Project Title

Inclusive Mathematics for Sustainability in a Digital Economy (InMside) 

Project Year


Project Number

HRD 01 2018 

Project Session

Session 1   

Project Type


Project Status

Completed Project   
View Budget TableView Budget Table

Project No.

HRD 01 2018 

Project Title

Inclusive Mathematics for Sustainability in a Digital Economy (InMside) 

Project Status

Completed Project 

Publication (if any)


Fund Account

General Project Account 



Project Year


Project Session

Session 1 

APEC Funding


Co-funding Amount


Total Project Value


Sponsoring Forum

Human Resource Development Working Group (HRDWG) 


Human Resources Development 


SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE) 

Other Fora Involved


Other Non-APEC Stakeholders Involved


Proposing Economy(ies)

Chile; Japan; Thailand 

Co-Sponsoring Economies

Canada; China; Indonesia; Korea; Malaysia; Papua New Guinea; Russia; Chinese Taipei; Viet Nam 

Expected Start Date


Expected Completion Date


Project Proponent Name 1

Masami Isoda 

Job Title 1


Organization 1

Center for Research on International Cooperation in Educational Development, University of Tsukuba, Japan 

Postal Address 1

No Applicable 

Telephone 1


Fax 1

Not Applicable 

Email 1 

Project Proponent Name 2

Maitree Inprasitha / Roberto Araya 

Job Title 2

Director / Dr 

Organization 2

Institute for Research and Development in Teaching Profession for ASEAN, Khon Kaen University, Thailand  /  Ministry of Education, Chile 

Postal Address 2

Not Applicable 

Telephone 2

Not Applicable 

Fax 2

Not Applicable 

Email 2  / 


Masami Isoda, Maitree Inprasitha and Roberto Araya 

Project Summary

Digital economy: mathematical decision-making to plan the future economy calls for analysing big data using coding (programing). Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) innovation through mathematical reasoning with Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) as the key for sustainable development. Inclusive mathematics recommends appropriate technology for each economy and supports gender equity.

The project, InMside (Inclusive Mathematics for Sustainability in a Digital Economy: the name of project) aims to develop curriculum developers’ capacity on mathematics, statistics and coding in relation to these issues under the Action Plan (HRDWG, 2017).

a)  Steering Meeting in Tokyo (February): to plan InMside-project Seminar and identify necessary preparatory work.

b)  InMside-project Seminar (Training) at SOM2 in Chile (May): Training curriculum specialists from all economies to learn the direction of the newest mathematics, statistics and informatics curriculum reforms, STEAM education for digital economies, appropriate technology and gender equity. It includes the reports from economies about current status, and plan the recommendations for experimental challenges to produce model-tasks (unit level tasks) on the shared issues.

c) Synthesis Meeting in Thailand (September): InMside-project will produce the final recommendations on challenging-tasks, strategies with reported model-tasks, and enable to implementation in every economy.


Relevance – Region: For the APEC mission “to support sustainable economic growth and prosperity” in education and for the Action Plan of the APEC Education Strategy for 2030 in HRDWG (2017), curriculum reforms are a key for the long-term development of human capital and ensuring their mobility. However, government curriculum specialists who enact the reforms are not always familiar with the most current innovation issues such as Digital Economy. Education should be planned for future preparations however, sometimes, conservative issues to keep traditional custom of commerce and industry against innovations provide the obstacle for sustainable economy. Aspects of curriculum are often maintained even when they have lost relevance. Thus, curriculum developers are necessary to ensure concretize the content for their high-quality curriculum.

For the capacity development of curriculum developers, InMside-project (the project) will organize two self-funded meetings and one seminar (training of curriculum specialist) with support of APEC GPA funds to produce recommendations and model-tasks for the following three issues, and establish curriculum developers’ network for mathematics, statistics and informatics (mathematical science).

First, providing and extending learning opportunities for the Digital Economy. For the development of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) curriculum (APEC Educational Ministers Statements, 2016), the project provides learning opportunities to APEC officials lacking knowledge of Digital Economy which was investigated by the other fora* and the roles of mathematics for digital economy with Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) on the innovation of business under the newly established mathematical sciences. In this Digital Era, mathematical science is used especially for handling big data, coding for innovation through STEM, and decision-making with the support of Artificial Intelligence. Technology in mathematics provides necessary tools for mathematical exploration, representation and modelling environmental, natural and social phenomena. Social and economic engineering based on mathematical models with coding is the newest key for the digital economy. The InMside-project seminar (training) in Chile will be the opportunity for government specialists (curriculum developers) to learn the latest investigations in the other fora and the latest developments from industry and academia in relation to applying mathematics, statistics and informatics, and will provide necessary information for curriculum reform in every economy.

*Other fora: the Electronic Commerce Steering Group, Investment Experts' Group, Emergency Preparedness Working Group, Energy Working Group, Policy Partnership on Science, Technology and Innovation Working Group, Policy Partnership on Women, Economy Working Group, Human Resource Working Group (labour and Capacity Building Network, not Edu-Net), and so on.

