding traceability and monitoring, control and monitoring of fishing activities” and action area 6 “Capacity building”. The project also meets the OFWG Work Plan and Strategic Plan’s objectives and the subsequent critical success factors.

TILF/ASF Justification

Not Applicable.

Beneficiaries and Outputs


1. Survey: A survey will be designed to characterize the traceability systems used in APEC economies. The characterization will be carried out based on three main aspects:

a. Regulatory aspects, related to the regulations that support traceability practices in the economies of the region

b. Technical implementation, technologies used, such as labels, databases, special procedures.

c. Purpose, to identify the objective for which they are implemented, such as combating illegal fishing, improvements in marketing conditions, etc.

The survey stage includes the identification of government agencies and key officials of the economies, the implementation of the support tools necessary for the execution of the project, and an initial webinar to present the objectives and scope of the Project.

The information collection phase includes contact with government agencies and key officials. The survey will be applied through interviews conducted by the consultant hired for these purposes. 

2. Workshop: An online workshop will be held to share the findings of the survey stage. It will have the participation of 2 experts and representatives of the agencies related to the implementation of traceability systems of the APEC economies, and the main gaps and strengths of the systems implemented will be reviewed with the aim of proposing guidelines for the implementation of traceability systems in APEC economies. The 2-day workshop considers the participation of officials from the agencies of the economies participating during the interview stage.

The workshop will include the presentation of the results summary of the survey stage, the presentation of the experts regarding the traceability models and the proposal of analytic methods to diagnose and identify the critical points in the implementation and standardization of the traceability systems, as well as recommendations for the implementation of these systems and their standardization in APEC economies.

A preliminary proposal of general agenda for the workshop is as follows:- 

Day 1

07.30 – 08.00

Registration and Test Run

08.00 – 08.30


·   Welcoming Remarks by OFWG Leader Shepherd
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Viet Nam

·   Keynote Address by a PO and Deputy Director of SERNAPSCA

Mr. Esteban Donoso 

08.30 – 09.30

SESSION I:  SURVEY METHODOLOGY (by Consultor representative)

  • Questionnaire design and contents
  • Survey development
  • Results analysis

09.30 – 09.45


9.45 – 11.00


  • Global traceability standards (GTSs)
  • ISO traceability standard (ISO/TC 234, Fisheries and Aquaculture)
  • Private standards and certification schemes in fisheries and aquaculture

Day 2

08.00 – 09.15


  • Economies experiences (3 economies will be invited to present their traceability systems)
  • Question and answers

09.15– 09.30


09.30 – 10.15


  • Gap analysis
  • Capacity building needs detected
  • Conclusions and recommendations


10.15 – 10.30

Concluding Remarks

3. Final Report: A final report of no more than 30 pages will be generated, consisting of cover, table of contents, executive summary, introduction (with information on traceability systems and their impact on value chains), results of surveys and analyzes carried out, as well as guidelines for the adoption of traceability systems in APEC economies. The final report of the study will be submitted for APEC publication. 


1. Enhance the understanding of traceability systems, their levels of development, with an emphasis on control by the official agencies of the APEC economies. This aspect will be evaluated through pre-survey and post-workshop questionnaires. To gather evidence on the project contribution to the better understanding of traceability systems, specific questions on the application of recommendations and implementation experiences will be included in the 6-month follow-up survey.

2. Facilitate the development of traceability systems through the use of implementation guidelines, especially in the case of economies with greater gaps, by disseminating the results of the Project to official agencies and decision makers of APEC economies.

3. Allow the targeting of other projects related to the adoption of traceability systems in APEC economies with a view to standardizing and facilitating the transit of goods, by disseminating the results and publishing the final report.

Beneficiaries: The main beneficiaries of this project will be the representatives of official agencies in charge to the development of fisheries policies and regulations and its enforcement to prevent and control IUU fishing from APEC member economies participants in the survey and workshop stage, including officials and policy makers, both senior and junior, involved in the implementation of traceability systems.

Secondary beneficiaries would be officials and policy makers from the ministries, as well as representatives from the private sector responsible for the implementation of traceability systems for fisheries resources and products in APEC member economies, benefiting from the conclusions contributed by the workshop participants.

In the long term, the study's may be used by technical assessors, research offices or academics, as a contribution to the implementation of traceability systems in benefit to the society as a whole, by improving sustainability and security and safety conditions, strengthening control and trade in the fishing and aquaculture industry.


The electronic publication of the Final Report is the optimal means for the dissemination of the results of the Project.

The final detailed Report will be sent to the agencies and policy makers of APEC member economies, both senior and junior, involved in the implementation of traceability systems, participants of the different instances of the Project, for their analysis and comments.

The final report with the results and the guideline for the implementation of traceability systems will be published on the official APEC website. Officials and policy makers of member economies, involved in the implementation of traceability systems, will be asked to publish the results in their own economies through their web pages or social networks.


