Project Title

APEC Workshop on Strengthening Tourism Business Resilience against the impact of Terrorist Attack 

Project Year


Project Number

CTWG 01 2016A 

Project Session

Session 1   

Project Type


Project Status

Completed Project   
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Project No.

CTWG 01 2016A 

Project Title

APEC Workshop on Strengthening Tourism Business Resilience against the impact of Terrorist Attack 

Project Status

Completed Project 

Publication (if any)


Fund Account

APEC Support Fund 


ASF: Human Security 

Project Year


Project Session

Session 1 

APEC Funding


Co-funding Amount


Total Project Value


Sponsoring Forum

Counter Terrorism Working Group (CTWG) 


Counter Terrorism 


SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE) 

Other Fora Involved


Other Non-APEC Stakeholders Involved


Proposing Economy(ies)


Co-Sponsoring Economies

Australia; Papua New Guinea; Chinese Taipei 

Expected Start Date


Expected Completion Date


Project Proponent Name 1

Wandi Adriano 

Job Title 1

Deputy Director for Multilateral Cooperation 

Organization 1

National Counter Terrorism Agency of Indonesia (BNPT) 

Postal Address 1

Kawasan Indonesia Peace and Security Centre, Sentul, Bogor, Indonesia 16180 

Telephone 1

62-21 29099248 

Fax 1

62-21 29339666 

Email 1 

Project Proponent Name 2

Not Applicable 

Job Title 2

Not Applicable 

Organization 2

Not Applicable 

Postal Address 2

Not Applicable 

Telephone 2

Not Applicable 

Fax 2

Not Applicable 

Email 2

Not Applicable 


Wandi Adriano 

Project Summary

This project aims to build better cooperation amongst APEC Economies in safeguarding tourism industry against the negative impact of terrorist attack, as reflected in the 2015 APEC Leaders’ Statement to fully implement the APEC Consolidated Counter - Terrorism and Secure Trade Strategy.

This two-day workshop held in Bali, Indonesia on March 2017, will involve experience sharing and discuss various policies, planning and strategy that have been implemented by APEC Economies to improve security against any threat that might disrupt businesses and the movement of people. The workshop will provide policy recommendation on how to create reliable, secure and resilience tourism industry in the region during security crisis.

Examples to be discussed in the workshop might include recent incidents and measures taken by economies and the private sector such as and not limited to hotels, transportation network, logistic, events organizers and others as well as the local communities.


Relevance - Region: Tourist destinations often become target by terrorist especially since terrorist attack tend to generate more attention and can weaken the tourism industry of the economy where the attack takes place. The popularity of tourist destination and the headline of the attack, particularly involving international tourists, will capture media and public attention worldwide that terrorist may seek to capitalize. Terrorist attack in tourist destination may have negative impact on the tourism industry as tourists may prefer to stay away from the tourist destination. The world’s tourism map is being redrawn at lightning speed as holiday makers switch preferences prompted by terror attack. Attacks on tourists last year have devastated the tourism sectors.  Visitors drop, leaving coast resorts empty, hotels idle and the economy in tatters especially where tourism contributed for high percentage of the domestic economy scaring holidaymakers, and prompting numerous cancelations.

In view of the continuing threat of terrorism to tourist destination, the proposed project mainly seeks to strengthen member economies resilience against the negative impact of terrorist attack to tourism industry. It is essential that member economies are able to swiftly and properly respond and guide tourism industry so that they are able to recover rapidly from disruption as well as to regain tourist’s confidence and trust on the security realm.

The proposal is consistent with the 2015 APEC Leaders Statement which encouraged economies to implement fully the APEC Consolidated Counter- Terrorism and Secure Trade Strategy which takes a comprehensive integrated approach to ensuring the resilience of regional commerce by enhancing the ability of member economies to protect their economy systems, recover rapidly from disruptions, and maintain the flow of legitimate trade and travel. In addition the APEC leaders also encouraged economies to continue taking collective and individual actions and sharing of best practices and secure infrastructures, travel, supply chains, and financial system from terrorist activities. 

Relevance – Rank:  Rank 1. This project fulfils the criteria on “Building sustainable and resilient communities” which falls under rank 1 on the APEC funding criteria. The project also links with “Secure growth: counter terrorism” under rank 2 on the APEC funding criteria.