*Model-tasks . It is the curriculum components and sequence as for the bases of curriculum. The format and terminology to describe the curriculum are very much different depending on economies. Even though mathematics curriculum, every economy’s curriculum standards are written by the different-unique manner under the policy for their curriculum reform. Thus, difficult to share. However, in the area of mathematical science such as statistics and informatics, tasks which provide students’ activity are usually similar and sharable. Model-tasks are the necessary for writing the curriculum which defined by the governments. Even if every economy chose very much different and unique terminology and format, if we shared model-tasks for every curriculum standards, we can share the meaning of the description of curriculum written by different manner, and recognize the necessary revision of curriculum for the reform issues. In this project, model-tasks will be developed by participating economy and challenging-tasks are elaborated model-tasks at synthesis meeting for sharing and recommended as the necessary tasks to be introduced by every economy.

Second, developing high quality inclusive mathematics curriculum for the Digital Economy. Mathematical science curriculum is a key for high quality STEM education. For mathematical science, high quality statistics and informatics curriculum are necessary for Digital Economy.

In education, there are various obstacles that must be overcame to achieve a digital economy. For example, on the data of National Education Association in USA elaborates the data that the lower mathematics achievement of girls and some minority groups affects barriers to pursuing their higher income careers. Girls especially should be encouraged and enabled to choose STEM area in their higher education. In economies which encounter frequent power blackout problems, appropriate technologies such as printed textbooks are necessary. The textbook needs to follow the universal digital format of e-contents using desktop publishing software as for the sharable up to disability students by using appropriate-universal fonts and accessible in remote areas. For example, Indonesia distributes the textbook files and ask printing with non-profit instead of distributing the huge number of heavy printed copies to so many islands. For significant and meaningful curriculum reform, model-tasks as for concreate components of curriculum are necessary. The project seek to produce the essential, sharable and meaningful tasks. For the inclusion issues such as gender issues, stories (narratives), such as the lady scientist which leads the business by using informatics, produce regents. Stories to career development of women and societal development for inclusion is a part of model-tasks in every unit.

STEM education in the project is interpreted as STEAM Education: here, the “A” means “A”rts, “A”pplied mathematics using ICT and “A”ppropriate technology. For example, using mathematics for the industrialization of arts and design under their culture through appropriate technologies provides models for all economies to progress the innovation of society. The diverse meaning of inclusions are identified in Papua New Guinea 2018 under the theme title “Harnessing Inclusive Opportunities, Embracing the Digital Future”. During the Papua New Guinea host year, the project overseers of the InMside project already supported the curriculum specialists in Papua New Guinea on STEAM education, and now they are challenging to produce their model-tasks which may provide new local industry for 800 societies divided by different languages with using their appropriate technology in Papua New Guinea and embed it into all curriculum which include informatics.

Third, sustainability developed through recommendations for curriculum with model-tasks. The project supports working together after the project by sharing challenging-tasks, strategies as recommendations through producing model-tasks for their new content in their curriculum based on their learning at the seminar (training) in Chile and the report of the synthesis meeting in Thailand.

The curriculum developers in the government are usually divided according to their specialities depending on the school levels and subjects. In the year 2019, InMside-project will focus on upper secondary (which often referred as secondary in some of the economies). In the consecutive year 2020 and 2012, InMside-project has wishes to propose further training-projects for lower secondary and elementary levels. 

Relevance – Eligibility: For the GPA funding priorities for 2018, the project seeks the human capital development necessary for ensuring curriculum promoting Inclusive Mathematics for Sustainability in a Digital Economy, which directly corresponds to “Promoting Sustainable, Innovative and Inclusive Growth”, “Improving Connectivity”, and “Innovation in the Digital Age”, and treats model-tasks for “Enhancing Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture in Response to Climate Change”, and “Strengthening Inclusive Growth Through Structural Reform” for its curriculum content.  The project uses the products of other fora for learning real-precise reform issues for digital economy and producing model-tasks. 

Relevance – Capacity Building: The project invites curriculum specialists from all member economies and builds their capacity under the issues of mathematical science and STEM education for a Digital Economy through the development of necessary recommendations for curriculum development on the statistics and informatics. For these contributions, they engage in the development of model-tasks. The project support the curriculum reform by recommendation with model-tasks in accordance with their economies’ development status and cultural particularities.


1)  The project aims to support the every economy’s qualified curriculum by the training of curriculum specialists in every economy and recommendations for high school curriculum on mathematics, statistics and informatics education for the Digital Economy in relation to other fora up to gender issues and STEM with ICT up to appropriate technology; and

2) The seminar (training) for curriculum reform in SOM2, Chile aims to train curriculum specialists in every economy to be able to lead the reform and to establish their network. Invited government officials from every member economy shares the necessity of reform, and increases their knowledge for curriculum reforms, and gender and inclusive issues in the Digital Era with keynotes, reports on the current status of participants, with corroboration of other fora. The training will build their capacities to produce model-tasks on the reform on mathematics, statistics and informatics education with possible appropriate technology and considering gender issues at their developmental stages and elaborate challenging-tasks, strategies and recommendations for sustainably producing model-tasks for realizing high-quality curriculum.


