Project Title

Assessing and Stocktaking on Economy-Level Policies relating to Sustainable and Climate Resilient Agriculture, Fisheries, and Aquaculture - MYAP on Food Security and Climate Change 

Project Year


Project Number

PPFS 01 2018 

Project Session

Session 1   

Project Type


Project Status

Withdrawn Project   
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Project Number


Project Title

Assessing and Stocktaking on Economy-Level Policies relating to Sustainable and Climate Resilient Agriculture, Fisheries, and Aquaculture - MYAP on Food Security and Climate Change 

Concept Note Status

Approved In-Principle 

Fund Account

General Project Account 



Project Year


Project Session

Session 1 

APEC Funding


Co-funding Amount

Total Project Value


Sponsoring Forum

Policy Partnership on Food Security (PPFS) 


Food Security 


SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation (SCE) 

Other Fora Involved


Other Non-APEC Stakeholders Involved


Proposing Economy(ies)

Papua New Guinea 

Co-Sponsoring Economies

Australia; Chile; Japan; Peru; Singapore; Chinese Taipei; Viet Nam 

Expected Start Date


Expected Completion Date


Project Proponent Name 1

Petrus Dii Urka 

Job Title 1

Aid Coordinator 

Organization 1

Department of Agriculture and Livestock 

Postal Address 1

Central Government Office, Kumul Avenue, Waigani, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea 

Telephone 1

675-74223595 / 3007800 

Fax 1

Not Applicable 

Email 1 

Project Proponent Name 2

Not Applicable 

Job Title 2

Not Applicable 

Organization 2

Not Applicable 

Postal Address 2

Not Applicable 

Telephone 2

Not Applicable 

Fax 2

Not Applicable 

Email 2

Not Applicable 


Petrus Dii Urka 

Project Summary

This project will assess and conduct a stock take on Economy-level policies relating to sustainable and climate resilient agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture. The negative impact of climate change on food production systems threaten all aspects of food security, including food productivity, food supply chain, food price and economic growth in APEC. Enabling sustainable and climate resilient agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture in APEC will improve capacities for increasing food production and capacities for enhancing trade and food security.  To develop sustainable and climate resilient agriculture, a comprehensive research in the APEC is needed. Sharing of relevant experience on policies and tools among APEC economies will improve capacity building and good practice in the food, agriculture and fisheries sectors. A project coordination team comprising key policy and technical experts from the government and private sectors within APEC and International organizations will undertake this exercise. It will identify and clarify policies, good practices and level of capacities currently existing in the APEC.  The project will be 10 -12 months with the participation of 17/21 economies, at least.


Relevance – Region: The project will require economies to engage in the stock taking activities and share lessons learned or their knowledge on existing policies available on sustainable and climate resilient agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture within individual sectors to enhance food security. This will be done through a workshop which brings together technical and policy expertise. The information gathered during the workshop in 2019 will be synthesised into a stocktake document which will guide Phase two of the MYAP. Climate Change is a global challenge and APEC member economies will need information, capacities and good practices that aid towards meeting this challenge and aims to contribute towards that means. This project ensures that APEC as a whole is on target with implementation of the MYAP FSCC 2018-2020. 

Relevance – Eligibility:  The project is under APEC’s economic and technical cooperation agenda which is aimed at attaining sustainable growth and equitable development, while reducing economic disparities among APEC economies and improving economic and social well-being. MYAP is priority of the immediate past APEC host economy (Viet Nam 2017) and the current host economy (PNG 2018). 

Relevance – Capacity Building:  Under the capacity building goals and objectives the project supports sustainable and equitable development in the APEC and intends to build economies (especially developing economies) capacity on food security and climate change relationships. The project has a long term benefit given the threats to food security posed by climate change and the co benefits of greenhouse gas reduction in the region. The project will identify and assess existing policies in relation to sustainable and climate resilient agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture in the APEC. The process will involve the full participation of the APEC economies and benefit from it. The project will enable member economies to improve their policies on climate change and food security relationships.


The overall objective is to implement the policy work stream of the MYAP and promote a more coordinated regional effort at addressing the closely linked challenges of food security and climate change. This will be undertaken in collaboration with all economies and other APEC food security fora such as ATCWG, HLPDAB, OFWG on food security and climate change policy. In undertaking the stocktake, APEC food security groups also have the opportunity to partner with and utilize the related expertise of the Policy Partnership on Science, Technology, and Innovation (PPSTI), Emergency Preparedness Working Group (EPWG) and the APEC climate Centre. The project also intends to engage and draw upon expertise for the private sector, academia and other regional and global multilateral organizations. The objectives of the project are to: 1. Assess and stock take on existing economy level policies on climate resilient/smart agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture. 2. focus on good practices related to policies and technologies which will contribute towards developing sound policies on climate change and food security and also focus on Agrobiodiversity and or traditional knowledge. 3. Define fundamental requirements/pillars of a food security and climate change policy that best address the linkage of climate change to addressing the food security agenda.

TILF/ASF Justification

Not Applicable.