1) Enhancing member economies’ understanding on the impact of terrorist attack to tourist destination.

2) Sharing experiences and best practices in dealing and responding to the impact of terrorist attack in tourist destination. 

3) Enabling APEC economies to strengthen their resilience against the impact of terrorist attack in tourist destination.


The proposal is consistent with the 2015 APEC Leaders Statement which encouraged economies to implement fully the APEC Consolidated Counter-Terrorism and Secure Trade Strategy which takes a comprehensive integrated approach to ensuring the resilience of regional commerce by enhancing the ability of member economies to protect their economy systems, recover rapidly from disruptions, and maintain the flow of legitimate trade and travel. The leaders also encouraged economies to continue taking collective and individual actions and sharing of best practices and secure infrastructures, travel, supply chains, and financial system from terrorist activities.

This project is also in line with APEC Leaders’ pledge to help secure the region's people and its economic, trade, investment and financial systems from terrorist attack which are stated in - the 2001 APEC Leaders Statement on Counter-Terrorism  - to enhance counter-terrorism cooperation in line with specific circumstances in their respective economies, through cooperation to limit the economic fallout from the attacks and move to restore economic confidence in the region through policies and measures to increase economic growth as well as ensure stable environment for trade, investment, travel and tourism; and also pledge to cooperate fully to ensure that international terrorism does not disrupt economies and markets, through close communication and cooperation among economic policy and financial authorities.

Moreover, this project also meets the APEC 2016 theme: Quality Growth and Human Development and corresponds with APEC 2016 priorities of Advancing Regional Integration and Quality Growth as the primary goal of APEC is to build a dynamic and harmonious Asia-Pacific community by championing free and open trade and investment, promoting and accelerating regional economic integration, encouraging economic and technical cooperation as well as enhancing human security and facilitating a favourable and sustainable business environment In that regard, as the tourism and travel industry contributes to the economic growth and generates employment, thus this project is very much relevant to the APEC priority since this project will increase awareness of the importance to have a secured environment of the tourism and travel industry, secured infrastructures in particular with the current increasing threat deriving from ISIS/L and how member economies could quickly bounce back after the incident of terrorist attack occurs by sharing of experiences of the recent terrorist incidents and the policy undertaking for a quick respond to the attack as well as deliberations how to engage private sectors and local community to remain vigilance.

The project is aligned with other policy frameworks specific to the CTWG which include: (i) Strategic Plan 2013 – 2017, Objective 1: Strengthen security, efficiency and resilience in the Asia Pacific region through activities in the four cross-cutting areas of APEC’s Counter Terrorism and Secure Trade Strategy: secure supply chains, secure travel, secure finance, and secure infrastructure as well as (ii) Counter Terrorism Working Group Workplan 2016 related to Conduct and advance activities related to human and institutional capacity building, empirical research, and collaboration training in countering violent extremism, counter-terrorism, secure trade and travel, in close cooperation and coordination with relevant lead APEC sub fora.

TILF/ASF Justification

This project is sought through the APEC Support Fund, which supports capacity-building need for APEC developing economies in accordance with high-priority areas for economic and technical cooperation. As noted above, This project is in line with the 2015 APEC Leaders statement which encouraged economies to implement fully the APEC Consolidated Counter- Terrorism and Secure Trade Strategy which takes a comprehensive integrated approach to ensuring the resilience of regional commerce by enhancing the ability of member economies to protect their economy systems, recover rapidly from disruptions, and maintain the flow of legitimate trade and travel.

This projects aims to achieve among others better understanding on the impact of terrorist attack to tourist destination through sharing experiences and best practices among economies  in dealing and responding to the impact of terrorist attack in tourist destination. The knowledge and lesson learned will be shared among economies to strengthen APEC economies resilience against the impact of terrorist attack in tourist destination. 

According to World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) Travel and Tourism Economic Impact Report 2016 for APEC, direct contribution of travel and tourism to GDP in 2015 was USD1,179.1bn (2.7% of GDP). This primary reflects the economic activity generated by industries such as hotels, travel agents, airlines and other passenger transportation services as well as the activities of the restaurant and leisure industries directly supported. The travel and tourism industry also contributes directly to employment as the industry generated 47,946,500 jobs directly in 2015 (3.2% of total employment).