Alignment - APEC:  The project focuses  on human capital development, especially professional development for curriculum developers, through knowledge gained from the training and the development of model-tasks for reforms. It aims  are supported by the APEC Educational Ministers’ statements in Peru (2016), the Promoting Sustainable, Innovative and Inclusive Growth (APEC 2017) and Harnessing Inclusive Opportunities, Embracing the Digital Future (APEC 2018). The project addresses both STEM education for the Digital Era and inclusive sustainable development which includes gender issues. 

Alignment – Forum: The Action Plan for APEC Educational Strategy on HRDWG (2017) emphasizes the development of competencies in accordance with the needs of individuals, societies and economies by taking a collaborative and strategic approach, and encouraging policy discussions and the sharing of good practices using data and the targets for 2030 on 3.1 Enhancing competencies (quality assurance frameworks as applicable for each economy); 3.2 Accelerate Innovation, Target 1) the use of educational and technological capabilities in teaching and learning processes, Target 2) Integrated Science, Technology and Innovation in Education and Pedagogical Practices, and Target 3) Increased government-industry-academia collaboration for R & D and innovation; 4.3 Increase Employability, Action 1) the Promotion of Collaboration between Government, Higher Education and TVET Institutions, Business and Education and Training Stakeholders, Action 2) Development of 21st Century Competencies for Work and Entrepreneurship, and Action 3) Smoothing the Transition from Education to Work. For those, the Project enhances the capacity of curriculum developers and develop model-tasks through collaboration.

TILF/ASF Justification

Not Applicable.

Beneficiaries and Outputs


a)  Steering Meeting in Tokyo: It aims to plan the InMside-project Seminar at SOM2 in Chile. It introduces  the issues of other fora such as why coding (programing) education is necessary for digital economy and the newest issues on the Digital Economy such as what is the obstacle to change the society, STEM and Inclusion, and discuss how to embed them into curriculum. Keynotes speakers from other fora (remotely), industry and academia, provide information and discuss the assigned works** for curriculum specialists which is the assignment for (b). The output will be the plan and assignments of (b).

* The role of the other fora: It aims to introduce and discuss issues presented in other fora such as Electronic Commerce Steering Group, Investment Experts' Group, Emergency Preparedness Working Group, Energy Working Group, Policy Partnership on Science, Technology and Innovation Working Group, Policy Partnership on Women, Economy Working Group, Human Resource Working Group. POs ask those fora to engage in remote presentations what issues should be embed in the curriculum for the establishment of the digital economy. On their availability, they will provide the necessary information, especially what kind of educational standards should be needed in APEC economies which are not only limited in narrow meaning of STEM but also for innovative industry in social study, ethics, rule, and law.

** Assigned works for the seminar (training) in Chile: In relation to the issues on the other fora, how the following issues are claimed in their current curriculum such as mathematics, statistics, informatics and STEM related subjects: e-Commerce, Investment, Emergency preparedness and resilience, Energy efficiency, Policy on Science, Technology and Innovation, Policy on Gender and inclusive, Labour and Capacity Building for digital economy era, and STEM.

The format of Assignment (a set of questionnaires) will be the following: In APEC Energy Working Group provides the energy database to compare the necessity of energy and status of using like following (Show a sample of slide provided by Energy working Group), and ask to reply the questions “On your curriculum, do you include this kind of task?” “On your curriculum, do you provide the opportunity to use APEC Energy Database?”

*** Output of the steering meeting: The presentation files by the speakers of the other fora on the web (, and ask APEC HRDWG site to link, and a format of questionnaires in relation to the presentations with necessary plan for the seminar will be reported.

b)  InMside-project Seminar (training) at SOM2 in Chile (May): It aims to training curriculum specialists to learn the direction of the newest developments of the Digital Economy such as analysing big data, coding and decision-making, supporting innovative mathematics, statistics and informatics curriculum reforms in relation to STEAM education with using mathematical reasoning with ICT, selecting appropriate technologies for developing economies, and responding to gender issues. The trainees must present their reports for the assignments for knowing their current-reform positions. In the seminar, participants (trainee) discuss their necessary challenges to produce model-tasks for the component of curriculum on the shared issues. At the end of the seminar, participants sets their further assignments for experimental challenges to produce the model-tasks with the fixed format which will be a product for (c).

* What they learn: What the meanings of big data and coding in digital economy are, what kinds of situations and tasks are necessary, how we can find the appropriate technology, how we can embed gender issues and how we can teach it on mathematics, statistics and informatics at senior secondary level. They can study it with several examples.

