The 11th Secure Trade in APEC Region Conference (STAR XI) will be held on 4 August 2020 in Penang, Malaysia with the theme “Counter Terrorism and Secure Trade Strategy: Balancing Trade Security and Trade Facilitation”.
This project supports APEC Counter-Terrorism Working Group Strategic Plan 2018-2022 that is to provide a platform for APEC Economies to have a thematic discussion related to secure trade and the challenges in the region. The conference aims to discuss the risks in the region, reinforce the importance of secure trade and understanding the role of trade facilitation. A total of 100 participants including experts and stakeholders from the public and private sectors from different industry sectors, including cargo transport sectors will attend the conference.
The above programme is in line with APEC role in helping to protect the region’s economic systems from disruption as well CTWG mission to assist member economies protect their supply chains as well as deliberate on cross cutting issues associated to counter-terrorism and secure trade.