As the industry is substantially contribute towards the economic growth and investment, which is very crucial to developing economies, therefore it is important to secure the tourism and travel industry, tourism site, as well as the facilitation of the travel such as the means of transportation and airports/ports. This is due to many industries associated with tourism, such as hotels, airlines, shops and restaurants, will suffer the repercussions of acts of terror. In particular with the increasing threat of terrorism in which according to Global Terrorism Index 2015 the terrorist activities increased by 80 percent in 2014 to its highest recorded level and the economic losses from terrorism reach the highest ever level in 2014.

In that regard, with the above shown figures, it is important to keep the awareness of the public, relevant private sectors, and policy makers as well as the law enforcement of the increasing threat of terrorist attacks in particular in a place where people gather in a large crowd such as tourist sites. Therefore, it is hoped that by deliberation of experts, academia, law enforcements, policy making and private sectors relevant to the tourism and travel industry during the two-day workshop will increase common knowledge and understanding of the nature of the current threat, actions to be taken if such incidents occur, increased awareness of the importance of security and vigilance by all stakeholders as well as sharing of experiences on the policy taken in the aftermath of recent attacks and how to increase resiliency of the local communities.  It is also hoped that this project could increase capacity of personnel involved in the travel and tourism sector from government, and law enforcement as well as relevant private sectors as the workshop will also involve relevant stakeholder in the tourism and travel industry.

Beneficiaries and Outputs

Outputs: Outputs of the project include:

·  Workshop for the officials of counter terrorism lead agencies and tourism ministries from all APEC member economies and public as well as private sector tourism industries’ operators (at the maximum of 2 participants per delegates). 

·  A document with best practices identified and recommendation provided.

·  A framework to improve the resilience of APEC economies against the impact of terrorist attack in tourist destination. 

Outcomes: Potential project outcomes will be among other;

1) Increased understanding on lesson learned and good practices of building tourism bussines resilience in the aftermath of terrorist attack.

2) The document of best practicess of building APEC member economies resilience in the aftermath of terrorist attack will be discussed at CTWG meeting and seek CTWG’s endorsement as CTWG’s policy recommendation on the subject.

3) The document of best practices can be utilized by member economies on a voluntary basis to develop  effective undertaking on how to create reliable, secure and resilience tourism industry in the aftermath of terrorist attack.

4) Improved capacity of member economies to develop resilience tourism in the aftermath of terrorist attack.

5) A follow up CTWG Workshop to develop further best practices by taking into account the implementation of the document of best practices by each member economies. 

Beneficiaries: Direct beneficiaries of the project would be policy makers of APEC economies, particularly senior officer of counter terrorism lead agencies and tourism agencies from all APEC economies. As the workshop will be an avenue for exchanging of views as well as policies in particular from the officers/economies who had experienced of terrorist attacks in tourism site/location and what measures/policies have been taken to recover the situation, therefore, after attending the workshop, participants who are expected to be the policy maker in CT lead agencies will gain knowledge and valuable information from the workshop. They would also have the opportunity to craft or adjust their own policy regarding best measures deriving from past experiences. Policy maker in CT lead agencies will also be able to get benefit by attending the workshop for networking, sharing information and strengthening cooperation between the CT leading agencies from member economies. 

The Project would also benefit private sectors’s who attend the workshop, as the workshop will involve agencies from tourism sectors as well as private sector from tourism industry association Indonesia as the host will also invite tourism association in particular from Bali region to share their experience in the aftermath of Bali bombing and member economies attending the workshop are encouraged to disseminate the result to their respective tourism association. 

Moreover, the project would overall benefited private sector or business in tourism sector as well as public in general through the rapid and effective response from member economies’s CT lead agencies officials to create reliable, secure and resilience tourism industry in the aftermath of terrorist attack.


All outputs of this project will be communicated to Tourism Working Group as well as SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation. The Project Overseer will also make a brief presentation on the project outcome during APEC CTWG SOM3, 2017. In addition the project output will be submitted to APEC and will be posted in APEC CTWG website.