** Experimental challenges: The model-tasks are the essential task for the unit level to illustrate the component curriculum. In many economies, curriculum sentences are produced by referring from other economies’ curriculum however usually loses the reliability because they do not know the corresponding model-tasks and even they know tasks, some of them do not really know the away of adaptations under their specific needs. Some economies including USA had experience to adopt other economies’ curriculum with support of other economies by concretizing the meaning of document in case unknown for them. On the other hands, there are the economies lost relevance for their curriculum because of importing some document without their own model-tasks. Because of the curriculum reform for digital economy is really new issues, the experimental challenges to produce model-tasks are necessary.

*** Gender and inclusive issues: Curriculum developments for the planning girls’ career to STEM area and for disabled students with support of ICT, and identifying appropriate technology on STEAM for developing economies, and include them in their curriculum. The model-tasks for career development means the planning tasks for the girls’ career based on stories of women who are successful in leading digital economy and STEM area.  The stories of successful women provides a model-career for girl-students.

**** Report of the Seminar (training): The reports from the participated economies on the assignments, the presentation files by the speakers from Industry and Academia on how they are using mathematics, statistics and coding for digital economy will be uploaded on the web (, and ask link to APEC HRDWG site and the list of the planned challenges by every participated economies will be reported.

c)   Synthesis Meeting in Thailand (September): It aimed for to elaborate the recommendation for curriculum development by the challenging tasks and strategies with reported model-tasks by participants. The recommendation enables to implement challenges in every economy.

* Recommendations: Under the issues for Digital Economy on the other fora at Steering Meeting, it is constructed as the challenging tasks and strategies to embed the issues into curriculum. Specialists elaborate the recommendation by the challenging tasks and strategies based on their experience to produce their own model-tasks. The recommendation implicates what should be involved in mathematics, statistics and informatics curriculum. The challenging-tasks for realizing Digital Economy show the subjects of curriculum which should be involved in mathematics, statistics and informatics curriculum. The strategy show the approaches for curriculum developments.

***Report of the Synthesis Meeting: the presentations of model-tasks in relation to statistics and informatics curriculum from the every economy will be uploaded on the web (, and ask link to APEC HRDWG site and the recommendations with model-tasks are reported as the achievements of the project are uploaded to the APEC HRDWG site.

****After the synthesis meeting, the project overseers produce the integrated report at a glance for APEC under the APEC Publication Guidelines, presented HRDWG-Edunet, and also uploaded at the APEC HRDWG site. 

Outcomes: In short, the outcomes of the project are the curriculum specialists who trained to lead the reform under the recommendations for Digital Economy, and the network for producing qualified curriculum in relation to the Action Plan of APEC HRDWG as follows:

The Action Plan for APEC Educational Strategy on HRDWG (2017) for 2030 asking the projects for Target 1: By 2030, APEC member economies will have enhanced quality assurance systems, qualifications frameworks and skills recognition, as applicable in the context of each economy.

For the Target 1, APEC economies need the platform to work for standardising the quality assurance in education for Digital era up to 2030, however in earlier stage. In every economy, the curriculum standards which is a key for developing human capital on this demands, should be revised by the curriculum developers who are able to concretize the reform issues on APEC and the world. As for the medium-term, APEC member economies need to have the curriculum developers’ network to share and push the reform movements for Digital Economy. Thus, as for the medium term, the project will provide the bases to establish the network for curriculum developers in mathematics and STEAM which share reform issues, challenge to produce innovative model-tasks for showing the reform direction, and to elaborate the reform efforts which are ongoing in every economy.

Based on the several outputs of two meetings and one seminar (training), especially trained specialists with model-tasks, and final recommendations in relation to the completion report, the medium-term outputs is the curriculum developers’ network for the implementation of the challenging-tasks under the recommendations to produce innovative and sharable model-tasks for APEC. Through producing model-tasks, the group of specialists enlarged to the group of curriculum developers, and the collaborations among curriculum developers will continue and establish the actual connectivity amongst developers, the network of APEC economies will be established and the network produce the common bases for the quality assurance on mathematics, statistics and informatics necessary for digital economies in relation to STEAM education.

To establish networks for the other school levels, InMside (the 2019 project) will propose the 2020 project for lower secondary and the 2021 project for elementary through training curriculum developers for lower secondary and elementary levels which includes learning the reform issues, producing innovative model-tasks and elaboration. On these consequences, the curriculum developers who participated the 2019 project will be able to support the other school levels’ developers. Through these projects, APEC economies are able to establish the real working network for curriculum developers for all school levels on the topics.

Curriculum are redefined by every economy under their own reform cycles. APEC projects cannot change their cycle. Under their established connectivity on the network, they are able to consider the reform with clear comparison of the progress of other economies and push the curriculum reform movements with a number of model-tasks as models under the demands of APEC. Based on the established network on mathematics and STEAM, other subjects’ networking are also realized and able to establish the quality assurance and framework under the Target 1. 


Direct beneficiaries of the Seminar in Chile during SOM2 are curriculum specialists (trainees) in every member economy responsible for Mathematics and STEAM curriculum at upper secondary level. Curriculum specialists from each economy mean the two persons who fit the following conditions in 1) and 3) for mathematics and 2) and 3) for STEAM, and one male and one female:

1) the persons in mathematics who are leading and actually engaging in the development of economy’s curriculum standards in Mathematics for upper secondary level, and who also concern statistics education.