One of the products of the survey will be the identification of the participation of women in the position of experts or counterparts in the member economies, allowing the generation of recommendations to the APEC economies in the generation of actions for an effective inclusion in the generation of capacities and leadership of the woman in this material.


Female Participants (%)


Female Speakers/Experts (%)


PO is committed to collecting sex disaggregated data for all speakers and participants (not only those funded by APEC) at the project event. This data will be included when submitting a Completion Report to the Secretariat upon completion of the project, as well as providing guidance to future POs on their own gender parity targets

Referring to the Guide on Gender Criteria for APEC Project Proposals in the Guidebook on APEC Projects, please tick the pillar or pillars that this project supports, in promoting women’s economic empowerment:

5 Pillars (you may tick more than one)


Access to Capital and Assets


Access to Markets


Skills, Capacity Building, and Health



Leadership, Voice and Agency



Innovation and Technology


Skill and leadership will promote through inviting female participants in both, like speaker expert and in workshop activities. Innovation through exchanging knowledge which promote women’s economic empowerment.

Work Plan




May 2022

Consultor Contracting

Signed contract

May – Jun 2022

Survey design

Survey: format and

Webinar held and list of participants

Jun 2022

Identification of government agencies and key officials of the APEC economies, related to the implementation of traceability systems and preparation of the initial meeting.

Jun 2022

Initial virtual Meeting

Jul – Sep 2022

Interview period to carry out the survey

Survey development

 Sep 2022

Analysis of collected information (Gaps and strengths)

Workshop: Review and analysis of traceability systems in APEC economies. Gaps, opportunities and proposals.

1 Oct 2022

Submit the APEC Project Monitoring Report to the Secretariat

APEC Project Monitoring Report

Sep 2022

Issue the General Information Circular (GIC) of the Workshop to members

GIC Circulated

Sep 2022

Workshop preparation (Agenda, invitations)

1 Oct 2022

Drafting of the Final Project Report

Draft of Final Project Report

Nov 2022

Workshop and conclusions

1 Nov 2022

Submit the draft of the Final Project Report to the Secretariat to review and thereafter to OFWG for endorsement

Endorsed Project Report

Feb 2023

Submit the APEC Project Completion Report and supporting documents to the Secretariat

APEC Project Completion Report

Jun 2023

Participate in the Long-Term Evaluation of APEC Projects survey conducted by the Secretariat

Jul 2023

Survey for tracking economies six month after the result publication

Report to forum and the Secretariat


The risks that could impact the project are:

1)  Lack of motivation in the participation for the detailed survey. This risk will be addressed by creating an incentive, through recognition as an expert by the counterparties in the final report. Clearly identifying leaders and teams involved.

2)  Errors in the collection of information, due to lack of understanding. Regarding this risk, the realization of an “entrance workshop” with the explanation of the project objectives and work methodology, as well as the guided survey work through interviews will be key.

3) Inadequate identification of traceability initiatives in member economies, due to the identification of interested parties. To deal with this risk, an exhaustive search will be carried out in the electronic means available in each of the economies in order to obtain a first approximation, in addition to the intermediation of the APEC representative of each economy.

Finally, possible errors or deviations in the planned stages will be dealt with through periodic meetings to monitor progress and coordinate tasks.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Evaluation Focus


Target Goals

Evaluation Method



1. Survey

1. Contracted executed

June 2022

Certification by PO


2. Survey designed


Certification by PO

Completion Report

3. Initial virtual meeting


Event Attendance List

Completion Report

4. No. of agencies surveyed


Surveyed economies List

Completion Report

5. No. of iniciatives identified


Surveyed iniciatives list

Completion Report

6. No. of economies surveyed


Surveyed economies List

Completion Report

7. % of participating men/women


Event Attendance List

Completion Report

8. Information collected and systematized

30 Sep 2022

Certification by PO

Completion Report

2. Workshop

1. No. of experts engaged


Event Attendance List

Completion Report

2. No. of attending economies


Event Attendance List

Completion Report

3. % of participating men/women


Event Attendance List

Completion Report

4. Review and analysis, workshop results

Nov 2022

Certification by PO

Completion Report

3. Final Report

1. No. of pages


Certification by PO

Email to the Secretariat

2. Submission to the Secretariat

Nov 2022

Submission to the Secretariat

Email to the Secretariat


1. Best understanding of the different traceability systems

1. No. of officials of the agencies of the APEC economies with best understanding

Nov 2022

Pre and Post survey

Completion Report

2. Facilitation of traceability systems implementation through the guideline’s dissemination

2. No. of official, agencies and policy makers in distribution of results.


Certification by PO

Report to the Secretariat

3. Women report substantial knowledge increase


Ex-ante and ex-post evaluations

 Report to the Secretariat

3. Focus on the standardization of traceability systems in the APEC economies

4.  No of agencies willing to support standardization


Survey for tracking economies six month after the result publication

Report to the Secretariat

The presence of women and men in the different instances of participation will be measured on each occasion, as well as in the identification of the counterparts and experts presented by the economies.