This project will be implemented with an appropriate consideration of gender equality. Active participation and engagement of women will be promoted at all stages of the project as well as ensuring that the views of men and women will be represented equally. During the selection of nominations from member economies to attend the workshop, considerations will also be made to ensure that there are no gender biases in the selection of participants from economies and there will be sufficient numbers of women nominated for the event. Member economies are also encourage to nominate female participations for travel funding. Speakers and experts will also take into account gender balance. During the development of recommendations/best practices, PO will also ensure that the recommendation are taking gender approach consideration. 

It is important to note that during the planning phases, the project overseer has also coordinate with his supporting team, which consist of female officers. The project overseer will assure that gender considerations are taken into consideration during all stages of the projects. In addition, gender balance will be taking into account as an important criterion for selecting both local officials to attend the workshop. 

Finally, this project will benefit both men and women as stakeholders equally in the tourism and travel industry.

Work Plan

1) September to October 2016:

- Draft of the Workshop Agenda will be elaborated and circulated to economies for comment

- Incorporate the comments and finalize the agenda to reflect all interest by stakeholders.

2) November 2016 to January 2017:

- Invite and confirm speakers for the workshop from APEC economies.

- Promotion and dissemination from the workshop.

3) February to March 2017:

- Invite participants from APEC economies members.

- Ground arrangement by the organizing committee (logistic and documentation).

- March 2017: Implementation of the workshop.

- Upon conclusion of the workshop, project overseer will work with co-sponsors, speakers and other participants to draft a report for the CTWG.

The PO will ask APEC Secretariat to send out a ‘save-the-date’ notification to all APEC economies once the proposal has been approved and  reminders be sent out at regular intervals. The PO will also invites public and private sector operators on tourism  at the maximum of two participants to attend the workshop. The PO will  work closely with non-funded member economies to ensure that there is adequate representation, not only at the workshop but in the development of the project (identification of speakers and topics etc).


Estimated Date




Management of Risk

Document of best practices and policy recommendation

November 2016 – January 2017

Invite/confirm potential speakers

Experts invited and confirmed

Unavailability of experts

Work closely with co-sponsors and stakeholders to identify several alternatives of experts.

February-March 2917

Invite Participants

Number of participants

Dissemination not successful

Project overseer will strictly monitor and enforce data base

March 2017


Workshop implemented

Participants/speakers do not show up or cancel at last minute (Low risk)

Project overseers will be in close contact with speakers and participants throughout the process to minimize any last minute cancelations.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Progress indicators are among other:

1) Active contribution of participants to the development of best practices’ document which is measured by percentage of particants who actively share their experiences and best practices on the subject matter at the workshop.  It is expected that at the least 7 economies would participate to share their best practices during the workshop and contribute to the development of best practices document.

2) the successful completion of best practices’ document

3) the endorsement of best practices’ document as a voluntary policy recomendation for all APEC member economies by CTWG meeting. 

Indicator of outcomes are wider application of the points of best practices’  and number of  economies committing to implement the best practices’ document. Stakeholder feedback will be gathered through a pilot survey and discussed at the follow up workshop to be developed to enrich the best practices’ document.


The Project is directly related to the APEC Consolidated Counter- Terrorism and Secure Trade Strategy which takes a comprehensive integrated approach to ensuring the resilience of regional commerce by enhancing the ability of member economies to protect their economy systems, recover rapidly from disruptions, and maintain the flow of legitimate trade and travel. 

This project will also have a close collaboration with member of economies and non-APEC stakeholders from the private sectors will be involved in the sharing best practices. The project may also engage experts on tourism as well as Counter-Terrorism from international organization dealing with the respective topics, such as the World Tourism Organization. 

In accordance with APEC Guidelines on Managing Cooperation with Non-Members, PO will invite United Nations World Tourism Organization to brief the meeting on what the UNWTO has done under the UNWTO to discuss the nexus between security and tourism industry in particular with the threat pose by terrorist and the impact from terrorist attack to the tourism industry and vice versa that APEC economies could utilise the attendance of the UNWTO officials to inform the APEC work on this matter. PO will also explore the opportunity to invite representative of the World Travel and Tourism Council to be the speaker and to brief the workshop on the Travel and Tourism Economic impact in the APEC Region and the importance to keep the industry undisrupted since it is contributing to economies’ economic growth. 