2) the persons in STEAM education who are leading and actually engaging in the development of economy’s curriculum standards in relation to STEAM for upper secondary level, and who also concern informatics education.

3) the persons who are actually working in economy’s curriculum standards development in member economies and are able to report for the Seminar, produce the model-tasks how reforms and report it at the Synthesis meeting in Thailand in September 2019.

In the case of the member economies which produce the curriculum standards by the committees of scholars and teachers, they can also participate even though they are not employed by the government, directly. The government official who is not involved in actual curriculum development, whether in writing or editing, cannot alternate. In case there is no existing curriculum reform committee in 2019, people who are working in textbook development or assessment can be alternates if they can produce model-tasks and reports.

For the steering meeting in Japan in February 2019, which is tasked to prepare the Seminar in Chile, the project overseers select resource persons from other fora (some of them will be attend by TV conference system) and leading scholars (famous researchers in APEC in the area) related to the issues covered in InMside-project. They are also the direct beneficiaries to have the opportunities for collaborations the training program of the Seminar. This steering meeting is necessary to set the opportunity to transform the contents of other fora on the matter of education in HRDWG.

For the synthesis meeting in Thailand in September 2019, one specialist from every economy who are recommended to report the model-tasks from her/his economy will be invited for the presentation of model-tasks which s/he produced.

Indirect beneficiaries are the members of curriculum development committees who will acquire information from the participants of the seminar (trainings) and synthesis meeting. Teachers and students who will learn under the advanced and enhanced curricula in the future are final indirect beneficiaries under the curriculum reform in every economy.


All products and the language in the meeting and training should be in English. Every report of the trainings bind into one on the order, and additionally:

The steering meeting in Tokyo: 11 experts will be invited by self-funds and 4 speakers will be talk through TV conference system. The output is the schedule, program and assignments for InMside-project Seminar and invited experts’ and speakers’ presentations (15 presentations) to show the newest visions for the project uploaded on the web: the number of presentation will be minimum 10 and maximum 21. All of them will be uploaded on the website of CRICED, University of Tsukuba, Japan.

The steering meeting is the experts meeting for preparation of InMside-project Seminar. Target audience of the steering meeting is the participants of the InMside-project Seminar on this context.

InMside-project Seminar (training) for Curriculum Reform at SOM2 in Chile: 6 speakers and 42 participants from economies will be invited (22 from eligible economies and 20 by self-funds) and their reports for the assignments from economies will be 21 which will be uploaded on the website of CIAE (Centro de Investigación Avanzada en Educación), University of Chile, Chile.

Target audience is the curriculum specialists who are invited the training.

Synthesis Meeting: The number of participating economies (minimum 10 and maximum 21) and the recommendations. They will be uploaded on the website of CRME (Center for Research on Mathematics Education), Khon Kaen University, Thailand.

The final product will be the collection of challenging-tasks, strategies and recommendations for curriculum development with reported model-tasks from economies. Target audience is curriculum developers who will work together with the specialists. 

Based on those products, the project overseers produce the integrated report at a glance for APEC which follows:

a) Reporting, and other written outputs associated with this project, which will be publically available, must be presented to the Secretariat in a standard of English which requires no further copy-editing. The Report of the Synthesis Meeting and other reports which will be distributed and published as an APEC publication, must be prepared in accordance with the Guidebook on APEC Projects, the APEC Publication Guidelines and the APEC Logo Guidelines. Where contracted labor is used to produce reports or other written outputs, contractor terms of reference must state that all will be presented in a level of English fit for publication and require no further copy-editing by the APEC Secretariat.

b)  If an author (PO or contractor) is unable to fulfill this requirement, it is advisable to have a copy editor read and edit the public documents related to this project, especially the final report to be distributed and published on the APEC website. This will ensure that language nuances are checked and the quality is within the APEC standard.


Gender is a major issue for inclusive mathematics on InMside-project and it is the part of the training which related with the Gender Criteria on APEC: skill, capacity building, leadership, and Innovation and Technology. The gender issue is the part of assignments for participation as trainee which may concern the voice and agency. Major issues on the project is the development of the girls’ career with successful women’s stories through the revision of STEAM education on the direction of Degital Economy with focusing on mathematics, statistics and informatics education. In the InMside-project seminar must have the session for the gender issues. 

The ratio of male and female of participants and speakers on the seminar (training) will be maintained by asking every economy to send two persons as one female and one male respectively. PO will collect sex disaggregated data for all speakers and participants (not only the APEC funded) at the project event. This data will be requested when submitting a Completion Report to the Secretariat when project ends. The ratios on the steering meeting and synthesis meeting are embedded into the final report at a grace as well as the ratio of the seminar.

