Project Title

Use of Energy Resources of Near-Shore Areas of the APEC Economies as a Stable Source of Green Power in the Region 

Project Year


Project Number

EWG 02 2009S 

Project Session


Project Type


Project Status

Completed Project   
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Project No.

EWG 02 2009S 

Project Title

Use of Energy Resources of Near-Shore Areas of the APEC Economies as a Stable Source of Green Power in the Region 

Project Status

Completed Project 

Fund Account


Project Year


Sponsoring Forum

Energy Working Group (EWG) 




SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE) 

Other Fora Involved


Other Non-APEC Stakeholders Involved


Proposing Economy(ies)


Co-Sponsoring Economies

United States; Australia; Chinese Taipei 

Expected Start Date


Expected Completion Date


Project Proponent Name 1

Talyat Aliev 

Job Title 1

Deputy Director, International cooperation Department 

Organization 1

Ministry of energy of Russia 

Postal Address 1

107996, Russia, Moscow, Schepkina str. - 42 

Telephone 1

+7(495) 631-86-94 

Fax 1

+7 (495)631-81-50 

Email 1 

Project Proponent Name 2

Not Applicable 

Job Title 2

Not Applicable 

Organization 2

Not Applicable 

Postal Address 2

Not Applicable 

Telephone 2

Not Applicable 

Fax 2

Not Applicable 

Email 2

Not Applicable 


Talyat Aliev 

Project Cost (US$)


Project Summary

This project will help to:

- Increase renewable energies and zero emission energy uses in APEC economies;

Encourage regional energy efficiencies and maximize the potential development of
  clean energy technology;

- B
uild the energy basis at reasonable costs.

The prospects of this sector of power generation industry lie in the decentralization of energy supply, module structures giving the opportunity of building-up power generating units according to the needs on the site, provided that there is a long coastline, objects scattered wide apart, which  supply depends on weather conditions. The presence of electrical power supply opportunity, which does not require regular fuel supply, ensures stable living standards directly connected with electrical power supply.

Marine stream energy more powerful, stable and not impacted by most natural disasters (such as earthquakes, tsunami, hurricanes  etc.) and having a number of essentially positive features than other alternative or renewable energy resources (such as solar, wind, sea wave and tidal power stations) and deserves more attention on the part of APEC.

Currently, there is not enough data about the localization of the resources and their coincidence with the sites of (their relevance), which  requires additional research to determine optimal sites for stream-energy power stations in terms of their geographic, economic and regional relevance.

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Version: 3.0 
Created at 07/02/2013 10:24  by System Account 
Last modified at 18/07/2014 14:24  by Lucy Phua 
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Project No.

Project Title

Project Status

Fund Account

Project Year

Sponsoring Forum



Other Fora Involved

Other Non-APEC Stakeholders Involved

Proposing Economy(ies)

Co-Sponsoring Economies

Expected Start Date

Expected Completion Date

Project Proponent Name 1

Job Title 1

Organization 1

Postal Address 1

Telephone 1

Fax 1

Email 1

Project Proponent Name 2

Job Title 2

Organization 2

Postal Address 2

Telephone 2

Fax 2

Email 2


Project Cost (US$)

Project Summary

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Content Type: Self-Funded Proposal
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