Private sectors that will be invited is from tourism industry association such as tourism board association, hotel association, and restaurant association.


This workshop will help economies to obtain experience and lesson learned from other economies on how to create reliable, secure and resilience tourism industry during security crisis.  The participants and the experts can share experiences and best practices on how to apply the whole government approach as well as private and public partnership to deal with the situation. Sharing experiences and best practices on how to optimized the used of media and social media will also be beneficial to the participants.

After the workshop, this knowledge based on best practices and lesson learned could be used in their respective economies, to improve the tourism business resilience against the impact of terrorist attack.

To sum up, this project will continue to have impact after the APEC funding through the following important tools as follows: first, is related to the increased of expertise of the government officials and private sectors on handling the security crisis in the aftermath of terrorist attack, and second, is related to the implementation of the policy recommendations in each member economies in establishing conducive environment that support business resilience against terrorist attack.

For the sustainability of the project, the continuous work should be carried out by the relevant working groups by among others encouraging a collaboration between CTWG and Tourism Working Group to share during the respective meetings on how the project recommendation or lesson learned from the project is being implemented or being used domestically. 

Given the collaboration between TWG and CTWG on this project, the results will be presented and shared at their respective meetings. Also, seeing as that the results will be made available on the APEC website, a good indication of the usefulness of the project is the number of hits and downloads of the workshop output and follow up work in the two groups.

Project Overseers

Wandi Adriano, Deputy Director for Regional and Multilateral Cooperation, Counter Terrorism Agency, Indonesia.

Anita Sofiana, Staf at the Directorate for Regional and Multilateral Cooperation, Counter Terrorism Agency, Indonesia.

Igor Tanjung Pambuko, Staf at the Directorate for Regional and Multilateral Cooperation, Counter Terrorism Agency, Indonesia.

Cost Efficiency

Not Applicable.

Drawdown Timetable

Not Applicable.

Direct Labour

The Southeast Asia Regional Centre for Counter Terrorism (SEARCCT)  will be contracted to perform research and prepare for a draft of best practices on building apec member economies resilience in the aftermath of terrorist attack to be discussed at the workshop.  SEARCT will also be responsible for program design,coordinating of speakers and preparation of the final report. Mr. Thomas Koruth Samuel is  the Director of the Research and Publications division with SEARCCT He has a certificate in Terrorism Studies from St. Andrews University, Scotland (2007), an honors degree in Biomedical Technology (2000) and a Masters degree in Strategic and Defense Studies (2005) from the University of Malay, Malaysia.  During workshop he will facilitate a discussion on draft of best practices prepared by SEARCCT.  The honorarium and cost of travel for Mr. Thomas Samuel will be provided under the expert expenses. 

Please provide the details/scope of work of the translator.

For 2 days event in Bali, 2 translators will be delivering service of translation from Indonesian Language to English language if needed with the Simultaneous Interpretation System (SIS).


Since the workshop will be held in Bali, Indonesia, in order to have more dissemination of the benefits of the workshop and deep understanding of the subject discussed, it will be more effective to have simultaneous translation. 

Many of the speakers are from Indonesian with limited English language. Therefore the service of interpreter to translate Indonesian into English will be important and valuable to all participants of 21 economies to have deep understanding in materials delivered during the workshop by Indonesian speakers. Many of the speakers from Indonesia will also come from law enforcement agencies that could share invaluable data on the recent terrorist attack/threat in Indonesia and give lesson-learned on recent attack in Jakarta and measures to have quick response to the attack. Data/information shared by Indonesian officials will be valuable to all participants.

Are there any supporting document attached?

Version: 7.0 
Created at 01/08/2016 14:49  by Lucy Phua 
Last modified at 14/08/2018 16:29  by Lucy Phua 
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APEC Funding

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Other Non-APEC Stakeholders Involved

Proposing Economy(ies)

Co-Sponsoring Economies

Expected Start Date

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Project Proponent Name 1

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Project Proponent Name 2

Job Title 2

Organization 2

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Email 2


Project Summary




TILF/ASF Justification

Beneficiaries and Outputs



Work Plan


Monitoring and Evaluation



Project Overseers

Cost Efficiency

Drawdown Timetable

Direct Labour


Are there any supporting document attached?


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