Work Plan





September 8-11, 2018

At the last meeting of the APEC Lesson Study Project (since 2006), project overseers will ask members of the APEC Lesson Study Network to support the InMside Project by sharing know-how of lesson study to produce model-tasks of curriculum development

Collaboration with APEC Lesson Study Network

Venue of Japan and Thailand are scheduled as well as previous years

October 2018

Project overseers communicate with the other fora and ask their collaboration to the Project and the recommendation of appropriate speakers of the Steering Meeting and to seek speakers using TV conference system who are leading scholars in industries or areas related to the project, such as Artificial Intelligence by using big data, Lesson Study for STEAM education, etc. Leading members of the APEC Lesson Study Projects will be one of the sources however most of them are leading teacher educators, not specialists for the curriculum.  Selected speakers and participants will contribute to planning the Seminar in Chile as members of the Steering Meeting. POs inform speakers to prepare their presentations for education in February.

List of Speakers and experts and their obligations

November 2018

November 2018: project overseers will make the following announcements through the APEC secretariat.

1) Announcement for the Steering meeting in Tokyo, tentative schedule is February 7-9, 2019, which includes objective, schedule, homework, and ways of participations by the December 14, 2018, deadline. All speakers and participants must prepare their slides for the leadings of the Steering Meeting. The homework for speakers and participants is to propose the necessary activity with leadings for the InMside-project Seminar on its relevant issues such as the digital economy (big data, coding, and Artificial Intelligence, STEAM innovation with ICT, Sustainable Development and Inclusion (appropriate technology and gender equity). Project Overseers set the schedule of the Seminar based on the knowledge for Digital economy from their perspectives.  

2) First Announcement for the InMside-project Seminar (training) in Chile and the synthesis meeting in Thailand which include objective, tentative schedule of SOM2, the way of the recommendation of participants (curriculum specialists on Math and STEAM for upper secondary level) from every economy by the December 14, 2018 deadline, and obligation of participants to implement the homework (Report on curriculum reform issues and content of teaching) for the Seminar in Chile and the challenges for innovative model-tasks which should be reported at the synthesis meeting in Thailand.

Announcement of the Steering meeting and  InMside-project Seminar (training)

January 2019

Project Overseers will inform the participants to the secretariat.

List of participants for InMside seminar (training)

February 7-9, 2019

The steering meeting, speakers will provide lectures while participants provide reports in relation to their homework during the open forum, and all the contributors will discuss the assignment of the InMside-project seminar and plan the schedule and assignments for the Seminar.

Plan of the seminar and the assignments for participations

February 2019

After the meeting, project overseers upload the content of steering meeting, and send the Second Announcement for the InMside-project Seminar to the participants which includes dates and their assignment.


Second announcement

A report of steering meeting for SOM1

February-March 2019

At SOM1 in Chile, POs present the report of the steering meeting and announce the Seminar (training) at SOM2 in Chile and Synthesis meeting

Intermediate report based on the steering meeting and the further announcements

May 2019

The InMside-project Seminar (training) in Chile at SOM2: Invite curriculum specialists as participants from every economy, circulate reports on their situation/progress based on given assignments, and, through keynote addresses from industry and academia, share the latest developments of the Digital Economy such as analysing big data, coding and decision-making, supporting innovative STEAM education using mathematical, statistical and programing reasoning with ICT, selecting appropriate technologies for low developing economies, and responding to gender issues. The participants plan the experimental challenges that will produce the model-tasks with collaboration of other fora.

The reports for the assignments,

lecture notes,

The plan of experimental challenges

May 2019

After the seminar (training), up-load the content.


Resume of the content for training and discussion for necessary activities for further collaboration.

May-August 2019

Participants of InMside-project Seminar will collaborate with members of the APEC Lesson Study Network and other fora to produce model-tasks for curriculum reform on their assignment. Producing model-tasks is a part of the training program for curriculum specialists on the project.


September, 2019

On the Synthesis Meeting in Thailand, participants will present their model-tasks as their assignments of the Seminar at the open forum and produce challenging-tasks, strategies, and recommendations to develop an innovative curriculum through the reflection of their challenges on their model-tasks.

The challenging-tasks, strategies, and recommendations produced by the participants become the bases for their further challenges in curriculum development.

Recommendations with model-tasks

September, 2019

After the meeting, upload the content of synthesis meeting.


October-December, 2019

POs prepare the project report with referring and integrating various products to APEC. POs have a meeting for editing the report.

Integrated report at a glance

February 2020

Completion report with the integrated report at a glance

Completion report with the integrated report at a glance

June 2020

Long Term Evaluation of APEC project


Under the past 12-year of experiences with the APEC lesson study project, the largest risks and the ways of management are the following: 

Firstly, inappropriate persons who cannot join the project are recommended as participants from economies. For managing this risk, project overseers would describe exactly the conditions and obligations of participants for the seminar. In the case of the steering meeting, project overseers select the experts and speakers under the recommendation of the fora and economies and the limitation of self-funds.