The methodology for collecting the information includes a prior survey through electronic means, the design of surveys and data repository for the survey of details, an entry workshop and the application of interviews with the identified counterparts to finalize in a workshop. analysis of the results and derived recommendations. All information will be summarized in a final report and made available to member economies through APEC and its forums.


This work will allow the dissemination of the result among other representatives in other forums since traceability can leverage local development objectives, combat illegal fishing or facilitate the transit of products within member economies.

APEC is the best source of financing for this initiative, because several partner economies have different degrees of development, and the proposals aimed at the adoption of a standardized traceability system can have positive impacts on the facilitation of commercial relations, flow of goods and services. facilitation of product transit, which requires a coordinated commitment. This work is closely linked with the fight against IUU fishing and with the preservation of fishing resources, very sensitive and highly important matters for APEC.


The Project will generate compiled information on the status of development of traceability initiatives, their emphasis and recommendations for the future. It will be available to all economies and forums and is intended to be a starting point or reference for other initiatives seeking implementation in less developed member economies or the establishment of minimum standards for systems interoperability.

Final Report with guidelines will contribute to implementation of traceability systems in APEC Economies. A follow-up will be carried out six months after the APEC publication, through a Survey for tracking economies to evaluate the impact of the implementation recommendations and the will to standardize traceability systems in APEC economies. The results of the follow-up will be sent to the OFWG secretariat.

Based on the results, it is planned to hold new workshops or meetings focused on the establishment of common policies and support for development in economies with a lower degree of implementation.

Project Overseers

Esteban Donoso Abarca is the National Deputy Director of the National Fisheries Service, in charge of the technology, information and user service departments. He has been working in information systems technology and implementation for 20 years. One of his most notable achievements was the implementation of the Document Traceability system for the value chain in the Chilean fishing and aquaculture industry, and the implementation of BI technology for data analysis for law enforcement.

Cost Efficiency

Not Applicable.

Drawdown Timetable

Not Applicable.

Direct Labour

Project Assistant

Specific Tasks

No. of Hours

Hourly Rate

Total (US$)


Information gathering on potential contractors

Develop request for proposal (RFP) process

Contract management for the selected consultant





Development of Work plan, including:

a)   Identify the survey participants – government agencies/officials of APEC economies to be surveyed, related to traceability systems

b)   Prepare communications for agencies and their representatives

c)   elaboration and monitoring of Gantt chart with project stages, dates and intermediate products







Specific Tasks

No. of Hours

Hourly Rate

Total (US$)


Information gathering, including identifying secondary information sources to be reviewed





Design the structure and questions for the survey to APEC OFWG economies and/or related organizations/bodies





Identify the survey respondents – government agencies/officials of APEC economies to be surveyed, related to traceability systems





Conduct the survey interviews and data collection





Analysis of survey interview





Draft summary of survey results and to present at the virtual workshop





Preparation and support for a two-day virtual Workshop with officials and government agencies detected.

a)     a) Develop General Information Circular (GIC) and detailed agenda for workshop

b)     b) Plan and organization of the workshop (overall coordination, logistics, virtual platform, attendees, registration and invitation to experts, etc)

a) 30

b) 60

a)     20

b)     40

a)     600

b)     2,400


Draft, revise sand finalize a 30 pages Final Project Report as an APEC publication (including results of survey, gaps identification, guidelines for the development of traceability systems in APEC economies)







Not Applicable.

Are there any supporting document attached?

Version: 7.0 
Created at 02/06/2022 15:56  by Lucy Phua 
Last modified at 06/08/2024 16:21  by Lucy Phua 
Version HistoryVersion History

Project No.

Project Title

Project Status

Publication (if any)

Fund Account


Project Year

Project Session

APEC Funding

Co-funding Amount

Total Project Value

Sponsoring Forum



Other Fora Involved

Other Non-APEC Stakeholders Involved

Proposing Economy(ies)

Co-Sponsoring Economies

Expected Start Date

Expected Completion Date

Project Proponent Name 1

Job Title 1

Organization 1

Postal Address 1

Telephone 1

Fax 1

Email 1

Project Proponent Name 2

Job Title 2

Organization 2

Postal Address 2

Telephone 2

Fax 2

Email 2


Project Summary




TILF/ASF Justification

Beneficiaries and Outputs



Work Plan


Monitoring and Evaluation



Project Overseers

Cost Efficiency

Drawdown Timetable

Direct Labour


Are there any supporting document attached?


Project Number

Previous Fora

Secretariat Comments

Reprogramming Notes

Consolidated QAF

Endorsement By Fora

PD Sign Off


Forum Priority

Committee Ranking Category

Committee Priority

PDM Priority

Priority Within Funding Category

Monitoring Report Received

Completion Report Received

PMU Field 1

PMU Field 2

PMU Field 3

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Proposal Status

Originating Sub-Forum

Approval Status
Content Type: Standard Proposal
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