Alignment – APEC: The project linked to Niigata Declaration on APEC Food Security, the first comprehensive APEC plan for promoting regional Food Security. It also aligns to Kazan Declaration 2012 and Beijing Declaration 2014 on Food Security which stated: “the increasingly urgent need to adapt agricultural systems to climate change and help agricultural communities become more resilient to droughts and floods, especially for smallholders”. and Piura Declaration outlining new plans for tackling food security respectively. It is also related to Can Tho Statement and Da Nang Declaration 2017 on “Enhancing Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture in response to Climate Change”, addressing Food Security-Climate change relationship, which links directly with the work of APEC economies for implementing the APEC Food Security Roadmap Towards 2020 on the strategy on; Sustainable Development of the Agriculture and Fishery Sector to achieve its long term goal. It links to one of the three primary pillars: a. sustainably increases agricultural, fisheries, and aquaculture productivity and income. And it strongly aligns with the APEC PNG 2018 priority 2 on Sustainable and Inclusive Growth, (c) promoting food security to progress the work on MYAP that requires further actions. Additionally, it is aligned with Sustainable Development Goal 2 and 13. 

Alignment – Forum: The project is aligning to MYAP 2018–2020 Key Actions under its Policy Work stream, focusing on assessing and stocktaking on current and ongoing policies, new policy initiatives and lightly focus on the main areas of the other work streams and engagement of developed and developing economies on climate change impacts on the agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture sectorsand the objectives of APEC Food Security Roadmap Towards 2020, point 12 on sustainable development of agriculture and fisheries sectors, the Food Security Business Plan 2014 – 2020 goal on “Sustainable development on agriculture and fisheries.


Work plan: Should the concept note and project proposal be accepted, TORs will be drafted and climate and agriculture experts (contractors) within APEC will be identified for the stock taking exercise which will involve document and analysis of existing policies and practices at the economy level in August 2018. In SOM 3 in August/September 2018 project activity outline and timeframe will be presented. By February 2019 (SOM1) early findings will be presented and recommendation made. August/September, 2019, stakeholder workshop in the margins of SOM3 to validate the results and share findings. The report will be reviewed and a final draft will be provided in November 2019.The report will then inform for the second phase of the MYAP. The steps to undertake the stock take are; i) Broad survey sent to MYAP contact point from all economies. ii) Key information’s/stakeholders interviews, iii) targeted case studies from few economies on key Climate Resilient Agriculture policies, and iv) stakeholders workshop to both validate the results and share early findings. Based on that with the project will develop a dashboard of existing CRA/CSA policies across APEC economies, it would provide an overview of the status of implementation, key objectives, focus areas, target groups, funding mechanisms and key implementation challenges.

Timeline 2018/2019



  August 2018


Aug/Sept 2018


Feb 2019


Aug/Sept 2019

November 2019



MYAP – Assessing & Stocktaking on economy level policies relating…   

 Draft TORs and engage contractors

Present Project activity outline & timeframe

Present  early findings

 Stakeholders Workshop to validate the result and share findings

Review Report & Final draft provided.

Engage  consultants to undertake stocktake

Beneficiaries: The direct beneficiaries of the project include policy makers, technical experts on climate change, agriculture, fisheries/aquaculture and the APEC developing economies and developed economies. Indirect beneficiaries include SME agriculture farmers and fishers, researchers, students, food producers and consumers, agri-business and the general public.

Evaluation: The success or outcome will be measured by the number of developed and developing economies actively participated by contributing the necessary information.  That is the number of economies that actually have a current policy or a new policy initiative on sustainable and climate resilient agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture. The impact will be measured through the number of new policies developed and or existing policies reviewed. Capacity building outcomes would be measured through assessing the levels of increase in cooperation activities, knowledge and new/strengthened capacities of APEC economy participants through pre and post event surveys. A project base line will be provided during the project preparation state to measure the stock takes success in terms of delivery of activities in time and on budget.

PPFS will oversee and manage this project under the MYAP in close cooperation with other APEC fora such as the Agricultural Technical Cooperation Working Group (ATCWG), the High Level Policy Dialogue on Agricultural Biotechnology (HLPDAB), and the Oceans and Fisheries Working Group (OFWG). PPFS will engage with the related APEC fora to ensure that MYAP activities are closely coordinated with their efforts so that there is consistency in the implementation of the MYAP. International organizations such as World Bank, FAO, IFAD etc., and regional organizations such as PIF and ASEAN and think tanks such as the Climate Institute and APEC’s Climate Center which have vast experience and knowledge on the area will be represented. Relevant domestic agencies and institutions directly linked to the project will also be represented.

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Content Type: Standard Concept Note
Version: 3.0 
Created at 25/04/2018 15:05  by Lucy Phua 
Last modified at 04/05/2018 16:21  by Lucy Phua 
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Project Number

Project Title

Concept Note Status

Fund Account


Project Year

Project Session

APEC Funding

Co-funding Amount

Total Project Value

Sponsoring Forum



Other Fora Involved

Other Non-APEC Stakeholders Involved

Proposing Economy(ies)

Co-Sponsoring Economies

Expected Start Date

Expected Completion Date

Project Proponent Name 1

Job Title 1

Organization 1

Postal Address 1

Telephone 1

Fax 1

Email 1

Project Proponent Name 2

Job Title 2

Organization 2

Postal Address 2

Telephone 2

Fax 2

Email 2


Project Summary



TILF/ASF Justification



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