Secondly, participants of the Seminar (training) do not come to the synthesis meeting because they could not engage in the assignments to produce model-tasks. In past experiences, even though the conditions and obligations were given, inappropriate persons who did not understand or know their full obligations came. Some of them have too heavy responsibilities in government and cannot find the time to come and engage in their challenges. In some cases, half of the participants could not come on this problem and sent a new person who did not know anything about the project. To resolve this, the project overseers will ask the members of the APEC Lesson Study Network consisting 20 economies to support their economies’ participants. On this necessity, contributions and collaborations from the members of the lesson study network are necessary.

Thirdly, many economies could not specify which participants to be recommended when the issues of the project such as the year 2016 (HRD 03 2015a) is not familiar, too narrow theme, for educators even though it was funded as an APEC issue. On this consequence, the year 2016 project extended to the year 2017 and get more than desired outcome however a number of participating economies themselves were lowest recorded in the 12 years of the lesson study project since 2006. Thus, this project back to the popular, most necessary and wider range of issues for educators, target the curriculum specialists who are contributing to their governments, and set the vision of education for future. On this necessity, the seminar (training) are expected to get the necessary participants.

Fourthly, gender issues themselves did not fit easily because teachers are usually female in most of economies and female teachers have been traditionally recognised as the best models for teaching profession. Some economies have already un-balanced even in the case of STEAM area. On this context, in the APEC lesson study project, the most of teachers who were really working for the project are usually female, resulting in  unbalanced gender ratio. Under the situation, this project focuses on the curriculum specialists and set the well-balanced conditions for the female and male, and set the task for the career development of female.

Fifthly, the schedule. It is the holiday period for some economies from the last half of December to January 31. To avoid this risk, the project overseers will make the announcements in November 2018 and the deadline for the nominations is December 14, 2018.

Lastly, the problem of English.  The curriculum is the matter of every economy and written in their language. Past lesson study project used to be led by the scholars in the leading teacher education institutions in the participating 20 economies. Some of curriculum specialists never use English. Thus, POs should ask every economy to send who can participate in the English program and write their report in English. However, POs also need to consider that they are working for their economies.

On all achievements of the lesson study project in APEC since 2006, the project only produced English products on their project websites. Other languages’ sites are existed but it is a kind of economy report to advertise the achievements in their economies. The risk to open the other language sites, instead of English website, originate from the search engine because the most of people trying to find the content via their first languages, not in English. It should not be avoided because every achievement of the project has been produced by the self-funds of all participating economies, not by APEC funds, even though the hub part is done by the APEC project. The outstanding achievement of the lesson study project in HRDWG was the APEC lesson study network which enables every economy to work together on the issues of APEC. If the APEC lesson study project propose the theme of the lesson study in relation to APEC priority issues, at once, they do their lesson studies in every economy by their mother language using their self-fund, not by APEC fund, and report it in English for the project. Every participating institution do the efforts not only just participate but must do the necessary efforts after they go back . Such activity is only existed by the APEC lesson study project in HRDWG. On the new project, InMside, POs will expand this custom to the curriculum developers who never communicate with each other before the project and never imagined the establishment of APEC quality standards for education. Even though they had a chance to read other economies’ curriculums, they cannot easily introduce innovation in their economy because they do not really understand the meaning of standards in other economies.  By the developing the model-tasks with collaborations, they are able to work together for establishment of new quality standards on their newly established professional Network. Under this aim, POs are asked to work and report in English on the Project. Even if their sel-funded project inside of every economy is done in their language, they are requested to report it in English for their report to the project.

Monitoring and Evaluation

a)  Steering Meeting in Tokyo in February 2019: Evaluation indicators are the questionnaires for the participants in the meeting and the number of uploaded contents on the web, and a report.

Evaluation criteria:

A number of experts who must present: minimum 10, maximum 21

A number of participating economies: minimum 13, maximum 21

b)  InMside-project Seminar for Curriculum Reform at SOM2 in Chile: the number of participating economies and reports from economies on the web, and questionnaires for participants, and a report.

Evaluation criteria:

A number of participants: minimum 21, maximum 42

A number of participating economies: minimum 13, maximum 21

A number of reports for assignments: minimum 13, maximum 21

c)  Synthesis Meeting in Khon Kaen (Thailand): The collection of challenging-tasks, strategies, and recommendations for curriculum development and implementation on the web, and questionnaires for participants.

Evaluation criteria:

A number of participants: minimum 13, maximum 21

A number of participating economies: minimum 13, maximum 21

A number of model-tasks: minimum 6, maximum 21

*APEC standard evaluation form is used for the questioners.

Final report integrates all other reports at a glance.

Sustainability of project has been kept at the previous project since 2006 through continuing the project. In the case of InMside, POs are planning to propose the year 2020 and 2021 project to enlarge the impact of project. 

Under the conditions of participants, the total participants of female should be well-balanced with male.


Learning and extending the experience of the past projects and collaborations: The past HRDWG achievements in USA, Japan, Chinese Taipei, Korea, Thailand and Chile in relation to STEM and gender education will be showcased in InMside. The past 12 year-experiences of the APEC Lesson Study (LS) in HRDWG by Japan and Thailand provide the experimental study. It includes the Energy project (2016-2017) which used the Energy Working Group database to collaborate with other fora. It also includes the curriculum development for Emergency Preparedness which influenced UNESCO through providing several model-tasks for the UNESCO guidelines of the textbook-development for SDGs by the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education. It also supported all ASEAN economies to produce model-tasks for LS. Under those experiences of HRDWG and other fora, and collaborations with UNESCO and ASEAN, provide how to develop model-tasks even though they never treated the matter of digital economy such as big data and coding.  Due to lack of knowledge for digital economy, The Steering Meeting in Tokyo sets the cross-fora collaboration as well as shares past achievements.

In relation to the final report, on the past LS project, the intermediate report has been produced by the host of the planning meeting because it has been done before SOM and the final reports has been produced by the host of the last meeting because it aimed for summarization. There was no evaluation to the final report in every year from the secretariat until 2017. Thus, POs recognized it was well done. From 2018, the project began to evaluate the report and POs recognized that all of POs should collaborate to produce the final report.


Sustainability will be realized by the establishment of the APEC Curriculum Developers Network after the 2019 project. To ensure its realization as a network, the following efforts are planned by the project overseers:

Firstly, the 2019 project focuses on the upper secondary level. Other school levels will be proposed for 2020 and 2021 from InMside-project. With continuing projects expected for the other school levels, participants working on the upper secondary level will continue to collaborate and contribute in the project and enable them to learn from each other.

Secondly, after the 2019 project, project overseers propose that participants of this 2019 project to implement recommendations and task, and to produce model-tasks and share.

Thirdly, the participants of the 2019 project will be supported by the members of APEC lesson study network.

Project impact is measured by the establishment of the Network, the shared additional model-tasks by every participant in the network after the 2019 project, and the revised curriculum standards in every economy which will be produced under the contributions of every participant at the revision of their curriculum. 

After the 2019 year project, the project overseers plan to produce a book for upper secondary level to encourage them to continue further collaborations and enhance their networking.

Project Overseers

The representative and the first contact person of POs: Masami Isoda

In relation to every meeting and the seminar (training) to set the venue is as follows:

Steeling Meeting (Japan):

(PO) Masami Isoda, Prof/PhD, Director of the Center for Research on International Cooperation in Educational Development (CRICED), University of Tsukuba, 3058572, Japan.

He was a curriculum committee member in mathematics of Japan, an advisor of ASEAN (SEAMEO) and Papur New Guinea for curriculum development, and received awards on his outstanding achievements such as the Minister of Education on the Educational Software in Japan (2005), Best book of the year on the Natural Science in Japan (2010), h.c. PhD (KKU, 2011) in Thailand, and h.c.Prof (USIL, 2014) in Peru, and he has been the project overseer on APEC lesson study project (2006-2018);

(GO) Mr. Taijiro TSURUOKA, Mr., MEXT, 100-8959, Japan.

InMside-project Seminar (training) (Chile):

(PO) Roberto Araya, PhD, Centro de Investigación Avanzada en Educación, Periodista José Carrasco Tapia 75, Santiago, Chile.

He was the researcher of Artificial Insurgence in USA, and a curriculum specialist in the government of Chile, and engages the projects for innovation of curriculum on STEM education;

(GO) Eliana del Rosario Chamizo Alvarez, Ms., Ministry of Education, Alameda 1371. Santiago, Chile.

Synthesis Meeting (Thailand):

(PO) Maitree Inprasitha, Assoc.Prof/PhD, Director of the Institute for Research and Development in Teaching Profession for ASEAN (IRDTP), Khon Kaen University, 40002, Thailand.

He was chairs of curriculum and teacher education committees in Thailand, Dean of Faculty of Education, the president of Thailand society of mathematics education, and awarded as the best teacher in Thailand (2014) and he has been the project overseer on APEC lesson study project (2006-2018);

(GO) Saran Vajraphai, Mr., The Office of the Higher Education Commission, 328 Si Ayutthaya Road, Ratchathewi, Bangkok, THAILAND 10400

Masami Isoda has responsibility for Steeling Meeting, Roberto Araya has responsibility for InMside-project seminar (training), Maitree Inprasitha has responsibility for Sanseis Meeting. Every PO write the draft of report for their responsible meeting report and edit each other. The final report will be developed through collaborations by setting the POs meeting.

Cost Efficiency

Not Applicable.

Drawdown Timetable

Not Applicable.

Direct Labour

Not Applicable.


Not Applicable.

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Version: 5.0 
Created at 03/09/2018 09:33  by Lucy Phua 
Last modified at 02/11/2021 15:33  by Lucy Phua 
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APEC Funding

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Other Fora Involved

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Project Proponent Name 2

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Project Summary




TILF/ASF Justification

Beneficiaries and Outputs



Work Plan


Monitoring and Evaluation



Project Overseers

Cost Efficiency

Drawdown Timetable

Direct Labour


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